The Green Gourd Sword Fairy

Chapter 1631: Canglong sanctified

There are mountains in Beiyue, which are vast, layer upon layer, and misty. After leaving the territory of Wanggui City, head north all the way, cross a winding river, and then there are rolling mountains.

It snows all year round, the climate is extremely cold, and there are various poisonous insects and beasts infested in the mountains, so the mortals living here are extremely rare, most of them are some self-cultivation families in the Qi refining period, and they practice here in groups.

In the boundless wind and snow, a ray of light pierced the sky and flew forward at an extremely fast speed. In the light is a golden lion camel, and a young man is sitting on the lion's back. At this time, he is meditating with his eyes slightly closed.

"Boy Liang, once the 'Shao River' has passed, it means that we have left the territory of Wanggui City, and it should be regarded as the territory of Wuzhuang Mountain." The golden lion camel said suddenly.

After hearing this, the man on its back stopped exercising and opened his eyes leisurely. Wherever you look, there are continuous mountains and rivers, the vast world, and the snow-covered world of ice and snow, like a beautiful picture that never fades away.

"Finally here..." Liang Yan muttered to himself. Nine months have passed since he landed on the Antarctic Immortal Continent.

The territory of Wanggui City is larger than he imagined, perhaps because of the war with Wushuang City, the major teleportation circles in the territory are guarded by elite soldiers.

Liang Yan didn't want to cause more trouble, so he disguised himself all the way, changed his identity, and used various methods to muddle through. Although he succeeded in crossing the territory of Wanggui City in the end, it also took a lot of time.

Fortunately, after crossing the Shao River, the investigation along the way will be much more relaxed. The siege of Wushuang City affected ten cities including Baiyu City, Tiangong City, and Seven Star City. Half of the forces in Antarctic Immortal Continent were involved, but there were also many neutral forces who chose to sit on the sidelines.

Wuzhuang Mountain is one of them. From the outbreak of the war to the present, they have always maintained neutrality, so the territory is relatively stable, there are no demons making trouble, and there is no strict investigation.

"According to the description on the map, the inheritance place of Tianji Pavilion should be in this area..." Liang Yan thought to himself, took out the map from his sleeve, and compared it carefully.

Tianji Pavilion is an ancient sect, and its existence history is earlier than Kunwu Immortal Court. From the destruction of Tianji Pavilion to the present, the Antarctic Immortal Continent has undergone countless thousands of years of evolution, and the terrain today is completely different from what it was back then. .

Therefore, the map in Liang Yan's hand cannot be completely matched with the actual topographical location. He can only find the approximate location of the inheritance of Tianji Pavilion according to the marks on the map.

"According to the marks on the map, the destination is still north of us, but the distance is not too far." Liang Yan whispered.

"Understood." Lao Jin nodded, fluttered his wings, sped up, and galloped north... Just like that, the two of them headed north, and two months passed in the blink of an eye. time.

On this day, the wind gradually subsided, the ice and snow melted, and five towering peaks could be vaguely seen in the distance. These five peaks are extremely huge, and if taken out alone, it is probably no less than a city like Wanggui City. The five peaks are connected in one piece, so majestic and vast that it is impossible to see the whole picture clearly.

What's even more peculiar is that on the peaks of the five peaks, five groups of auspicious clouds can be faintly seen, divided into five colors of gold, blue, blue, red, and yellow.

"Boy Liang, why do you feel something is wrong...Looking at this, we have come to Mount Wuzhuang." Lao Jin's voice sounded directly in Liang Yan's mind.

Liang Yan frowned after hearing this. He glanced down, only to see a stone tablet erected on the mountain road in front of him. On the tablet, there was a line of big characters engraved on it, which was: "The gate of heaven falls on the cold mountain, the clear water passes through the inclined peak, and the divine fire burns the golden seal. Trees produce spring flowers, the five elements express all things, and the avenue is in the palm of your hand!" Liang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The five elements represent all things, and the avenue is in the palm of your hand... It seems that we have really come to Wuzhuang Mountain." After speaking, he took out the map from his sleeve again, compared it carefully, and finally said in a deep voice: "The place marked on the map should be right ahead!"

"What?" Lao Jin was taken aback and asked, "The inheritance you are looking for is on Mount Wuzhuang?"

"I'm afraid it is..." Liang Yan nodded slowly.

"How can this be good? If you want to hunt for treasure, you can't find someone else's lair, right? Not to mention whether the people in Wuzhuang Mountain will let you in, even if you make an exception and let you go up the mountain, if you find the inheritance, will they just sit there? Watching you take the inheritance away?"

