The deadline is approaching, and Lin Qingyuan has even dreamed more than usual recently.



    The most ironic thing is that she is also standing in the team of those ghosts.

    Facing such a scene, Lin Qingyuan felt uncomfortable at first, but gradually got used to it as time passed.

    It's just reincarnation.

    It's all destiny.

    Thinking about it like this can make my heart feel much more relieved.

      There is still only one end.

    And now, the end is near.

    She is a planned person, she has arranged all the things a long time ago, and thought she could relax and leave.

    But for some reason, her dream has suddenly changed recently.

    What appeared in the dream was no longer those terrifying pictures, but a girl who was somewhat unfamiliar but very familiar to her.

    The girl has many names, either Jiang Yu'an or Zhou Ying, her identity is always changing, and her appearance is often different.

    But no matter what she becomes, Lin Qingyuan can always recognize her very accurately.

    It seems that she has been carved into her life.

    Such an emotion was really beyond Lin Qingyuan's expectations. It was probably God's will to trick people. She was about to die, but God suddenly gave her an unexpected surprise.

    Lin Qingyuan frowned slightly, and finally woke up from the dream.


    I didn't want to touch the clothes, but I touched a small furry head.

    "Xiao Huang." Lin Qingyuan said, telling her to stop making trouble.

    "Gah!" Jiang Zhinan was angry at first, but when she heard her murdering him again, he felt a little wronged, so he pulled his neck and groaned and asked her, who is that Nannan?

    Sounds so loud, unheard of.

    After a while, Lin Qingyuan smiled softly.


    "Quack quack." Jiang Zhinan shook his head and said no, no, no.

    One person and one duck remained in a stalemate for a long time.

    "Could it be that it was me?" Lin Qingyuan came to such a conclusion after a while.

    "Gah." This time Jiang Zhinan finally nodded and patted her arm with a small wing, feeling aggrieved.

    Lin Qingyuan really doesn't know what happened to her.

    She sighed, calmed down and felt the breath of this little thing in front of her, wondering if she was uncomfortable.

    But she searched for a long time and couldn't find anything wrong. This little thing has a very strong vitality, even stronger than that of many ordinary people.

    "Perhaps this is the difference between Feng Shui masters and ordinary people." The system said quietly in her mind, "She thought you were angry because you were not healthy."

    It would be better if the system didn't say this, Jiang Zhinan couldn't even come out.

    Humans and ducks are destined to be unable to communicate. Jiang Zhinan quaked for a while until her throat became hoarse.

    Lin Qingyuan got up and put on her clothes, and then came to the bathtub and fished her out, still holding her in the palm of her hand.

    Jiang Zhinan didn't slow down, he turned his **** to her, paralyzed in her hand, motionless.

    Lin Qingyuan didn't feel anything wrong, she gently stroked her back as she walked out.

    Haoyue saw this scene, and her heart suddenly became sour as if she had eaten a basket of lemons.


    Lin Qingyuan lived in the courtyard.

    Qianqiu and Haoyue have been with her for a long time. They both know her husband's habits well, and know that she has to come back to bathe and change before going out to perform rituals, and will stay here overnight after the rituals.

    So they were ready early.

    Lin Qingyuan rested for the night, her mental state was much better than yesterday, and she appeared at the table early in the morning.

    "Do you want something to eat, sir?" Qianqiu walked over quickly and asked, "I'll make it for you right away."

    "Porridge is fine." Lin Qingyuan said.

    This is her long-standing habit. In the past, when she was at home, Jiang Zhinan could always see her sitting at the table drinking porridge every morning.

    This person does not have high desires, and food is probably just a tool to support her life, as long as she can fill her stomach, there is no requirement for taste.

    Jiang Zhinan thought at first that it was because her eyes were not good, so she kept everything simple, but she never thought that this time someone would cook for her, and she only chose to drink porridge.

    Jiang Zhinan looked at her eagerly, feeling a little distressed, so she jumped on the table with wings and rubbed against her hand.

    I will cook you delicious food every day after I become a human.

    She quacked a few times, hooked Lin Qingyuan's fingers with her wings and promised her.

    "Where's Xiao Huang?" Qianqiu looked over and touched Jiang Zhinan's white feathers, "What would you like to eat?"

    Jiang Zhinan didn't speak, and slammed his body against the back of Lin Qingyuan's hand.

    Lin Qingyuan raised her hand and touched her head, then she opened her lips and said a lot of things.

     Jiang Zhinan often eats them every day.

    I only drink porridge, but it is so good for the ducks.

    Qianqiu's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, but he didn't say anything, and quickly turned around to prepare.

    Today's sunshine is not bad, Qianqiu hasn't cooked yet, Lin Qingyuan kept her eyes closed and silent, Jiang Zhinan was bored, so she jumped off the table and wanted to go out to bask in the sun.

    This courtyard is also a property under the name of Lin Qingyuan, and all the facilities in the courtyard are very regular.

