The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2376: Lobster is coming

Latest website: A short-haired woman is driving a vehicle. Outside the window of the car, there is wind and rain. Crackling raindrops continue to fall on the window. The outside world is reduced to a vague desert and far away, with only tires colliding with gravel roads. The sound of rumbling in the sound of rain.

The woman kept looking around, as if she was looking for something, and then... she found it.

The car stopped at the side of the road when the car was cut across. The woman opened the door and walked down. She grabbed it next to her thigh. There was an extra pistol in her right hand; her footsteps quickly bypassed the front of the car and walked towards the deserted side in the rain. The wild land-only a few donkeys are bowing their heads to graze.

"Wow. Wow. Wow."

The automatic action of the wiper wiped away the raindrops on the front window of the car, and the line of sight became clear, and then you could see the woman's footsteps stopped, raised the pistol, continuously pulled the trigger, and aimed... a The donkey, and then the donkey fell to the ground, only the wiper was still moving left and right.

what's the situation? this is?


The big screen went black, and then the movie title appeared, and the audience was full of question marks-what does this mean? What is the beginning?

But this is the usual style of Ougs-Lance Moss, cold and ill-formed. The coldness of the lens is always filled with a lingering narrowness and depression. It seems that it is impossible to capture the slightest temperature from the lens, just like a label. , Laid the tone of every work of Ougs.

Today, the same is true.

The story begins with a weird situation: a simple and honest otaku, accompanied by two men dressed as hotel waiters, holding a Scottish Shepherd dog and carrying a travel bag, sits on it. A white passenger car that looks a bit like a prison car and a retro bus.

"He thinks these brown leather shoes are the most suitable choice. He has some pain in his back, but unlike the past, it is no longer the unbearable pain."

"He thought to himself, his wife chose to leave for love, so why did he continue to insist on it? He didn't cry bitterly about it, nor did he expect that the first reaction when other people face the separation is to cry. . It cannot be said that he is full of hope, but at least he is not full of bitterness."

In the classical string music of the violin, the dull and dull face of the man reappears in the lens, slightly restrained and faintly restless, seemingly stiff and jerky, but can inadvertently catch a glimmer of light under the eyes. , Revealing the inner surge, it's just that lazy and slow action like a sloth, the focus of sight that breaks away from time to time, but it implies that he is in another world.


"What is your sex/orientation?"

"Woman. But... I had a same-sex experience before when I was in college, so is there a dual/sex/ option here?"

The questions and answers appeared cold and stiff, and the rules were strictly followed. Lumiere Hall paused for a while, and then collectively laughed:

Although the film was shot and produced half a year ago, this dialogue fits the hot spots of the Cannes Film Festival in the past two days. Instead, it has formed a clever intertextuality and created a crazy comedy effect. There are no exceptions to the audience. The laughter is just like opening. The cans are average, spewing out in groups.

More importantly, the unbelievable cold humor slowly flowed out of the big screen, which firmly attracted the attention of the audience, and then the story appeared on the stage with all the people in the hotel, just like a picture scroll. Unfolding slowly, outlines a peculiar apocalyptic scene.

This is a utopia...or a dystopian society in the future.

According to city regulations, all singles must be arrested to the hotel, where they will have forty-five days to find a matching partner; once they fail, they will be converted to a choice of their own Animals, exiled to the forest. The shepherd dog next to David is his brother.

At the same time, many singles have chosen to escape, and the hotel organizes hunts every day. The hotel occupants carry an anaesthetic shotgun to hunt. As long as a single can be arrested, their stay in the hotel can be extended by one day. , That is, add a day to find a partner.

The audience was stunned: the amount of information was a bit big-then, the donkey that was shot at the beginning? Is it the partner of a short-haired woman or an enemy?

Furthermore, all pets in this future society are their own family members or relatives? Just like in the real world, every family treats pets as their own family members? Is this a satire of reality or a satire of the future society?

"Lobster." This is the pet that the actor David chose. "Because lobsters can live for more than a hundred years, their blue blood has a noble atmosphere, and they maintain fertility for life."

The answer is revealed, this is the origin of the movie title.

But Lumiere Hall burst into laughter again: Lan Li and the nobility? Isn't this a prank deliberately done by the director?

Oggs sat in his seat and shook his head in silence: No, it's not.