"It's really tricky." Liang Yan sighed, looked around, and suddenly said, "Lao Jin, have you noticed that after approaching Wuzhuang Mountain, there are many more monks rushing than before?"

"Huh?" Lao Jin was slightly taken aback. He originally wanted to say, what time is it? He didn't want to think about how to find the place of inheritance, but also spent his time paying attention to what the monks who were on their way were doing?

But after thinking about it, he still didn't say anything, just said in a muffled voice: "Indeed, as you said, there are many monks who are on their way, but their cultivation base is not high, and most of them are around the golden core level. What does this have to do with us?"

"According to my observation, those people are not practicing five-element spells, that is to say, they are not disciples of Wuzhuang Mountain, but come from all over the mainland... This means that something big happened on Wuzhuang Mountain." Lao Jin thought carefully After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "You're right. Those monks seem to be from various sects. There are magic cultivators and Confucian cultivators. I even saw a few bald heads. And the closer to Wuzhuang Mountain, the more these monks are. Many, could it be that they are also going to Mount Wuzhuang?"

"If they can go up the mountain, then we can too. Go and see, maybe something happened on Wuzhuang Mountain, and we might be able to fish in troubled waters."

"Okay." Lao Jin agreed, didn't stay any longer, and continued to fly high, passing the stone tablet below, which also meant that they had completely entered the mountains of Wuzhuang Mountain... five towering towers The mountain peak became clearer and clearer in the sight of the two of them.

There are many towns below, and monks come and go in an endless stream, either trading in the city, or discussing the Tao, or chatting, and they seem to be very casual.

Liang Yan collected all the scenes below and found that the realms of these monks were uneven, ranging from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Tongxuan Realm, but they were mainly concentrated in the two realms of Juyuan Realm and Golden Core Realm.

"So many people?" Liang Yan was a little surprised. He had already seen several monk towns just by flying all the way, and the number of monks probably numbered as many as a thousand.

This is just the place he saw with his spiritual sense. Around Wuzhuang Mountain, there must be many towns like this. If you add up everyone, 100,000 may still be a conservative number.

While he was thinking, two ray of light suddenly appeared in front of him, they were extremely fast, and they came to Liang Yan in a split second.

"Senior, please stop!" The speaker was a young man, wearing a blue Taoist uniform, handsome and elegant.

Beside him was a woman, also wearing Taoist robes, who was gentle and pleasant, with a kind smile. Both of these two are disciples of Wuzhuang Mountain. After stopping Liang Yan, they had a very friendly attitude. They cupped their hands and said with a smile: "Senior, but you want to go up the mountain?"

"Not bad." Liang Yan said with a smile without changing his expression.

"Wuzhuang Mountain has been closed for a long time. If you want to go up the mountain, you must show an invitation card. I wonder if senior has an invitation card?"

"Invitation? What invitation?"

"You don't have an invitation card?" The two people on the opposite side looked at each other with surprise in their eyes. One of the men took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "Dare to ask me your Daoist name? Which sect and school are you?" Liang Yan laughed and said, "I have no sect or sect, I am just a wanderer. Taoist name: 'Yunsanren', who has been closed in the Cold Valley for hundreds of years, and just came out not long ago, I heard that Wuzhuang Mountain is the authentic Taoism, so I want to come to talk about Taoism."

"It turns out to be Senior Yun, sorry for your disrespect!" The young man clasped his fists in salute, he laughed and said, "If it was in the past, of course you are welcome to come, but my sect has important events recently, and the mountain has already been closed to thank guests. Talented people can go up the mountain, please seniors take care of this matter."

"Seal the mountain to thank the guests? Why?"

"Senior doesn't know something." The young man showed pride on his face, and said with a smile: "Master 'Canglong' of Qingmuya has experienced two calamities and nine disasters. Seal the mountain and refuse outside visitors."

"What? Breaking the catastrophe and becoming a saint?" Liang Yan was taken aback. Regarding the abnormality of Wuzhuang Mountain, he had many assumptions before he came, but he didn't expect this answer.

As if he still couldn't believe it, Liang Yan asked again: "You mean, there are people on Wuzhuang Mountain who are going to survive the third disaster?"

"Exactly." The young man nodded.

"Since we are going to cross the tribulation, why are there so many irrelevant monks coming to Mount Wuzhuang? Also, what about the invitation you just mentioned?"

