Early the next morning,

Chen Yang came to the Raptors Boxing Gym to report. When he entered the training ground, everyone was training hard.

By chance, he saw Tang Jun also hitting the sandbag, so he greeted him politely.

Tang Jun smiled and wiped the sweat with a towel!

"How about it? I watched the virtual battle you fought yesterday. It was very fierce!"

Tang Jun looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile

"It's just a virtual training match, don't take it seriously. If it were a real match, I wouldn't be Xiangdong's opponent at all!"

Chen Yang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Indeed, if it were a real arena, it would be difficult for him to defeat Xiang Dong!

The most important thing is that his boxing skills are not high enough to achieve a one-hit kill.

With Xiang Dong's defense and Attacking ability, in the real ring, it is difficult for him to get a chance to punch!

Tang Jun was stunned for a moment, he did not expect Chen Yang to be so honest

"The Jiangnan Cup Boxing Championship will be held soon. I hope to fight with you then!"

Tang Jun said with a smile

"Let’s talk about it then, I don’t even know if there will be a chance to appear!"Chen Yang said calmly.

Tang Jun nodded and said nothing.


Chen Yang has just entered the Raptors Boxing Gym. It is difficult to say whether he can represent the boxing gym.

This has nothing to do with strength.

China attaches great importance to favors.

In Before this, the Raptors had already determined their roster. If Chen Yang replaced someone else's spot as soon as he came, many people would definitely be dissatisfied!

You must know that in the past few months, in order to compete for the quota, the boxing gym went through several After screening, the list of participants was finally determined.

In order to compete, everyone put in a lot of effort.

Just as the two were chatting and gradually becoming familiar with each other,

Xiao Wendong walked in from the outside.

"All the major boxers, come upstairs, let’s discuss it in detail and have a short meeting! After saying that

, he called all the main boxers and the chief Wang Bao to come to the 18th floor!

After entering the conference room, when everyone was seated, Xiao Wendong held the conference table with both hands and said in a deep voice:

"The preliminaries for the Jiangnan Cup Boxing Championship will begin next Monday!"

"The lineup for the first round is all out!"

No one said anything. Everyone already knew this.

"Calling everyone here, Mr. Ma attaches great importance to this Jiangnan Cup!"

"In order to get a ranking in the Jiangnan Cup Boxing Championship, we specially hired a top coach from outside!"

"Speaking of which, he, like Wang Bao, both came from Jingwu Boxing Gym!"

Wang Bao looked around in surprise and found no unfamiliar faces, so he immediately asked:

"People from Jingwu Boxing Gym? who is it?"

It has been several years since he left the Jingwu Boxing Gym. When he was in the Jingwu Boxing Gym, his relationship with everyone was not very harmonious.

Otherwise, he would not have left the Jingwu Boxing Gym."

"He is the top coach of Jingwu Boxing Gym, Luo Guohao!"Xiao Wendong nodded and said.

Luo Guohao!

The Sanda coach of Jingwu Boxing Gym once won the runner-up in the National Sanda King Competition!

After retiring, he worked as a coach at Jingwu Boxing Gym.

In the Chinese martial arts world, Luo Guohao is very famous. Everyone recognizes his coaching level very much.

This is because one of the six masters of the Twelve Heavenly Rankings in the Jingwu Boxing Gym was trained by him.

Sanda was originally a free form of martial arts that was dismantled from Chinese martial arts.

But then With the progress of fighting, Sanda incorporates Muay Thai, karate, taekwondo and other boxing techniques.

However, when Chen Yang heard this, he frowned slightly.

Jingwu Boxing Gym was rated as the number one super boxing gym in China. Logically speaking, Luo Guohao He is the coach of Jingwu Boxing Gym, so he has no reason to leave.

Could it be that

Raptor Boxing Gym paid a high price to lure him here this time?

"Coach Luo? Is he really coming to the Raptors?"

Wang Bao was surprised.

He was very familiar with Luo Guohao, and he had practiced Sanda under Luo Guohao before.

But in the end he switched to Muay Thai, but they were very familiar with each other.

"He's coming right away. He should be downstairs at this point. Everyone, wait a moment!"

After speaking, Xiao Wendong looked at the time.


At this moment, the door of the conference room opened, and the secretary walked in with a middle-aged man.

"Coach Luo, you are finally here!"

Xiao Wendong walked forward enthusiastically and shook hands with Luo Guohao.

After greetings for a moment,

Luo Guohao began to introduce himself.

"Hello everyone, I am Luo Guohao……"

After Balabala introduced it, everyone burst into applause!

The new coach needs to be given some face by everyone.

"Coach Luo, do you still remember me? Wang Bao shouted with a smile

"Wang Bao, haha, of course I remember, you are an extremely good boxer at Jingwu Boxing Gym. I didn’t expect that after coming to the Raptors, you actually became the chief! Luo

Guohao said with a smile.

"Coach Luo, will you start making arrangements for this Jiangnan Cup boxing match? It’s up to you here!"

"We, the Raptors, want to get a ranking in the Jiangnan Cup Boxing Championship, and we need your guidance!"

After saying that, Xiao Wendong turned and left, gently closing the door of the conference room.

To be honest, before this, Xiao Wendong had not received the news that Luo Guohao was coming to the Raptors.

This was the result of the boxing gym executives personally paying a high price from the Jingwu Boxing Gym. Someone to dig it up!

After Xiao Wendong left, Luo Guohao glanced at all the boxers.

Then, he took out a piece of information

"I won’t say much else!"

"In this Jiangnan Cup boxing championship, if we want to get a ranking, we need to pay attention to these boxers!"

"There are eighteen masters worthy of our attention, four of them need special attention!"

"Taking this opportunity, I would like to share with you the offensive characteristics and defensive weaknesses of these masters.……"

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