    After looking at it for a while, she suddenly saw Haoyue's figure in the small pavilion opposite the pond.

    Although it is a little far away, Jiang Zhinan can still clearly see that she is on the phone.

    It was probably a very happy phone call. Seeing the joy on her face, Jiang Zhinan smiled and revealed a mouth of little white teeth.

    I don't know what I'm talking about.

    Jiang Zhinan didn't have the habit of eavesdropping, so he wanted to turn his head and look elsewhere.

    But before she could turn around, Haoyue who was sitting in the pavilion already smiled and waved to her.

    "Xiao Huang!" She said, calling Jiang Zhinan's name eagerly and wanting to call her over, "Come and play with me?"


    Jiang Zhinan didn't want to leave, she was tired.

    "You swim here!" Probably seeing her reluctance, Haoyue immediately gave her another trick.

    "Quack." Jiang Zhinan still shook his head.

    Although the water in the pond looks clean, it is actually dirty. She is afraid that she will swim over and stain the hair on her body. After returning home, Lin Qingyuan should despise her.

    "Come on!" Haoyue continued to beg her, "Let me hug you!"

    It's still a child's heart.

    "Alas." Jiang Zhinan sighed.

    Go and go, just let her.

    Thinking like this, Jiang Zhinan cried twice, waving her small wings and jumping into the pond to swim towards Haoyue.

    The closer she got, the more clearly Haoyue could hear what Haoyue said. Jiang Zhinan realized that she was talking to her family.

    The content is probably that the Chinese New Year is coming, the family wants to go out to play together for a few days, and want to ask if she can come back.

    "Yes, yes." During the rare reunion time, Haoyue naturally went, so she answered the phone and said she was going to say hi to Mr. and ask for leave for a few days.

    Jiang Zhinan stood beside him and listened while tossing the water on his body. When he heard the word Chinese New Year, it was inevitable that he would feel a little melancholy.

    After this year, Lin Qingyuan's virtual age can be said to be thirty, which is the age mentioned in that sentence.

    Jiang Zhinan was afraid that something would happen to her, that she would not remember herself by then, that they would never find each other again in the future.

    Many things are intertwined, and she has lost more hair than usual recently.

    Haoyue finished the phone call, came over, picked her up and walked back, chatting with her as she walked.

    It is a chat, in fact, it is mainly to express your girlish feelings, such as how much you yearn for travel and how much you like your husband.

    Jiang Zhinan wasn't very interested, so he didn't respond enthusiastically, and his cry was several times smaller than before.

    One person and one duck walked all the way back to the main room. When entering the room, Lin Qingyuan had already had breakfast and was playing with a few pieces of jade in his hand.

    "Sir!" Haoyue hurriedly took a few steps forward to ask her for leave, but before she could say anything, Lin Qingyuan interrupted her.

    Lin Qingyuan said that there was a ritual tomorrow, and she had to ask Haoyue to go with her, and let her prepare for it today.

    "But sir, I can't go to the ritual tomorrow." I guess I didn't expect such a coincidence, Haoyue's smiling face froze immediately, "I have made an appointment with my family, …”

    "No." Lin Qingyuan said.

    "Why not?" Haoyue was taken aback, "Sir, I really have something to do, can you ask Qianqiu to accompany you?"

    "It has to be you." Lin Qingyuan said this, and then turned her head, as if she didn't want to say more.

    This is the first time that Haoyue has followed Lin Qingyuan for so long to see her so stubborn.

    Although her husband was very strict with them in the past, Haoyue knew that her husband was actually very fond of them.

    Like the last time, she just casually said that she wanted a bracelet made of bloodstone, and somehow it reached her husband's ears. A few days later, there were so many on the table in her room. one.


    Mr.'s kindness to them has always been silent and deep.

    But this time...

    Haoyue couldn't understand what she was thinking, and couldn't guess at all.

    "Can't I really go home?" She said, with a little grievance in her voice.

    This time Lin Qingyuan did not speak.

    Haoyue waited for a long time without waiting for her to speak, and tears came down instantly.

    Jiang Zhinan, who was held in her arms, witnessed the whole process of the development, and originally wanted to comfort the little girl.

    However, before she could speak, Haoyue, who was holding her, suddenly let go, lowered her head and ran away with red eyes.

    Jiang Zhinan didn't react, and the wings fell to the ground before they were stretched out. With a snap, she sat on the ground and cried.

    Lin Qingyuan, who was not far away, got up and picked her up.

    "You went to the pond to play." She said in a low voice, "Why are you so wet?"

    "Quack quack..." Jiang Zhinan plunged into her arms, her **** hurting.

    "I'll take you to take a bath." Lin Qingyuan said, then turned around and took her to the back room.

    I don't know if it was an illusion. In a trance, Jiang Zhinan, who was in her arms, suddenly heard her sigh softly.

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