The God-Level Prodigal Son of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 877: I can’t bear this loss.


In front of everyone's eyes, at least a five-foot-long wall collapsed.

Although the emperor said that he had seen a lot of the world, he also saw the blue brick wall that was blown down by the arrow in the weapons inspection room yesterday.

But that is different from this.

That wall is many years old, and it is not an exaggeration to say it is in disrepair.

The walls and bricks here are all red, obviously high-quality masonry. .??.

Let’s talk about the area of ​​​​the collapsed wall.

The weapons supervisor only dumped a small piece, but the one in front of him was at least five feet long.

The power, which one is strong and which one is weak, can be known at a glance.

Your Majesty, the wall may be too thin this time. The last time we tested it, these three arrows were stuck tightly on the wall.

We tried it, and just like Zhao Da said, it can be climbed by soldiers.

If there is a siege in the future, in addition to the huge lethality, it can also have a similar function as a ladder. Cheng Chumo explained to the emperor.

Can soldiers still climb? A look of shock flashed across the emperor's face.

An arrow can allow soldiers to climb, but it must be deeply embedded in the city wall.

Otherwise, we are risking our lives.

An eight-oxen crossbow can not only effectively kill and injure enemies, but can also serve as a ladder for one's own side.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

The emperor was very satisfied. The better the effectiveness of the Eight Ox Crossbow, the more he could convince the officials to pay.

Yes, you are all very good at being able to come up with such a powerful thing. I am very satisfied. The emperor nodded with everyone.

Just saying this made Cheng Chumo and the others look excited.

Your Majesty's praise is so great that I cannot bear it.

The Eight Ox Crossbows were all Mr.'s idea. We are just helping out, nothing more.

The ability to produce such a powerful weapon is all thanks to His Majesty's blessing.

The students in the academy were praised by the emperor, and they all spoke flatteringly to the emperor.


br\u003e The emperor was very happy.

If you at least praise Zhao Chen a few words, your guy will definitely not say such flattering words to you.

Zhao Chen, if they were even half as sensible as they were, he wouldn't be so angry that he would die of anger.

You've all seen it, how is it? Do you have the confidence to sell this thing to the officials? Seeing the emperor walking back with excitement on his face, Zhao Chen stood up and asked.

The emperor was certainly confident.

He had to get such a powerful weapon even if he had no money.

Anyone who dares to stop the officials is making an enemy of the emperor.

Although your kid is usually very annoying, this method is still really good.

Tomorrow I will bring all the officials over to see for myself, otherwise those guys won't let go so easily.

By the way, you have to follow me tomorrow and cooperate with me, do you understand? The emperor pulled Zhao Chen aside and whispered to him.

The emperor believed that this eight-oxen crossbow could conquer all officials in the court.

Anyway, if Zhao Chen didn't see the money, he would definitely not hand over the making method of the Eight Ox Crossbow easily.

And even if the emperor doesn't want the kickback Zhao Chen gives him, the price Zhao Chen wants is still so much.

In this case, if I take part of the money back, isn't it just to win back the battle for the officials?

Thinking of this, the emperor understood instantly.

Zhao Chen, you are really good at this. This is the first time I have seen such a powerful weapon. Empress Changsun walked to Zhao Chen and nodded with satisfaction.

Although the identity cannot be revealed.

But Empress Changsun could foresee that if all the officials saw such a powerful Eight Ox Crossbow, they would definitely be as shocked as she was.

As a mother, how could she be unhappy that her son was so capable?

It's okay. Zhao Chen nodded with a smile. He was still very humble in front of Queen Changsun.

Okay, it's going to snow. Let's go back quickly. Empress Changsun said with a smile, stroking her hair that was messed up by the wind with her hands.

Your Majesty really plans to go with Zhao Chen, then sell this weapon to yourself? On the carriage, Empress Changsun covered her hands and asked the emperor.

She asked after seeing the excitement on the emperor's face.

However, the power of the Eight Ox Crossbow really shocked Queen Changsun.

Such powerful weapons must be installed in the Tang army.

Hey, Maid Guanyin, you are so right, I really want to sell this Eight Ox Crossbow to me this time. The emperor smiled.

This thing is really unique. Compared with the Hongtian Lei, it has its own advantages.

If I don't get it, I will always feel a little uneasy.

But if you want to get it, it's impossible without paying.

Zhao Chen, that little bastard, doesn't let go of the hawk until he sees the rabbit. If I cooperate with him, I can get some of the money back.

If I don't cooperate with him, all the money will go into his pocket.

I can't bear this loss. The emperor continued to talk to Empress Changsun about his plans.

The emperor knew very well.

If he hadn't set his sights on the money in Zhao Chen's yard, Zhao Chen wouldn't have agreed to split the account with him.

Of course, the emperor also knew that Zhao Chen wanted to make more money with his help.

But, as long as the stuff is good, you can make a profit.

The emperor felt that Zhao Chen was sensible and knew that he had no money, so he thought of a way to send money to him.

Your Majesty and Zhao Chen are really... brave and resourceful. Empress Changsun paused for a moment, as if she had not thought of how to describe the two of them, and held back such a word.

Haha, if nothing else, Maid Guanyin, this little Zhao Chen

I also like Zi’s character very much.

Many times, I regard him as my old friend. The emperor laughed, his face full of joy.

As soon as the emperor's chariot returned to the palace city, he immediately called Liu Zhenghui, the Minister of Household Affairs.

The old guy, Minister of the Ministry of Finance, is also very picky.

Maybe I was used to living in poverty before, so I like to plan everything carefully.

Every year, the money and food from the treasury must be clearly allocated to him.

There is no room for error.

The emperor's private treasury was empty every year, so the emperor often discussed with Liu Zhenghui to see if he could get more money from the national treasury to his private treasury every year.

But, Liu Zhenghui was so picky that nothing the emperor said was of any use.

Give him a constant amount of 100,000 yuan every year.

I won't give you an extra copper plate.

The emperor called Liu Zhenghui here this time because he wanted to ask him again whether he would give him a raise or not.

If it doesn't rise, he will really want to work with Zhao Chen to make a profit from him.

Your Majesty, Liu Zhenghui, pays homage to your Majesty! In the Ganquan Hall, Liu Zhenghui bowed his hands to the emperor.

Give me a seat. The emperor looked at Liu Zhenghui with a smile.

The eunuch brought a soft cushion, and Liu Zhenghui sat down on his knees, looking up at the emperor.

Liu Zhenghui didn't even need to think about it. Ninety-nine times the emperor asked him, the Minister of Household Affairs, to come here because of money.

This year’s revenue from the state treasury has doubled compared with last year.

Liu Zhenghui roughly estimated that it should be 10 million yuan.

This sudden change from a poor man to a rich man made Liu Zhenghui so excited that he couldn't sleep for several nights.

He did not tell the emperor directly about this news.

The emperor is used to being poor, and no matter how frugal he is, money should be spent where it should be spent.

As for the emperor coming to ask for money from him today, Liu Zhenghui just didn't have a word for it.

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