"I have to congratulate you. Most people think of dogs first." The hotel manager commented, "This is why the world is a dog. Few people choose rare animals, which is why they are on the verge of extinction. Lobster is an excellent choice."

The laughter couldn't stop at all-this is definitely a black comedy? Isn't it a hilarious comedy? This has just started, and the scene has burst into laughter for the third time.

In the first lesson of staying in the hotel, tie your right hand behind you with a belt. Only your left hand can use it. The hotel lets people understand in this way:

Compared to a single image, being in pairs is more convenient and comfortable.

Then the audience watched Lan Li-the hereditary aristocrat Lan Li-Hall played David, squeezing toothpaste with one hand, brushing his teeth with one hand, and taking off his pants with one hand, rolling on the bed like a silkworm. Go, struggling; there is no soundtrack and no lines throughout, just like a mime.

The audience couldn’t believe their eyes, as if they were witnessing a new world. The low laughter was wave after wave, so that Lan Li couldn’t help but cast his sights at Oggs. They were also not sure. Good things or bad things, but always feel a little weird.

At breakfast, David met two new friends, a lame man and a man with a big tongue. Under their popular science, the hotel's rules and regulations revealed their original appearance bit by bit.

"When my father left my mother for another woman, it was only because her math was better than her mother. I think she has a graduate degree, and my mother only has a bachelor degree. I was 19 years old at the time. My mother came to this hotel but didn't I managed to find a mate and eventually turned into a wolf. I miss her very much."

"I later found out that she had gone to a zoo. I often ran to visit her. I fed her raw meat. I knew that wolves like to eat raw meat, but I didn’t know which wolf was the mother, so I would feed every wolf. One point. One day, I decided to break into the fence because I really miss her and want to hug her."

"I climbed over and jumped into the fence. The pack of wolves rushed towards me and besieged me. Only two wolves remained motionless. So I deduced that one of them should be my mother. The zoo guards quickly rescued me and put me I was sent to the hospital, thank God, I saved my leg, but I was a little lame. This became my signature feature."

"My wife passed away six days ago. She is beautiful and I love her very much. She is also a little lame."

This is the story of a lame man.

The entire Lumiere Hall was quiet, and they were a little confused about whether it was humor or cold-blooded, but it was precisely this kind of contradictory feeling that made the audience's thoughts really enter the story, from the absurd hilarious to the cold-blooded feeling. The ridiculous chill of the spine, countless thoughts burst in my mind.

Undoubtedly, Oggs presented the fear and weirdness behind the hotel in a mechanized, cold, stiff, and expressionless way.

Even the dance party with sing and laughter is the same. Those dance steps show a robot-like coldness, discussing all this in a way that has no taste and no temperature, including talking about the hunters. "The woman just now was a cold person. She is the best hunter in the hotel. She is the female record holder and hunted 192 lonely people."

Then, all actions are like hunting.

The lame man kept standing all the time, looking for a suitable target to attack; while David waited for a while, and chose to take the initiative to attack, walked to the gathering place of three women, and issued an invitation to dance, but one of the three women The tension in the sparks spread immediately, and he was still talking intimately for the first second, and held his breath in the next second.

David invited young and beautiful women with nosebleeds.

The woman had a nosebleed again during the dance. She analyzed the correct way to wash off the blood stains with a calm tone of discussing scientific research. At the same time, her nosebleeds were still flowing slowly, looking at David like a puppet. . David didn't know how to respond.

Inviting and being With and without companions, even chorus and dancing are filled with stylized process steps, and then the alarm bell rang, and the curtain of the hall slowly opened-this is actually not At night, but in the evening, the gray sky outside the window shattered sparse sunlight.

All the residents left the banquet hall in an orderly manner, then dressed in suits and evening gowns, took up their weapons, and headed for... hunting.

The audience in the Lumiere Hall reacted differently, but what is certain is that everyone did not anticipate the direction of the development of the matter. The cold feeling deep into the bones of the bone continued, because it was too ridiculous and too weird. This kind of lingering joy, but can't laugh at all.

"I wish I didn't have lame. I used to be a good runner, but now it's impossible. I'm sure I will be slower than others." The lame man said to David.

David gave serious advice, "If I were you, I would think about some other means of winning instead of speed."

"You are right." The lame man agreed.


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