At this moment, Zhao Chen finally understood why the common people were oppressed by powerful men.

It's no one else's fault.

The people of the Central Plains are hard-working, which means that as long as they can have a full mouthful of food, they can endure any bullying.

The current situation completely confirms this.

He wanted to eliminate the cancer of Wang family in Lizhou for the people of Lizhou, but unexpectedly, no one came forward to testify, but instead blamed himself.

Zhao Chen didn't believe that the Wang family, which even dared to touch the Wu Mansion, would be the pure and pure of Lizhou City.

After leaving the Yamen, Zhao Chen returned to the post house.

Wu Xu was already waiting here, put on new clothes and with a smile on his face.

She just returned to the Wu Mansion. Judging from her current state, she should have a good talk with the old lady of the Wu family.

How are you doing there? Wu Xu asked Zhao Chen about the matter of ascending to the hall.

Zhao Chen smiled bitterly, not even knowing how to answer Wu Xu's words.

Seeing Zhao Chen didn't speak, Wu Xu naturally understood what happened.

She was not surprised by this.

After all, the Wu family is unwilling to provoke the Lizhou Wang family, so how could ordinary people dare?

Where are we going next?

Silla, or Baekje. Wu Xu asked where to go next, looking full of anticipation.

It wasn't that Silla and Baekje attracted her so much, but that there were only her and Zhao Chen this time, without Li Ruoshuang, Li Ke, Cheng Chumo and the others.

This trip is unique to her Wu Xu.

Go all the way north, first to Shacheng, and then transfer to Silla. Zhao Chen said his plan.

Since the people of Lizhou were unwilling to testify against the Wang family and his son, he was too lazy to care about the affairs here.

I have given the people of Lizhou the opportunity to get what they don’t want.

As for the Wu family, their attitude has been very clear. It is expected that the Wang family will also

Don't dare to do anything inappropriate.

But obviously, this time Zhao Chen underestimated the viciousness of the Wang family and his son.

Then shall we leave now? Wu Xu asked again.

Zhao Chen nodded. He didn't want to worry about Lizhou anymore. He had more important things to do.

Qin Sanpao, let everyone assemble and set off in an hour. Zhao Chen and Qin Sanpao shouted.

Qin Sanpao took the order to gather everyone.

Du Jianghe brought people to see Zhao Chen off. Although he captured the Wang family and his son yesterday, he didn't quite understand why Zhao Chen didn't take advantage of yesterday's opportunity to kill the Wang family and his son directly.

Instead, it became such a joke today.

But he still chose to move closer to Zhao Chen.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to contact the King of Han.

Your Highness the King of Han, why don't you send some more people to escort His Highness and his party? Du Jianghe persuaded Zhao Chen, also wanting to show his goodwill to Zhao Chen.

Zhao Chen waved his hand gently: No need, if General Du is willing, he can help take care of some Wu families.

Don't worry, Your Highness, the general will take good care of the Wu family and will never let anyone deal with the Wu family. Du Jianghe quickly agreed.

Du Jianghe knew what Zhao Chen meant when he said that he should take care of the Wu family.

It was to prevent the Wang family from retaliating against the Wu family.

After all, everyone knows when Zhao Chen will come to Lizhou next time.

Let's go! Zhao Chen gave the order, and everyone drove the carriage and horses towards the north.

Alas, it's a pity that His Highness the King of Han has worked so hard. Du Jianghe sighed softly.

Is this the place where you fought Goguryeo last time?

It's so desolate.

The carriage traveled for half a month and finally arrived in northern Xinjiang.

It was the cold moon, and it was already snowing heavily in northern Xinjiang.

Wu Xu was wrapped in a big coat and stood by the window looking at the deserted streets outside.

It's better here. The further north you go, the more inaccessible it is. And this is not a place for fighting. It's a grain store. Zhao Chen sat next to the stove, holding a book in his hand.

What are you looking at? Wu Xu asked curiously as he poured a cup of hot tea for Zhao Chen.

Liao Zhai.

Liao Zhai?

I've never heard of it before. Is it something new you wrote? Wu Xu leaned his head and stared curiously at the book in Zhao Chen's hand.

Wu Xu's face was almost close to Zhao Chen's ear, and his breath sprayed on Zhao Chen's cheek. ??

Do you want to read it? Zhao Chen handed the book to Wu Xu.

Wu Xu didn't answer, and seemed a little disappointed and said: I don't want to read it.

Then he put the hot tea aside and turned back to the window.

Zhao Chen wiped his left cheek vigorously. He always felt that Wu Xu was deliberately getting so close to him.

When reading a book, it should be close to you.

I asked her if she wanted to see it, and she said no.

What is this girl doing again?

I heard that Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu are both in Silla and Baekje. Wu Xu turned around and stared at Zhao Chen's face.

Yes, I don't know what they think. One of the two guys went to Silla and the other went to Baekje.

But they each brought their own troops and started fighting on the battlefield.

Seeing the fierce fight between Silla and Baekje, Japan also wanted to get involved. Zhao Chen said slowly.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu were in Silla and Qin respectively.

Baekje's army led troops.

The two fought again on the battlefield.

However, Zhao Chen felt reassured about the two of them. Training like this on the battlefield could be considered a way to grow.

However, the Japanese country wanted to interfere and make Zhao Chen feel sleepy and wanted someone to send him a pillow.

Zhao Chen didn't intend to just let the matter in Quanzhou go.

But he didn't find a suitable excuse to deal with the Japanese country.

That's why he came here. If Japan intervened in the affairs of Silla and Baekje, he would let Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu, along with Silla and Baekje, declare war on Japan.

By then, it would not be the case that the Tang Dynasty used its powerful country to bully weak countries like Japan.

Instead, Silla and Baekje jointly fought against foreign aggression.

This pattern suddenly opened up.

Aren't you planning to go to Japan?

For that Japanese princess Su Wo Qinghe? Wu Xu stared at Zhao Chen with a scrutinizing look.

Zhao Chen was stunned and thought for a while before he remembered who Su Wo Qinghe was.

Ever since Su Wo Qinghe had an accident in Chang'an and he happened to save her, he seemed to have never seen her again.

Don't you forget about me? You're such a heartless man. You've wasted everyone's waiting for you in vain. Wu Xu looked at Zhao Chen with a smile.

He was obviously teasing Zhao Chen about his past.

I never had any thoughts about her...

What about me? Wu Xu suddenly came close to Zhao Chen's eyes, his nose almost touching Zhao Chen's face.

Zhao Chen was so shocked that he almost dropped the book in his hand into the stove.


You have lived in my house for many years, and I have watched you grow up...

Hey, okay, okay, I don't want to be your daughter. Wu Xu waved his hand and took a half step back, looking impatient.

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