All the officials looked at the scene in front of them with cold eyes.

Thinking of Kong Yingda's harsh treatment of his own people just now, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Although Kong Yingda acted like this under the pressure of Zhao Chen.

But it was a bit mindless.

Everyone thought to themselves, if they were in the same situation, wouldn't they also be dealt with by Kong Yingda like this?

Especially now that Zhao Chen was standing in front of them.

The long-term accumulation of prestige forced them to re-examine their position.

Kong Yingda looked at Mr. Zhang who had been killed by his own hands on the ground, and noticed that all the officials in the hall were silent.

He knew in his heart that even if he could save his life today, these people would probably be alienated from him.

No one would trust a person who only cares about protecting himself in times of crisis. ??

But even so, Kong Yingda believed that his choice was right.

Zhao Chen, I have done as you asked, can we talk? Kong Yingda looked at Zhao Chen.

There was a trace of fear hidden in the calm eyes, and there was also a hint of request.

Talk, what do you want to talk about? Zhao Chen smiled.

Kong Yingda, your best choice now is to kneel down and surrender. This way you can save your life for the time being.

We will deal with you separately when His Majesty returns from the front line.

As for talking, you are not qualified!

Zhao Chen's voice sounded again.

Kong Yingda looked sullen. He clearly remembered Zhao Chen telling him to cut off the tongue of the person who had spoken rudely to Zhao Chen.

That way you can talk.

Now that Kong Yingda has taken action himself, Zhao Chen has gone back on his word?

Playing with Kong Yingda in the palm of your hand?

Zhao Chen! Kong Yingda shouted and glared at Zhao Chen.

The smile on Zhao Chen's face faded and he said expressionlessly: How?

Zhao Chen, you'd better take a look at the situation at this moment. You just killed me. Do you think you can walk out of here?

General Su, surround them. If Zhao Chen dares to attack me, chop them into pieces. Kong Yingda was furious.

He thought he could save his life by compromising.

Unexpectedly, what Zhao Chen did was not what he thought.

He had done what he should do, but Zhao Chen still didn't let him go.

In this case, let's fight to the death.

General Su, Zhao Chen is so arrogant that he forced Kong Zhongshu to kill us and other ministers. Please don't let him go, General Su.

Yes, if we let Zhao Chen leave today, we will not end up well in the future.

In order to eliminate future troubles, General Su is invited to take action!

Among the officials, someone spoke.

They were not thinking about saving Kong Yingda, but thinking about Zhao Chen and Kong Yingda dying here together.

The scene just now showed everyone how vicious Kong Yingda was.

He was not happy with Zhao Chen and expected Kong Yingda to die here.

It's best if the two of them fight to the death and both sides suffer losses!

Su Butong looked at Kong Yingda and saw Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu staring at him eagerly.

Su Butong also knew in his heart that if he really rebelled against Zhao Chen here, the consequences would not be something he could bear.

Moreover, he has been Zhao Chen's person since he entered the imperial city.

One wrong step on the road is enough. Another wrong step will lead to an abyss.

After capturing Zhao Chen, Su Butong will not say whether he will die here.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive, the imperial city could be controlled by him as a general?

The emperor is still on the front line. If he, Su Butong, wants to stand on his own, he will definitely be overwhelmed in an instant.

Besides, Zhao Chen agreed to him.


When something goes wrong, not only will he not be held accountable, but he will also report his merits to the emperor.

With such a clear matter, wouldn't Su Butong know how to choose?

General Su, why are you hesitating?

Capture Zhao Chen, I will fight him to the death today. Kong Yingda shouted again.

When he saw that Su Tong was silent and hesitant, he felt an unspeakable feeling of something wrong in his heart.

Su BuTong walked forward and waved to the soldiers in front.

Surround them up!

Su Bu BuTong, what do you want to do? Cheng Chumo looked gloomy.

He had always felt that Su Butong was just a faggot.

At this moment, Su BuTong actually asked people to surround them. Didn't it confirm his suspicion?

Qin Huaiyu felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy at this moment, and was cautiously guarding behind Zhao Chen.

General Su, take them down. Even if I die today, I will die with him, Zhao Chen. Kong Yingda showed a smile on his face.

He looks a little crazy!

Kong Yingda was a little proud.

Zhao Chen, the cancer of the Tang Dynasty, if he didn't get rid of him, the family behind him would definitely receive a severe blow from Zhao Chen.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to die together with Zhao Chen today.

Zhao Chen, you didn't expect that I would be willing to sacrifice my own life to kill you.

When you came today, did you think that by taking control of me, the matter would be resolved?

I'm telling you, I'm not afraid of death. Even if I die, I will take you away with me! Kong Yingda laughed.

Pointing his finger at Zhao Chen's face, his face was filled with arrogance.

If someone unfamiliar with him saw Kong Yingda looking like this, he would definitely think that he was crazy.

But according to reality, Kong Yingda is indeed a bit crazy.

What a good form before, but since Li Tai was captured by Zhao Chen, everything has turned upside down.

Kong Yingda has made a good decision. It's not like when you were in Wannian County, you blocked those ordinary students. Zhao Chen nodded.

But this sentence seemed to poke a hole in Kong Yingda's heart.

The conflict between him and Zhao Chen started from that time.

After that, the hatred grew deeper and deeper, and finally reached the point where it is today.

Thinking of the student who was killed by Zhao Chen that day, Kong Yingda finally broke out. His long-standing resentment suddenly broke out at this moment.

Su BuTong, kill him! Kong Yingda said angrily.

Cheng Chumo and Qin Huaiyu raised their swords to protect their left and right sides.

Su Butong remained silent. Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of officials, he waved his hands and shouted to the soldiers: Kong Yingda has caused unforgivable harm to the country and the people. I, the general, have been ordered by Duke Zhao to help capture him.

Come here, take down Kong Yingda.

Every member of Kong Yingda's gang will be captured.

The hall fell silent again.

Everyone was stunned in place, feeling as if their heads suddenly short-circuited.

Su BuTong, who was in Kong Yingda's group just now, why did he change to Zhao Chen's group in the blink of an eye?

Together with Gao Shilian, who just now was scolding Su Butong for being too flattering to Kong Yingda, he was also stunned at this moment.

The soldiers were also stunned. They could not imagine that their general would give such an order.

When Kong Yingda heard Su BuTong's order, he thought he had heard it wrong.

Until Su BuTong said again: The last general, Su BuTong, pays homage to Duke Zhao.

Su Bu BuTong, you're crazy! Kong Yingda screamed.

Su BuTong raised his head and looked at Kong Yingda expressionlessly: This general is not crazy. I have always been a member of Duke Zhao.

I just didn't expect that you forced me to stay here, which disrupted Duke Zhao's plan.

But Kong Yingda, no matter what, in Duke Zhao's eyes, you are just a clown.

It's ridiculous!

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