Chapter 508: Qiu Xian

Originally, the Guandong Mountain Pass was quite lively. In the past, the shopkeepers of these foot shops would come out to chat, and there were also some passing merchants. There were also young men at the door of each foot shop to greet and send them off. , but after Jin Da and the others did this, the south side of the Guandong Mountain pass was completely quiet. The big car shop opposite didn't even dare to go out and take a look. I was afraid that the Jinhua boss lady would turn around and deal with them. The door was closed. The waiters and shopkeepers inside are all armed. If anyone dares to rush in, he will be beaten into a hornet's nest. Anyone who can open a shop here has something to do with him.

About an hour later, a deafening sound of horse hooves sounded on the road. A large group of horses quickly rushed to the pass of Guandong Mountain. On the way there, they saw the battlefield where Jinda and the others had just fought. They recognized it at a glance. Not long after the battle, the bodies of many dead horses were still warm, so the vanguard horse team hurried towards the Kanto Mountain pass.


Bai Mu'er reined in the reins and looked at the quiet Guandong Pass. All the doors were closed. Only a large car shop in the east was open, but no one was saying hello. Bai Mu'er frowned and felt Something's not right

"Does anyone have one? Are you out of breath?"

Bai Mu'er got off his horse and walked to the door of the big car shop in a few steps. Seeing that the guise of the big car was still there, he shouted loudly to the inside of the big car shop. After shouting, no one answered him, and he strode in. The big car shop, seeing the chaos in the big car shop, shouted loudly to the big car shop

"Commander, there was no one inside, and he didn't have time to pack up many things. He seemed to be leaving in a hurry, taking only gold and silver items with him."

Several shaman disciples who followed Bai Mu'er also entered the big car shop. They found that no one answered the big car shop, so they went to the big car shop by themselves and walked around. They found that the building was really empty, so they walked out and followed Bai Mu'er. Report

"Damn it, something is wrong, go to the surrounding shops and show the signs and ask them what happened here?"

The more Bai Muer thought about it, the more something was wrong. There was an ambush on the road not far from here, and many people died. As a result, the doors of every house here were closed. This is understandable, but this big car shop ran away in a hurry. There must be something wrong here

"Yes, Commander."

Several black-robed shaman disciples hurriedly went out to find people to inquire about the news and asked what happened here.

"Get off your horse and follow me as a team."

"You guys follow me"

"You guys come with me."

The three teams split up to find people to inquire about the news. Because they were worried about an accident, each team consisted of more than a dozen people, fully armed and cautious, and went to knock on the doors of closed shops.

"anyone here? We are a shamanic cavalry team, please respond."

A group of shamans in black robes arrived at the door of Shopkeeper Qian's shop. They did not knock on the door. They stood three steps away from the door and shouted loudly into the house.

"I wonder what's going on with your religion?"

There was a pause in the room before Shopkeeper Qian's voice rang out.

Shopkeeper Qian was hiding in the house with seven or eight guys. They knew it when the shaman cavalry came, but they didn't know which force it was, so They were all hiding in the back room, holding guns in their hands. When the time came, they would fight if they could, and if they couldn't, they would run away. From here, they could go straight to the backyard, climb over the wall and go to the back mountain. It's safe.

Now that Shopkeeper Qian heard that it was Shamanism, he was somewhat relieved. At least it was a relatively large force, so it was relatively safer. At least he didn't have to worry about being killed and robbed. They had this little thing People look down on shamanism. Besides, this kind of big sect still wants to be shameless and can’t do anything too extreme.

"Ask for some news, don't worry, we will leave after asking what we want to know, and we won't stay longer."

When the leading black-robed shaman disciple heard someone chatting with him, although his voice was a little trembling, he felt that the people here were pretending to be calm, so he spoke more tactfully, trying not to misunderstand the people inside.

"Please come in."

Butler Qian heard the people outside speaking politely in the house, not that arrogant and unreasonable. He felt that he should be easy to talk to, so he also planned to open the door to welcome guests. He, shopkeeper Qian, could not lose his identity, but he did not dare He went to open the door, fearing that someone would drag him out as soon as he opened the door. He turned around and looked at the guys around him. They were all worse than him. They were all trembling with fear, and some had fear in their eyes. So he had no choice but to Let the person outside the door open the door and come in.

"No, you should all come out."

When the black-robed shaman disciple outside the door heard that he was asked to come in, he frowned. He was crazy. He dared to open the door and go in at this time. If he opened the door, he would be shot from inside. How unjust he died. Ah, who can I talk to to reason with you?

"This..., we."

Shopkeeper Qian didn't dare to go out. When he went out, he was held up with a gun. He couldn't run away or be beaten. So he wasn't at the mercy of others.

"It's bright outside, so I advise you not to make yourself uncomfortable."

The leading black-robed shaman disciple was a little impatient. He felt that the people inside were too stubborn. It was so troublesome to ask them to come out just to get some information. He spoke with a threat, but he said it. Very subtle

"Okay, okay, let's go out now."

Shopkeeper Qian didn't feel uncomfortable when he heard that he was inside. He was excited. He really couldn't say that he was polite to these people. The main reason was that he really didn't dare to be rude. The bright outside means that there will be no evil. At least He doesn't know how to kill people and buy goods, so Shopkeeper Qian braved himself and walked outside. Even so, he didn't forget to pull the boys to give him courage.


Shopkeeper Qian calmed down behind the door, stretched out his still trembling hand, and opened the door.

"Hehe, do you have anything to ask your master? I must know everything and say everything."

Shopkeeper Qian saw that it was a group of men in black robes. Although they all had guns in their hands, the muzzles of the guns were all pointed downwards. They did not point the muzzles directly at his head. He quickly saluted the leading man in black robes with cupped fists. , smiled flatteringly, and spoke kind words.

"What's going on with that big car shop?"

The leading man in black robe looked at the shopkeeper Qian who was standing in the door and didn't dare to come out. He felt a burst of contempt in his heart. This was really timid, but he couldn't delay the serious business, so he asked the boss Jinhua to go to the car shop. What's going on with the building being empty?

"Oops, you ask that big car shop, I know that, that's what happened."

When Shopkeeper Qian heard that he was asking about the big car shop, he felt a little more at ease. He quickly told the black-robed shaman disciples what he had seen today. He was talking about everything down to the smallest detail. Comparing it with the storytellers.

The other two teams of black-robed shaman disciples who inquired about information encountered similar situations. The only difference was that the team that went to the big car shop opposite to call the door, the others were trembling with fear. The big car shop opened the door happily. It was so warm to see the shamans. The black-robed shaman disciple who led the team found out after asking that this was actually the Liu family's feet, which could also be regarded as a news channel for the shamans. , but because of the special environment, they didn’t use any pretense. They were originally frightened by this gun battle, and they were frightened by the people coming from the big car shop opposite. They were really afraid that the proprietress opposite would take revenge on them and give them a mess. Okay, this door-to-door business is bound to have some quarrels, but how can they be unhappy when they see someone knocking on the door claiming to be a shaman? This is a backer.

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