The Girls In This World Are Super Fierce Chapter 1035524810


New skirt number 1035524810

New skirt number:


The previous skirt was due to a certain The reader ghs was reported and banned, and I was tired. I was busy with work and didn't have time to watch the group recently. As a result, this happened immediately. This is the second time. Before 2,000 people were banned, it took several months to add back 900 people. It fell short again o(╥﹏╥)o.

I beg the old drivers to do good deeds and don't drive in their skirts, zz, skirts are just for driving for you old drivers, if they are reported and blocked, they can be replaced, but for me it is not. Again, this is the hope of my job!

It's not easy to think of a small audience on the street. I want to prevent the book from being suddenly blocked and readers can't find me. I also prepare for the new book not to hit the street. Think about the new book as soon as it is released to my readership. If you ask for a recommendation ticket, you will have a lot of votes and readers all at once, which will reduce the chance of hitting the street. Before I published the book, 2,000 people’s skirts were banned. There are only 900 people in the skirt in a few months, so I know how difficult it is, so please don’t drive in my skirt, it’s not easy to hit the street, this book is still on the go, and now I’m slowly gathering readers, I hope the next book can rely on the support of these readers Some achievements, please, thank Orz.

In the future, all the things that are not sure whether they will be blocked will be sent to me privately for review, and only after they pass can they be sent to the group!

(end of this chapter)

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