Although the ghost has swallowed the seeds of the same kind of spirit, compared with those of the same kind before, it is still a bit more spiritual. However, that's just the way it is. That touch of intelligence just makes it more agile, but it doesn't have a true normal intelligence.

Facing the trap set by Ye Zan, if you replace it with a person with normal intelligence, even if you feel comfortable here, you won't ignore the enemies around you. Not to mention how clever it is, even a beast with only predatory instincts cannot ignore its being surrounded by enemies because of its temporary comfort.

And because the ghost is not so smart, at this time it is completely attracted by the transformation of the trap, or it is completely indulged in the enjoyment of trap creation. Maybe in its "heart", there is no recognition of the enemy or me. Otherwise, when it swallows that kind, it will not reveal the intention to help the Queen of Blades.

Ye Zan was naturally happy to see such a result. Originally, he wanted to stop those indigenous heroes, but now he really does nothing. Of course, he didn't want to waste such a good opportunity, and immediately secretly gave instructions to the underground jammer to overload the jammer.

Look at the ghost in the middle again, with the help of the jammer reaction, the body saw it inflated like an inflatable balloon. With the expansion of the body, the energy fluctuations emitted by the ghost are also becoming more and more powerful and shocking. Although its strength was originally Tongtian Class, Tongtian Class is not a line, and there is also a lot of room for improvement.

"This ... if it is blown up, I am afraid that this space will be destroyed with it!" Looking at the increasingly powerful ghosts, the indigenous heroes were amazed at the same time, but also gave birth to a thick concern.

These indigenous heroes, although they are only strengths at the level of law, also have many defects in the use of power. However, for the induction of energy intensity, they still have a clear understanding of the relationship between energy and power.

In the eyes of the indigenous heroes, the ghost is like a super horrible bomb, and it is constantly charging inside. They don't know much about the ghost world, and they don't know what impact it will have on such an energy burst. However, they can imagine that if it were replaced in a small world, it would be enough to cause a world-class disaster.

"Ye, are we ... what else to do?" Looking at the ghost that had swelled ten times, the Sun King swallowed a bit hard, and finally couldn't help asking Ye Zan again.

The real meaning of the Sun King is actually "Should we hide?" Of course, it would not be unreasonable for the Sun King to think so. After all, looking at the dose of this ghost bomb, if it really explodes here, I am afraid that none of these people around will be able to survive. A massive bomb in the sky! It is not comparable to the self-detonation of Jin Dan and Yuan Ying. It is really the power that will shake the laws of the world.

However, Ye Zan had his own intentions, facing the inquiries of the Sun King and other people ’s eyes, he said calmly: "No, everyone just has to wait for the show, it wo n’t happen that you imagine Situation. "

The Sun King had already mentioned it before, asking Ye Zan if he wanted to explode the ghost. Therefore, Ye Zan is also very clear now what the Sun King and others are worried about. However, Ye Zan ’s real plan, or plan, is not really to explode the ghost, and naturally there is no need for everyone to hide away.

"It seems, it stopped!" Soon after Ye Zhan responded, someone suddenly made a fuss.

In fact, there is no need for that person to remind, these people have been watching the change of the ghost. Therefore, when that person called out, everyone had noticed that the expansion speed of the ghost was almost stagnant. That feeling is like an inflatable ball that has been charged to the limit and can no longer be inflated.

The ball is filled to the limit. If you continue to inflate it, the result will probably be filled and exploded as the indigenous heroes worry. However, before everyone was worried about this, they suddenly saw the ghost that had expanded dozens of times, and began to shrink quickly like a deflated ball.

There will be such a change, naturally because Ye Zan has given new instructions to the jammers here, so that those jammers can restart the jamming work. The disturbance wave that originally helped the ghost gather energy, through the interference on the stability of the ghost energy body, in a blink of an eye, it began to deflate the ghost.

The ghost originally could not gather such a huge energy with its own energy. It was only with the help of Ye Zan that it reached this level. But in a blink of an eye, Ye Zan began to deflate it. This time, the ghost was so anxious that he immediately wanted to "turn his face" with Ye Zan.

However, it is not the power that you have. It is not easy to use it. The ghost swelled dozens of times in such a short period of time. Not only is the body swell seen by people, in fact, all aspects of the body have the same changes. Not to mention that it was "turning face" with Ye Zan, it is now difficult to move at all, and it can not control the energy loss in the body at all.

Of course, with the rapid loss of energy, the ghost's body size is also rapidly shrinking, and it seems that the control of energy will quickly return. However, Ye Zan is not simply cheering and cheering. Naturally, this is to gain something, or to achieve a certain purpose.

In fact, Ye Zan's purpose is also very simple, there is nothing too profound and profound. If, for example, you inflated the ball, if a ball is stretched to the limit by inflation, will it still be the same after being deflated? Everyone has blown balloons. You should know the difference between a newly purchased balloon and an inflated and deflated balloon.

Ye Zan is to "inflate" the ghost, and then affect the ghost's energy balance ability, so that the ghost loses control during this sudden change. In fact, there is another example that may be more appropriate, which is what people often say is "learning is not easy, and learning is bad." A person has been living a frugal life, and suddenly won a huge sum of wealth. After squandering the wealth, it is difficult to return to the original state of life.

