The Greatest Showman

Chapter 2344: Historical turning point

Neil Patrick Cullinan is on stage. At the same time, there was also Brian Cullinan.

The magic of the opening stage, until the closing stage, is finally about to reveal the answer.

"After you lock the box, have you been taking care of the key?" Neil is like a competent magician, completing the set routine step by step.

"Being with me all night." Brian replied.

Neil nodded repeatedly. "Very good. Has anyone tried to take the key from you?"

"No one tried to steal the key." Brian replied with a smile.

"Very good." Neal nodded again and again. "Did anyone ever say that you are like Matt Damon?"

The scene laughed lightly.

Brian was a little shy, and said with a red face, "I've heard it several times."

Neil nodded triumphantly, "Interesting. Thank you for your help, I can't thank you enough." Then Neil walked to the glass box and began to ask Octavia Spencer again, "Are you watching all night With this box? Did your eyes never leave this briefcase? Has anyone superficially asked you to say no?"

After Octavia denied all of them, Neil finally opened the box with the key, took out the briefcase from the inside, and then took out a golden envelope, "This is my prediction. Now, I will announce my prediction."

Neil returned to the center of the stage, facing the audience, "I, Neil Patrick Harris, hereby announce my prediction that after JK’s acceptance speech, we will call our parents instead of sending text messages. Happened." Here is a speech from Simmons after he won the best supporting actor, "I will deliberately mispronounce the name of Chevat Egafort in order to tell the audience the real name of Chevat Egafort."

"The best foreign language film comes from Poland, and then the acceptance speech will be interrupted, but it will continue." This is to complain about the "Nun Ada" winning speech is too long," published in Patricia Arquette When awarding the testimony, Meryl Streep realized that his salary was too low." This time it really made the scene chuckle and ridiculed the "equal pay for men and women."

"The photographer of'Birdman' will win the award twice this year; John Legend and Common will receive three rounds of standing applause and then win the title of'Oscar MVP'; John Travolta next year Will return to Oscar again and apologize for touching Idina-Menzel's cheek."

The whole audience laughed!

Last year, John Travolta returned to the Oscars this year because he mispronounced Idina Menzel’s name, and he joined hands with Idina to present the award, this "stalker with the wrong name", tonight It also runs through the audience, and now Neil took it out to tease.

"The'Birdman' screenwriter will thank his dog;'Burst Drummer' will win the award for best adapted screenplay, Damien Chazele will thank Lan Li and call on everyone to stick to their dreams; Inarito will fly back, Lan Li and Julianne will be the top actor and actress. Above, this is my Oscar prediction."

Not magic, but ridicule, an alternative form of ridicule.

Although Neal’s prediction was very interesting, Lan Li, who was standing in the backstage waiting room, shook his head slightly. Neal worked very hard tonight and has been trying to innovate. Unfortunately, the overall burden is weaker, even if it is hidden at the end. The big move did not achieve the desired effect.

Sure enough, the Oscar host is a real hot potato.

"Next, the Best Picture Award is about to be awarded. Let us invite the two-time Oscar winner, Sean Penn."

In the warm applause of the audience, Sean Penn is on the stage, and the last award will be presented tonight. Although the suspense is not as exciting as the best actor, the accident of the best actor adds even more to the attribution of the best film. More likely, this has become the most eye-catching moment in the audience.

"In the end, the award ceremony still needs to return to the movie itself." Sean said, standing in front of the microphone, "No matter how much cost or box office earned, this award only focuses on their storytelling and their own ideas. Interpretation. Although only one of the nominated works can win the crown, these films will be circulated forever because they can resonate with the audience. The following is the list of nominations for the best films."

"Birdman", "Boyhood", "Burst Drummer", "Budapest Hotel", "American Sniper", "Imitation Game", "Selma Parade" and "The Theory of Everything".

A total of eight works. From a theoretical point of view, all eight works still have opportunities, including "The Selma Parade." All the members of the crew could not help holding their breath, looking forward to the miracle; but all their eyes fell on the "Birdman" "" and "Burst Drummer" crew members, there is also "boyhood".

Unexpectedly but logically, the "Burst Drummer" won the greatest applause and applause from the audience. It seems that everyone is looking forward to the birth of a miracle.

Then, the drum beats.

Sean Penn opened the envelope in his hand and drew out the red card under the scorching eyes of the audience. With an unpredictable expression on his face, he raised his brow slightly, and his wrinkles were squeezed. Come out, is this joy or confusion, or shock and accident?

