The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 1477: The death and rebirth of a hero

Pastor Ron, that is, the little white face who almost performed a restricted plot in the ring showed a dazed expression on his face. How could he become a hero? Can I still be promoted to Shangyin priest? Morias is dead, he has no money for gold?

Seeing Ron's confused eyes, Sarah smiled. Like Cersei, the more she understands foreigners, the less she is wary of foreigners. They are also humans, far more mediocre than geniuses.

Although the Europa people’s plan to kill the gods from an economic point of view amazed all the gold coin priests who knew the inside story, there were too many idiots among these strangers who didn’t even understand addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Sarah originally thought that these foreigners were at the level of economics professors on average, but now they dare to use the complex financial products of foreigners to deceive Europa officials with funds. Compared with foreign banks, there are A true **** and a thousand-year-old Woking church is obviously more advantageous.

"Don't understand?" Pastor Sharila explained with a smile: "Morias is a corrupter who takes refuge in chaos, and you are the hero who killed him. You smashed him in front of tens of thousands of people. Head."

"I killed Morias?" Pastor Ron pointed to his nose: "But everyone knows that they are..."

"Those Seres killed him, didn't they?" Pastor Sharila smiled disdainfully: "The news tomorrow morning will say that you killed Morias, and everything remains on paper. The record also records that you killed Morias the Corruptor. In a few months, who will remember this incident?"

"But, what good is this for me?" Pastor Ron couldn't help but shrink his neck when he thought of the wealth and influence that Morias had left.

"Morias is a corrupter. He is dead, both physically and socially." Saraira shook her finger and was a little disappointed in Ron. These simple rules among the aliens even touched her. The aboriginal people all understood, but the stupid silver coin priest still looks stupid: "His clan will be disbanded, his business will be confiscated, his wealth will be confiscated, and any relationship with him will be confiscated. Close people will be quarantined and censored."

"Waiting for them at that time, it won't be as easy as you are here." Sarara gave Pastor Ron a wink. She can now be sure that the reason why this pastor can be promoted to silver priest is absolutely because Morias needs a good The controlled puppet was bought directly with money.

But this is also good, such a person is easier to control, and Sarai's thoughts have been tossed in her heart several times, changing again and again.

"You will be treated as a hero. This is the church's investment in you." Sarah sighed. This is also the weakness of Woking Church's growth: "You will be the pride of the church."

Because of the nature of the church, they seldom appear such shocking heroes. Instead, they often swear by the gods and retire after paying the money. Despite their amazing wealth, they are often ridiculed.

Now having such an opportunity to promote the bravery of the Woking priesthood is undoubtedly a win-win opportunity.

Pastor Ron gradually showed a timid smile under Sarah’s gaze, as if he had been a blessing in disguise?

When Pastor Sharila left with the holy artifact, Pastor Ron thought about it and got more excited. He killed Morias. He was a hero!

Pastor Ron was turning around in the cell, and the limited space could hardly contain his infinite courage. His back was stronger than ever. He is a hero, and he is the pride of the church!

His breathing became more and more rapid, his face became abnormally red, the sound of his heartbeat was like a basketball hitting the wall, and the dust in the corner of the shock was flying up.

He is a hero, he is proud!

Pastor Ron's footwork moved faster and faster, as if something was about to jump out of his heart, and his unspeakable excitement drove his footwork to speed up.

He is the hero who killed the Chaos Demon, he is the one who really killed Morias!

Pastor Ron stood in front of a wall and stopped. His chest was abnormally straight, because inside his body, his heart had swelled to the size of a basketball. With a burst of laughter, there was a burst of soap bubbles. It came out of him.

It was the sound of his broken heart.

However, Pastor Ron seemed unconscious, smiling frantically, repeating: "I am a hero! I am the hero who killed Morias!"

A lot of blood flowed down Pastor Ron's pores, and quickly wetted the pastor's robe. He shouted wildly while hitting the wall with his face.

"I am a hero! I am the hero who killed Morias!" Pastor Ron was so powerful that he shattered his forehead in just a few hits, revealing the pale yellow brain medulla under his skull.

Puff! Puff!

However, this did not stop him from continuing to hit the wall. Pastor Ron's head was only left below the nasal cavity, still shouting, "I am a hero! I am..."


Pastor Ron's entire head was smashed on the wall, and the entire room was splashed with brain medulla, blood, and bone fragments. Only an invisible lower jaw was hanging on his neck.

In the next second, a blood-colored flower bud grew along Pastor Ron’s esophagus, like the most enchanting peony, slowly blooming, a new head gradually formed in the flower, and the facial features gradually became clear from blurry, with a wicked smile. Finished what Pastor Ron didn't say: "I am, Morias."

No one knows that Morias has been reborn in the prison of the Europas, but the slutty believers of the entire Old World are caught in a carnival, as if celebrating the victory of another conspiracy by the Lord of Desire.

In several towns behind the Maginot Line, there were even uncovered conventions. The disguise believers have far more disguise than other evil They can always start from the most basic human desire for reproduction. Quickly integrate.

As a logistic supply point for the Maginot Line, these towns have many Europa soldiers coming in and out on weekdays, and a large number of Aboriginal women stay here to enrich the service industry here. These people can easily become hotbeds for the multiplication of evil beliefs.

This is the case in the town where Pastor Richard is located. As a believer of God of War, although he never patronizes those dark places, Richard never lacks friends of the opposite sex.

After all, Pastor Richard has such a standard tough face. Some people like his rugged charm, some like his muscles, and some people simply like him as a pastor of God of War. Pastor Richard is always willing to come.

But this night, Pastor Richard had a bad time. His bed partner seemed extremely excited and wanted to tempt him to try some addictive drugs.

Pastor Richard immediately noticed that something was wrong. He was smoking his cigar and pressing his friend in a bathtub filled with cold water to forcibly calm down. After counting the time, he lifted the other's head out of the water: " Say, who sent you here?"

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