"Everyone listen to my command and continue to defend the ghost's attacks and breakouts in a defensive posture!" After the ghost shrank to a certain extent, Ye Zan also ordered the indigenous heroes to move again. After all, regardless of the ghost's control of power, its own energy level is placed there, and it is impossible to really have no resistance.

After hearing Ye Zan's words, the indigenous heroes who had already undergone some rest adjustment immediately rejuvenated their spirits and glowed with various energy rays on their bodies. Of course, Ye Zan just let them defend and intercept, but did not let them attack the ghost. In addition, the ghost's body size has also shrunk a lot, not as scary as before. Therefore, these indigenous heroes do not have to doubt Ye Zan will sell them these teammates.

The reason why the indigenous heroes took the shot was, of course, because the fish in the net began to pop again. After all, the ghost has a very powerful power, and it may still be run away by accident. Fortunately, Ye Zan promptly ordered the indigenous heroes to take action to form a copper wall and iron wall from all directions, trapping the ghost in the dead.

"I can feel that the other party seems to be a lot weaker than before!" The indigenous hero who had collided with the ghost, at this time was also fighting again, and felt the change of the ghost. At this time, the ghost has lost all the energy it has gained, and its own stability has also been affected. The strength it naturally exerts is also not as good as before.

"It is true, but it is still not easy to take it down. You still have to be more careful." Some enthusiastic indigenous heroes reminded their fellows around to avoid being careless.

While Ye Zan, while commanding the indigenous heroes, continued to let the jammer affect the ghost. And he can clearly see that the effect of the jammer is much stronger than before, and the impact on the ghost continues to increase. However, just relying on these changes and wanting to win the ghost completely, it is still not something that can be done in a short while.

The ghosts previously disappeared in the trap under the weakening of the jammer, during the siege of the indigenous heroes. However, although the current situation does not seem to be much different from before, Ye Zan does not intend to repeat the previous routine.

In the process of "inflating" the ghost, Ye Zan did not just inflate it, nor did he give up analyzing and observing the ghost. Moreover, it is precisely because of the large amount of energy injection that the ghost has undergone that huge change, and Ye Zan has "seen" more and more clear things.

After a while, facing the ghost that rushed left and right in the trap, Ye Zan finally had an action beyond the command, and stretched out his hand toward the ghost in the air. As a divinity fell into the palm of the hand, Ye Zan fused into the space bone claws in his arm, and the power of the law of space erupted instantly. The palm of the hand spooked into the void.

"Everyone retreats, how fast they retreat, how far they retreat!" After sending instructions to the crowd, Ye Zan, the palm that had penetrated into the void, clenched his fists and retreated from the void. come out.

Hearing Ye Zhan's rumor, although the indigenous heroes were puzzled, none of them dared to have the slightest delay. So, regardless of whether they are facing the ghost or those who are ready to take turns to support, all indigenous heroes immediately fled in all directions. In just a blink of an eye, those indigenous heroes at the French level have withdrawn the most distant hundreds of miles, and the nearest have also withdrawn dozens of miles.

Ye Zan did not run, but gathered the Lin family and Qi Qianjun beside him, and of course the earth spear Arandilong who has been maintaining the ground. After getting several people to his side, he faced the direction of the ghost, waved his hand in front of himself, and made a huge cut out of the space in front of him.


With a dull roar, the ghost that was originally trapped in the trap erupted in an instant with extremely horrific energy waves, and the tide swept away in all directions. And the ground at the foot of the ghost suddenly fell downwards during the eruption, instantly crushing all the jammers hidden in the ground into fragments.

It was just a roar, and everything was quiet again after the roar, except that the trap area was beyond recognition, and of course the ghost was not seen. After avoiding the impact of energy, the indigenous heroes basically guessed the result and soon dared to rush back from all around.

Although Ye Zan didn't run, the gap in the space in front of it completely blocked the energy impact coming to this side, and several people were naturally unscathed. Ye Zan waved his hand to wipe the gap in the space in front of him, revealing himself and others, just as he saw the crowd rushing back from around.

Seeing Ye Zan and others safe and sound, those indigenous heroes are still quite happy. Although they didn't think what would happen to Ye Zan and others, they still have some concerns. Leaving aside emotional factors, Ye Zhan's life or death, but it is related to whether they can get out of this world. Naturally, no one will want Ye Zhan and others to have any accidents.

"Ye, what happened just now, that ghost is gone?" The Sun King flew to Ye Zan and asked Ye Zan, fortunately and curiously.

"Well, that ghost is gone, I took away its divinity, and its power is completely out of control, and then the results you saw just now." Ye Zan did not hide anything, even in When answering the King of the Sun and others, the divinity that was taken out was revealed in the palm of the hand.

"You took it ..." Some people were a little puzzled at the beginning, but then thought of it, Ye Zan before taking those divinity looks, can not help but said with envy: "Ye, your skill, But it really made us jealous, and it still works! "

"Ye, since you have this ability, why do you want to ..." After listening to Ye Zan's answer, some people couldn't understand or even complained.

Indeed, Ye Zan, a means of applying the law of space, can directly trouble the ghost for a black tiger, so why should everyone be so tired? Of course, indigenous heroes have this idea because they don't know much about the laws of space. After all, there aren't so many strong people with the same level of law that they are based on the laws of space.

"This is not that I have to be lazy. If you did not create opportunities, I would not be able to play such a role." In order to avoid misunderstanding, Ye Zan explained to everyone sincerely.

However, just as Ye Zan's words came to an end, this space suddenly changed again.

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