In just half a second, the audience's thoughts have been tumbling back and forth several times, and the three crew members as the focus center have been tossed over the fire several times. This kind of anxiety continued to rise, almost out of breath.

Sean even pursed the corners of his mouth, gently chin, his meaningful eyes with a light that only he could understand, he raised his head and swept the audience, and then just like this... he was in a daze, this... …What exactly is going on? The guests in the audience were about to pass out, but Sean was using silence to create suspense.


Laughter broke out in the last row, but the people who were closely related to the best film froze in place: Could it be that the shocking unpopularity appeared? For example, did the "Selma Parade" upset and win? At this moment, even the hopeless crews rekindled, one by one cast their eyes towards Sean urgently and nervously.

By the way, Sean slowly looked down at the card in his hand again, and even deliberately zoomed out a bit, as if he couldn't see clearly because of presbyopia. From one second to three seconds, the drum beat of the live symphony orchestra was already on the verge of He died, and Sean finally spoke.

"Which **** gave the green light to this work?" Sean said with a foul language, the real foul language, using the words beginning with "B", the scene was directly shocked, and he had not had time to think about this sentence. Meaning, Sean immediately announced the answer, "'Burst Drummer'."






There was a real explosion in the audience, and countless guests were all stunned, staring at each other in disbelief, and even beginning to doubt their own ears.

The crew of "Burst Drummer" is crazy. They all stood up, jumping in the corner of the Dolby Theater, hugging each other with tears of joy, they won the prize, they really won the prize! This work with an investment cost of only three million dollars has really reached the top of the Oscars!

Damien Chazele tried to stand up, but the result was that his feet were soft, and he almost knelt on the ground, then he couldn't control his emotions and broke down and cried loudly; he hugged Damien's Simmons for the first time. , Trying to comfort Damien, but couldn't hold back his emotions, his eyes moistened.

Only Damien himself can know the kind of despair: he once stood on the edge of a cliff, he once sincerely thought that he could not have a career, he used to be in the boundless darkness, with his girlfriend Quarrels, disagreements with family, collisions with reality left him with bloodshed and bruises. He even had a "just forget it" emotion, but all this has changed.

Because of the man named Lanly Hall.

Damien just sat on the spot, covering his face with his hands, crying bitterly, and the uncontrollable emotion of breaking the bank made the onlookers feel sad.

Jack also hurried forward, hugged Damien, patted his back lightly, and kept repeating, "This is the reward you deserve, this is the reward you deserve."

The entire Dolby Theater has fallen into madness: a miracle is born!

In 2013, "Twelve Years as a Slave" defeated "Gravity"; in 2011, "Artist" defeated "Hugo"; in 2010, "The King's Speech" defeated "Social Network"; in 2008, "Hundreds of Slums" "Millionaire" defeated "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"; in 2005, "Crash" defeated "Brokeback Mountain".

Similar stories are played out over and over again, constantly reminding people that this is Oscar, the Oscar controlled by a group of white men with an average age of over sixty, conservative, traditional, old, narcissistic, and proud. This is their label. They have never changed because they refused to change. Then, time and time again, they missed the opportunity to create history, let those classic works be rejected by Xiao Jinren, and waited for the passage of time before letting those works reappear. It blooms with a fascinating light and settles into a classic of film history.

"Citizen Kane", "Sunset Boulevard", "Dr. Strange Love", "Taxi Driver", "Chinatown", "A Clockwork Orange", "Elephant", "Apocalypse Now", "2001 Space Odyssey", "Vulgar", "Good Guy", "Save Private Ryan", "Brokeback Mountain", "Social Network"...

One another one, another one, similar regrets always circulate like a nightmare; once, again, and again, the academy’s conservative and stubbornness has been criticized for its long history In the long river, they have made some changes and attempts, but every time they have been so cautious and cowardly, they have been abandoned far behind the times.

All signs show that tonight, history will repeat itself, and the regret that "Birdman" defeated "Blasting Drummer" will be the biggest footnote tonight; but who could have imagined that a miracle happened like this, an unbelievable occurrence. Up! The final choice of the 6,000 college judges was directed at the bold, arrogant, adventurous and rebellious "Burst Drummer", who created the most important change in 87 years and completely overturned all conjectures.

History was born like this!


This is incredible!

The audience exclaimed!

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