The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 1541: IQ Crushing Bureau

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Vittoria wandered in the immigration ship with a full body of alcohol. Under the mighty power of modern medicine, her face that began to evolve toward the King of Han was'pushed back to the prototype'. The medical warehouse of the immigration ship has medical care for all pioneers. Records to facilitate limb repair in the event of an accident, including facial data.

In theory, even if you have three heads and six arms, as long as you are cruel, the medical warehouse here can repair you back to its original shape like a Christmas tree. Of course, there are no sequelae.

When the Academy of Sciences first installed this kind of black-tech medical warehouse on the immigration ship, the purpose was to see if this medical warehouse had any repair effect on individuals with severe limb variants that might appear.

Of course, Vittoriya doesn't need those functions. All she needs is simple bone removal, skin resurfacing, and repair functions. She is now familiarizing herself with the environment and trying to figure out every cabin.

She has too many things to remember. The size of the cabins with different functions is different, the time difference between the opening and closing of the airtight door, the length of the corridor, etc. Since seeing Yang Yuefan’s psychic power, Vittoriya has been Thinking about how to assassinate such a pervert?

Vittoria must be fully prepared to seek that one in ten thousand chance. The deductive method opened her arms arsenal, but it also stated that kinetic energy weapons are of little significance to him now.

The psychic rebirth formed a protective layer around Yang Yuefan, which could greatly reduce the speed of the kinetic energy projectiles, so that he had enough reaction time to fly the bullets one by one.

Charlieson Manson has been looking for opportunities to get close to Vittoria. He is not familiar with the other party, but Charlieson felt that he should have a chance to talk to the other party. When Yang Yuefan gave orders to Vittoria, Charlieson used the arrangement I heard the hollow pipe in the ventilation duct.

It was the simplest eavesdropping device he could think of. It was inefficient and extremely unstable, but it was the only eavesdropping device that could conceal Yang Yuefan. Charlieson had always suspected that the pervert could already listen to the electromagnetic waves generated by the operation of electronic devices.

In Charlieson's eyes, Vittoria is undoubtedly an easy-to-control big-head soldier. Charlieson knows that to go straight and to hide the purpose in sincerity is the easiest way to deal with such people.

So after confirming that Yang Yuefan had entered the game world and did not use his hearing and psychic energy to monitor the surrounding environment, Charlieson blocked Vittoria behind a cabin.

"Don't do it first!" Charlieson evaded an old fist in a bit of embarrassment. The female warrior's fist left a fist mark on the hard alloy wall, causing Charlieson to sweat all over his body. How could it seem to be overnight? Has the gang become Superman because of the game? I haven't changed?

"Who are you, and what's your purpose?" Vittoria could see that the opponent's skill is good, but now she is down for ten guilds. After all, even an awesome fighter cannot defeat a soldier wearing exoskeleton equipment. .

Vittoriya is now wearing an exoskeleton outfit. Her maximum bench press is about 750 kilograms, which is a full 1.5 times higher than her record on Earth.

"Listen, my name is Charlieson Manson, an agent of the U.S. Federal Federation!" Charlieson was afraid that the opponent would punch him again after speaking slowly, and smashed himself into flesh, and he was against Charlieson who was against the Retribution Team in the game. It's not that I've never seen this scene where Big Biaozi and Lupi go one-on-one: "I'm here to help you!"

"I haven't heard of it, and I don't have anything to help." Vittoriya looked at each other, and like other normal people, she has no good feelings for Mei Teijin, and it can even be said that she hates beauty more than most people. Teijin.

After all, Vittoriya has also led a team to fight against Umbrella Company branches and laboratories several times. In her eyes, the American Teijin is a lunatic who is addicted to biochemical technology and has no moral bottom line. Oh, yes, they are still modern slavery. Founder and follower.

"I know Yang Yuefan wants him to have an accident, and you will end his life!" Charlieson emphasized in a low voice: "I am also performing this task, but I was pulled out of the game by that **** a few weeks earlier than you. "

"I don't understand what you're talking about, and I'm not interested, otherwise you will leave the way, or I will help you clear the way, let's go alone, and no one will get in the way." Vittoria grabbed Charlieson. On the shoulder, he lifted the adult man with one hand and put it aside: "I was let me see you again for the second time."

Vittoriya believed in half when the other party told Yang Yuefan’s arrangements. With Yang Yuefan’s character, she had to keep her hand in everything, and it was normal to be backed up by the backup plan. Even if all the sober people in the entire fleet were secreted by Yang Yuefan. She was not surprised that she had given this task.

But since Yang Yuefan didn't explain to her that he still had a helper in this task, it meant that Yang Yuefan couldn't trust them, or he felt that the success rate of teaming up to assassinate him was lower.

Of course, it does not rule out that the American emperor is secretly pregnant. In fact, he does not have this task on his body. He just wants to fish in troubled waters. However, no matter how you look at it, Vittoria does not feel that she has the need to cooperate with the other party.

"I need a weapon, any weapon will do!" Charlieson had to say again: "That **** didn't give me access to the weapon compartment. I ~ I can't even find a screwdriver! Just choose you Cooperation, can you give me a gun?"

"You have also seen his weird power. The success rate is too low for us to act alone." Charlieson persuaded the female warrior with all his heart: "Even if, just in case, give me a gun, I can help. I was busy last time."

Vittoria pointed to her head and smiled: "I know I don’t look like a particularly smart type. I usually like to use the simplest way to solve problems, but please don’t get me wrong, I’m my class The highest score record holder in the Command Academy, I have four master degrees, including mechanical engineering. I pointed out and redesigned 17 of the exoskeleton armor of the EU Orbital Space Force."

Charlieson felt that perhaps it was a mistake to leave the American Emperor. At least no one would pretend to be a pig and eat tigers there. Pigs are real pigs and want to climb up in their dreams, while tigers will eat meat all at once and choose people.

"Give you a suggestion. If you want a weapon, try to crack the weapon compartment code. If you have the patience and rely on a personal terminal, you can crack it in two months, or build a simple projectile yourself. Weapons." Vittoria gave a confident smile: "If you encounter difficulties, you can come and ask me."

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