After hearing this, Ye Lan chuckled, then looked at Qiu Yu and said, Senior Sister Qiu Yu, I will definitely do it.

Qiu Yu nodded, and then said, Okay, you can practice hard.

After saying that, Qiu Yu turned around and pushed open the cabin at the back, and then walked in.

As the door closed, Ye Lan also looked at the knife in his hand.

Speak the truth. The scene Qiu Yu had just seen really shocked him.

To say it's not shocking would be an absolute lie.

Because in his understanding, it is possible for him to achieve the level of Iai Slash.

Because he only needs to draw the chakra from his own body and then use a little space ninjutsu to do it.

However, what surprised him was that he carefully looked at Qiu Yu's actions just now. What surprised him was Qiu Yu's actions just now, whether it was the beginning or the end.

He didn't even detect even a trace of chakra flowing from Qiu Yu's body.

This puzzled him. Because in his cognition, he cultivates Shen Nian Yidao style. They all require a certain amount of chakra, so why does Iai Slash use no chakra at all?

And what he didn't expect was. Akisame is actually able to reach such a high level with the Iai Slash without using any chakra. Does it mean that the Iai Slash really does not need to use chakra?

He was puzzled because in his consciousness, his consciousness was basically ninja thinking, so he felt that only by using chakra could he maximize his abilities. However, the actual result may not be what he thought. completely different.

Akisame was able to use the Iai Sword to such a high degree even without using any chakra. This sword energy penetrated two hundred meters.

But it really surprised him. He didn't expect that Iai Slash could achieve such a level. Although he said he knew that Iai Slash was very strong, it was obviously too strong.

The sword energy can reach a place two hundred meters away, and he can also control where the sword energy finally lands based on his own thoughts and the flow of the air. Doesn't that mean that he can strike anywhere at will.

Can we directly take the enemy general's head from among the thousands of troops?

This is a bit too exaggerated.

Even after much deliberation, Ye Lan couldn't figure out why.

So he decided not to think too much about it and just practice it by himself first.

So he pulled out the knife from his waist, and then slashed upwards.

The first few times he felt the process.

Neither is complete.

But as time went by, he felt that based on his current state, he should be able to learn the Iai Sword in a short time.

Because he felt that no matter how he chopped.

It seems that he can't reach the state he wants, yes, and he is not sure whether what Qiu Yu told him is complete, because he feels that in the process of chopping, although his movements are exactly the same as Qiu Yu's, no matter the movements The degree of completion was still the state he found himself, but it failed to achieve the effect he wanted.

But Ye Lan is not discouraged, because after all, this kind of thing cannot be accomplished overnight.

So, he completely believed it. Failure is the mother of success. Only through constant failure can he find and truly cultivate this truth.

The real way to kill Iai.

Therefore, he felt that he was the only one who practiced hard enough. It should be very simple to master this sword technique.

After all, it depends on his own talent.

He felt that it might not be difficult to really train this.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Lan continued to practice without slacking off. His only process now was to keep drawing out the sword, then, constantly raising it above his head, and then doing his best to chop the sword out.

While he was chopping, Qiu Yu's voice came from behind, Hey, don't chop in a hurry. Your most important thing now is to practice your sword first. Practice your sense of the air. , as well as these inductions of wind speed and current.

Without these inductions, I think it would be too early for you to practice on your own.

Ye Lan scratched his head in confusion after hearing this. Qiu Yu said it clearly. I just feel a little disgusted with him. But Yelan. He's not the kind of person who gets discouraged easily.

So under Qiu Yu's persuasion, he put down the knife in his hand, then closed his eyes and carefully sensed the various airflows around him.

At the beginning, Ye Lan could only feel the whistling wind around him. But as time passed, he felt as if the air around him had become a little different.

Then he could clearly feel the air around him. It seemed as if they were becoming more and more docile with his thoughts.

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