"Senior, I don't know. Uncle 'Canglong' sent out invitations ten years ago, inviting more than a dozen powerful monks from the Antarctic Immortal Continent to come and observe and witness this tribulation together. As for the monks below, they are all They came here because of the fame, they want to see how Uncle 'Canglong' fights against the Dao of Heaven and becomes holy immediately." The young man said this, his eyes were full of pride.

It wasn't just him, the gentle and pleasant junior sister next to him also had an excited expression on his face, as if he was full of anticipation for this matter.

However, Liang Yan was extremely surprised in his heart. It was the first time he had heard that someone would actually invite fellow Taoists to come and observe while crossing the catastrophe. This is simply an act of death!

To know,

"Three disasters and nine disasters" are extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die. Cultivator crossing the tribulation, who is not sneaky?

Afraid of being known by others, he took the opportunity to take advantage of his own loopholes. Even if it wasn't for hiding to survive the tribulation, it would definitely not be so blatant and blatant.

Moreover, what this 'Canglong' survived was not an ordinary catastrophe, but the last of the three disasters and nine disasters.

According to what Ning Bugui said, this disaster will be against the way of heaven! Throughout the ages, how many heroes have stopped here?

No one dares to say that they will definitely be able to win life from the hands of Heaven, and they will definitely go all out when they cross the catastrophe. How can outsiders be present at such a critical moment?

If someone has ulterior motives, wouldn't he be trapped in a place where he will never recover? Liang Yan couldn't figure it out, but he knew that now was not the time to question. The young couple in front of him obviously respected his uncle very much, which could be seen from their adoring eyes.

"I didn't expect such a grand event in Wuzhuang Mountain. It seems that Yun came at the wrong time..." Liang Yan pretended to sigh, thought for a while and asked, "I don't know when Senior 'Canglong' will pass the catastrophe? "

"Just ten days later."

"Ten days..." Liang Yan didn't expect that he came by such a coincidence, and there were only ten days before this person crossed the catastrophe.

That is to say, there is not much time left for myself. After ten days, I am afraid that everyone will be expelled from Wuzhuang Mountain, and I will have no chance to fish in troubled waters.

Thinking of this, Liang Yan smiled, cupped his hands and said, "It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Although Yun couldn't go up the mountain to discuss Taoism, he was lucky enough to catch up with the tribulation of senior 'Canglong'. In that case, I also stayed at the foot of the mountain for a while." In a few days, we will see the demeanor of the 'Canglong' senior!"

"Senior, you can do what you want." The young man did not stop him, but smiled slightly: "The monks gathered at the foot of the mountain are all fellow Taoists who come from all over Invitations, but you can watch from a distance at the foot of the mountain. There are more people gathered, and many temporary towns have been built. Everyone can exchange what they need and exchange cultivation resources. If the seniors go to these towns to settle down, maybe there will be some windfalls. In fact, long before entering Wuzhuang Mountain, Liang Yan had secretly activated the Tianji Orb to cover up part of his cultivation.

So in the eyes of this young man, he is just a cultivator at the early stage of Tongxuan. Although Zhenjun Tongxuan is already an existence who can call the wind and rain in one side and establish a sect, Wuzhuang Mountain is one of the seven mountains and twelve cities after all, with a profound heritage.

So even if the couple only had the Golden Core Realm, they could still behave neither humble nor overbearing when they saw Liang Yan.

Liang Yan listened to his suggestion, his expression was nodded and smiled: "With your good words, Yun will go to a nearby town and hope to gain something. In addition, for me to ' Greetings from Senior Canglong, may he ascend to the sky in one step and become a saint immediately!"

"I will definitely convey it." The young man and his junior sister were very happy, and they saluted Liang Yan at the same time, and then watched him go away... Liang Yan bid farewell The man and woman took Lao Jin and returned the same way.

Unlike when he came here, Liang Yan was leisurely and leisurely at this time, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was meditating, but his spiritual consciousness had already been quietly released, carefully observing everything around him.

"Okay, they didn't follow." About a quarter of an hour later, Liang Yan suddenly opened his eyes and said.

Old Jin sneered, and said via voice transmission: "These brothers and sisters look friendly on the surface, but they are somewhat wary of us, otherwise they wouldn't have followed for hundreds of miles secretly."

"Normal. After all, my uncle is about to face the 'sanctification'. At such an important juncture, there are so many strange monks pouring into Wuzhuang Mountain. No wonder they are not nervous. I don't think they are targeting me, but against me. Every monk with a slightly higher cultivation base is on guard.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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