"To promote the power of Chinese martial arts, Black Cat Boxing Gym is recruiting heroes from all over the world!"

In the link, I saw the recruitment brochure of Black Cat Boxing Gym.

Your sister!

The recruitment brochure!

Damn you!

Yang Jue was so angry that he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists like iron.

Liu Shihu, you want to promote black Cat Boxing Gym, if you want to gain popularity, no problem!

However, you practice Muay Thai, and Black Cat has always aimed at the Black Tiger Boxing Gym, and majors in Muay Thai.

Now, are you promoting Chinese martial arts?

Your sister is Chinese martial arts. Ah?

Do you know Chinese martial arts?

Well, you promote Chinese martial arts to show your patriotism and to increase your popularity!

There is no problem with that!

But there is no need for you to go to my Weibo. Are you provoking me?

I haven't offended you, right?

Damn it, challenge me!

Just wait, I can't beat you, but someone can beat you!


Chen Yang defeated Wang Huo in the Jiangnan Cup in just over a minute, and the news spread quickly on the Internet.

Soon, the video of this game was edited and became a hot video on the Internet.

"One punch rules the roost and is invincible in martial arts!"

Many viewers who had not followed the Jiangnan Cup boxing match were attracted by the name of the video!

Aiyi Video, Tencent Video, Baidu Video... the clicks skyrocketed, and within just a few hours, it became the top three most popular videos.

At the same time ,

Martial Arts Online, specially opened a discussion thread.

There is a wave of Chinese martial arts style on the entire Internet!

As long as you enter the comment area of major websites, everyone is discussing this boxing match.

For a time,

Chinese martial arts has become extremely popular!

Of course, all of this There are people behind the scenes to support everything.

Don’t forget, behind the Raptor Boxing Gym, stands Tengxin, one of the top Internet giants in the country!

Raptor Boxing Gym, Chen Yang, the soul of Chinese martial arts... in just one day , Chen Yang’s name spread all over the Internet, and his popularity is so high!

In professional boxing, strength is very important!

But popularity is even more important!

Even Chen Yang himself did not expect that his popularity would suddenly soar to this point.

Yang Jue After browsing the major comment areas, I felt so depressed that I wanted to jump off the building!

Looking at Liu Shihu’s Weibo feed, the click rate continued to increase!


Yang Jue raised his head and sighed:

"Am I wrong? How many games have you won in the martial arts arena? How come there is such a high level of attention?"

"I, Yang Jue, have been practicing boxing since I was a child and have been fighting to be the 12th King of the Heavenly Ranking based on my strength. Could it be that I am no match for a newcomer who has just entered the boxing world?"

"Chen Yang, what is so charming about you that deserves everyone’s attention?"

Just when he was helpless, suddenly, he saw another comment posted under his Weibo.

"Your sister, who wants to take advantage of the heat and try to criticize me?"

Turning his head, Yang Jue took a look.

However, when he saw the commentator, he was so angry that he almost bled from all his holes!

Lei Wuji!

Yes, that's the Lei Wuji who fell to the ground within ten seconds after being KOed by the counterfeit fighter Xu Xiaodong.!

The Tai Chi master who was beaten to a bloody head and was featured on CCTV!

The so-called Lei Tai Chi master who tied a bird with a rope and then performed a performance in which the bird cannot fly!

Lei Wuji:

"Yang Jue, you idiot, you are a lackey of Taiguo and a traitor!

Do you know Chinese medicine?

It seems that you don’t understand, and that’s right. How can you, a fool who practices Muay Thai, understand the martial arts?

Chinese martial arts has been passed down for a long time. How dare you say that Chinese martial arts is ordinary?

Do you think you are a dick?

A true master of martial arts can defeat you, those hotheads who adore foreign things!

Remember, you can eat random things, but you can't say random words!

Stupid dick!"

After seeing Lei Wuji's comment, Yang Jue was so angry that he almost fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth!

"Damn it, your uncle, Lei Wuji, are you looking for death?

Didn't Xu Xiaodong scare you last time?

Damn it, you fake martial arts liar, you actually dare to go to my Weibo and scream.

I used to think you were quite pitiful. You deceived yourself by learning Tai Chi.

Now I realize that you are basically , ill! And he is very ill!

Damn it, don't let me catch you, or I'll kill you, you idiot!"

Yang Jue gritted his teeth and roared.

However, he thought about it and felt something was wrong.

Doesn't it make sense?

Lei Wuji has been swallowing his anger and not daring to say anything since he was laid down by Xu Xiaodong in ten seconds.

Now, how dare this grandson come? Looking for trouble on his own Weibo?

Soon, a Weibo push message appeared in front of Yang Jue.

Lei Wuji actually updated his Weibo?

You know, since Lei Wuji was KOed by Xu Xiaodong in ten seconds, he has become a celebrity in the martial arts world. What a joke.

Since then, he has closed his Weibo.

Because so many people scolded him, he simply did not dare to appear in the public eye.

But now, his Weibo has been updated!

Lei Wuji:

"Hello everyone, I have been reflecting since I was defeated last time!

Many people say that Tai Chi is fake and cannot hit anyone at all!

I want to correct this point of view.

Tai Chi is definitely not fake. It’s just that I didn’t learn the real Kung Fu. I’m very ashamed!

However, I was shocked recently when I saw Chen Yang in the ring, using Chinese martial arts to KO those fighting masters who practiced Muay Thai! Recently I was invited to shoot a movie called"Tai Chi Master"! The film will start shooting soon, and Chen Yang will be invited to provide on-site guidance! I urge everyone to pay attention to this masterpiece that promotes Chinese martial arts!" Yang Jui was stunned for a long time, unable to say a word.

"Lei Wuji, you liar, what the hell,"Tai Chi Master"? Invite Chen Yang to guide?"

"You're just a fucking parallel importer, how dare you film"Tai Chi Master"》?"

Click on the comment below on Lei Wuji’s Weibo:

"Practical Tai Chi, if it is taught by Chen Yang, we will definitely support it!"

"The Chinese martial arts are mighty, and the actual Tai Chi is awesome!"

"Master Lei,���If you have the courage to admit that you are not good at Kung Fu, we will forgive you!"

"I hope that the real actual Tai Chi can be shown, we want to see the real Kungfu!"

"Are there enough funds? Do you need to raise funds?"

…… boom!

Yang Jue was so angry that he punched the computer.

"Hum, Chen Yang, I want to declare war on you……!"

"Damn it, the source of everything comes from you, what kind of national martial arts, I must break your national martial arts scam!"

However, at this time, Chen Yang had no idea what was happening online.

After he got off the ring, he walked to the locker room...

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