When everyone saw the people coming in, they all remained silent, even Liu Meng did not speak.

Obviously, this person has a high prestige in Bitu Boxing Gym!

""Ghost" Hu Qiang!

Although Liu Meng is the chief of Bitu Boxing Gym, in the minds of all Bitu Boxing Gym boxers, the number one master of Bitu Boxing Gym is not"Crazy" Liu Meng, but"Ghost" Hu powerful!

""Ghost" Hu Qiang, practiced the mysterious Sambo in the Siberian training camp.

Although he is very strong, he is very low-key!

The Jiangnan Cup is the first competition that Hu Qiang participated in

"Brother Qiang, are you going to let this kid go like this?"A boxer from Bitu Boxing Gym said.

Hu Qiang turned his head and glanced at the locker room, with a cold light in his eyes.

Suddenly, a coldness could be felt from his body, like a lone wolf, which made people feel uncomfortable. be terrified

"Let him go? How can anything be so cheap? Let's go back first, don't be photographed by reporters……"

Hu Qiang was calm and turned to leave.

The others looked at each other, no one said a word, and everyone followed Hu Qiang.

Obviously, although the chief of Bitu Boxing Gym is Liu Meng, he is headed by Hu Qiang.

When Chen Yang came out of the locker room, reporters had been waiting outside for a long time.

There is no way,

Chen Yang's performance is really wonderful.

Especially facing the powerful master of Bitu Boxing Gym, his one-punch KO surprised all the audience.

When Wang Yaxin held up the microphone and came to Chen Yang.

Suddenly, Chen Yang's eyes lit up, beautiful!

Yes, she is beautiful. Wang Yaxin dressed up specially and looked capable and energetic.

Anyway, it gives people a very amazing feeling.

Wang Yaxin said with a smile on her face:

"At the Jiangnan Cup quarter-finals, we were very lucky to have Chen Yang from the Raptors Boxing Gym accept our interview again!"

"From the finals to now, Chen Yang has won three games by KO. His performance is really outstanding."

"Now, let Chen Yang share with you his mood at this moment."

After that, Wang Yaxin handed over the topic to Chen Yang

"I feel very happy and excited!"

"I once said that I will win the Jiangnan Cup this time!"

"Many people may not believe it and think I am bragging. I just want to tell everyone that actual martial arts is no worse than any fighting skills in the world!"

Chen Yang said with a smile

"Can you tell me what kind of martial arts you use in competitions? I believe many boxing fans are more concerned about this issue. Wang

Yaxin continued.

Chen Yang nodded and said:

"Uh..., actual Xingyiquan! Remember I mentioned this question last time!"

"The art of Chinese medicine is extensive and profound. Many people have practiced it, but they feel it has no lethality."

"In fact, the main reason is that we have not grasped the essence of exerting force."

"Our Chinese Kung Fu should not focus on moves, but should focus more on exerting force."

"Sanda, Taekwondo, Karate, Muay Thai and other fighting techniques, if you can understand the Chinese martial arts and integrate them into these moves"

"I believe that the combat effectiveness will improve quickly! Wang

Yaxin said in surprise:

"Do you mean that Chinese martial arts can be integrated with other fighting skills?"

Chen Yang nodded:

"Of course, the fighting skills of other countries in the world are developing, and our national martial arts are also developing!"

"The routines of Chinese martial arts are just to let you understand the basics of exerting force, and they do not have the actual combat ability!"

"In fact, the most precious thing passed down by our ancestors is to pass it on!"

When the video of the interview was played on TV, some boxing fans or boxers who had practiced Chinese martial arts suddenly realized

"Damn it, I have been practicing in the wrong direction all this time, no wonder I have no actual combat ability!"

"The essence of national martial arts is our most precious inheritance in China! Go ahead, I have been practicing routines!"

"No, I want to become Chen Yang’s teacher and learn real practical martial arts from him!"

"Listening to what Chen Yang said, if I could understand the martial arts and exert my strength, wouldn't it improve my strength a lot?"

"Chen Yang is indeed the soul of Chinese martial arts. I look forward to him fighting against the Twelve Heavenly Kings and even against masters from other Asian countries!"

There is no doubt that the essence of Chinese martial arts will become the focus of online discussion and become the hottest topic

"last question!"

Before the interview ended, Wang Yaxin said with a smile:

"Recently, the Chinese Wushu Association is voting for the title of"Strong General". Are you confident that you can become the"Strongest General" of China?"?"

Chen Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"In the boxing ring, I can control the game, but this... is not something I can control!"

"After all, my time as a professional boxer was too short!"

"I think if one day I defeat the fighting king of Japan, the Muay Thai champion of Taiguo, and the super boxing champions of Europe and America!"

"By then, the title of"strong general" doesn't mean much to me!"


After the interview,

Chen Yang’s remarks went viral and went viral.

"It turns out that Chen Yang’s ambitions are so far-reaching. He sets his goals globally, not at home!"

"Damn, I was wrong. Please call on everyone to vote for Chen Yang for the title of"Strong General"!"

"Just rely on his words"defeat the King of Fighting Island"! I fully support him!"

"If Chen Yang cannot become a"strong general", I will not accept it!"

"There is no way. The Twelve Heavenly Kings have been famous for so long and have so many loyal fans. Chen Yang is still too young!"

"I heard that several heavenly kings launched a canvass for votes in order to obtain the title of"Strong General", but now the difference in the number of votes is too far!"

"Oh, what a fucking shame……"

Chen Yang's ambitions have attracted the attention of many boxing fans.

However, for the number of votes for the title of"Strong Fighter", just a few boxing fans are not enough.

Of course,

Chen Yang himself did not continue to pay attention to the voting for the title of"Strong General".

After packing his luggage, Chen Yang followed the others in the Raptors Boxing Gym and walked to the door of the sports center.

As soon as I arrived at the gate, suddenly a dozen beautiful little girls gathered around me.

"Chen Yang, you are my idol, can you sign your name for me?"


Chen Yang took a few steps back. He was a little unaccustomed to being surrounded by so many girls all of a sudden!

The key is that these girls acted very enthusiastically, just like those stupid fans.

Others in the Raptor Boxing Gym People looked confused and didn't know what was going on.

Even Luo Guohao and Xiao Wendong gave each other a helpless smile!

There was no way,

Chen Yang was really too handsome.

And during this time, he was in His performance in the boxing ring is so eye-catching.

With his looks, he can still become an idol star even if he is no longer in the boxing ring.

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