The Game of Demon Hunter

Vol 2 Chapter 1488: Shadow Master

Shariel Chateau, the former judge of the Shadow Organization, is responsible for dealing with those who betrayed the Shadow Organization, the assassin who assassinated the assassin, and the shadow power master in the true sense. For her, there is almost no inaccessible in this world. local.

However, the shadow organization, which has a thousand years of history and can be traced back to the Ottoman Empire, collapsed in just a few months. The shadow organization collapsed from the top, and the level of Shariel did not understand the matter. alike.

She only knows that all the legendary powerhouses in the organization have died on the truth of the organization’s destruction. As a smart woman, Shariel decisively disconnected all her previous relationships, as a shadow master who is only one foot away from the legend. , If she wants to hide her tracks, few people can find her.

But Shariel knew that the shadow masters in the organization who had been promoted to legend also had the same confidence, and they had not escaped the end of death.

A strong sense of anxiety enveloped Sally's heart. In order to put a lock on her life, she decided to find a new backer for herself.

Dawn Church is Shariel's choice.

For Dawn’s Church, this was an unexpected gain. No one would reject such an assassin. Even Dawn’s Church always has some ‘dirty work’ that needs to be dealt with in the dark.

The priest of the Temple of War was Shariel's first mission after taking refuge in the Temple of Dawn.

Although Pastor Richard is quite tough, there is no goal that Shariel can solve more easily than a soldier. After all, an unprepared pastor in front of her has no chance to put a lot of difficult things on herself. Amplify magic.

It took only three hours for Shariel to find Pastor Richard’s hiding place. Not only that, she also listened to the whole plan between Mrs. Keithley and Pastor Richard. Although she was not very interested in it, she also I don't plan to report what I heard to Chenxi Church.

After all, she was in the Church of Dawn just to mess around. It didn't matter to assassinate a pastor of the Temple of War, but it was not what an assassin should do to provide information on the initiative and rashly blending into the dispute between the two churches.

Shariel walked in the shadows in the form of shadows, and left Mrs. Kisri’s site with Pastor Richard. Although it was noon at that time and the shadows were weak and pitiful, they still had enough thanks to the blessings of the bustling streets of Sabak Many shadows provide cover for Shariel.

The shadow master was sure that the priest had sensed a little danger. Although she did nothing, the priest of the God of War was so keen. The **** priest had been alert to the surroundings, so that Shariel could not find the right time.

Her weapon is two special armor-piercing cones. This weapon is very suitable for a target like Pastor Richard who is accustomed to wearing heavy armor. The surface is also coated with a layer of coating that Shariel does not know the specific composition of, which can restrain the target. Its self-healing ability, and constantly erode the target organ.

Shariel does not have a fixed weapon, but there are more than 20 different weapons in her storage space, each of which she uses skillfully, such as the magic arrow and the muffler bow specially used to deal with the caster. Split axe to deal with large targets, etc.

Most of these weapons have their own unique effects, all provided by the Shadow Organization.

However, for a master like Shariel, there is nothing that can remain invulnerable, especially when there are targets that need to deal with two other enemies of the same level.

When Pastor Richard sang a hymn praising the God of War Campas and prepared to meet the challenge from Hedram and another swordsman, Shariel shot a magic shield designed to deal with the magic shield, and then jumped with shadow Appeared in the shadow behind Pastor Richard.

She tilted her head to avoid the arrows she shot, and watched the magic shield provided by Pastor Richard's equipment collapse before she pulled out the two armor-piercing cones and inserted them under Pastor Richard's ribs.

That piece of mercenary armor with poor workmanship became Pastor Richard's biggest flaw, and it did not provide protection under his belt.

The piercing cone slammed into Pastor Richard’s body, and then Shariel abandoned two weapons and fell into the shadow well formed on Pastor Richard’s shadow. Already under the shadow of a balcony on the second floor of a building 15 meters away.

The shadow master just squatted in the corner and watched the injured Pastor Richard and Hedram fought for several rounds, and then pulled out two piercing cones with a sullen expression on the ground.

Before the group of Mrs. Kisri arrived, Shariel even had time to use the power of the shadow to retrieve her weapon. No one other than the Shadow Organization could make this weapon, and now the Shadow Organization is finished. This weapon became out of print, she didn't want to waste it so much.

Shariel returned to Mrs. Kisri’s place of residence in a light car, even faster than the group of Mrs. Kisri who rescued Pastor Richard. At least she had enough time in the doctor’s medicine for treating trauma. Do tricks.

If they found no problem, those bandages and healing potions would only allow the priest of the Temple of War to see Campas faster.

Shariel finally gave up the plan to poison Mrs. Keithley’s drink under the water. Although it was tempting, these strangers seemed to be able to resurrect at any time. There was no point in doing so except for gaining hatred. She felt a little envious of this group Foreigners.

Chenxi Church’s order is to kill the pastor of the Temple of The cleaner the hand tail, the better, and the less impact it will cause. It is not difficult for Shariel, she just needs to hide here to watch It would be good for the pastor to die in pain.

Of course, creating fear in this process and shocking this group of Mrs. Kisri is also the result of Chenxi Church’s happy opinion. As a newly hired migrant worker, Shariel feels that it is “heartfelt” to express this kind of trivial matter What a good employee should do is easy for her to create fear among these strangers.

Shariel went out to kill an alien every few minutes, and then returned to Pastor Richard's room to observe his reaction in secret.

The shadow master was in the same room with more than a dozen foreign guards, but no one could find her. She was just a little surprised that the war **** priest’s vitality was hit hard by her weapon, and she was struck by the foundation. Mrs. Sri’s doctor was poisoned, but he still breathed long. Apart from being unable to wake up from the coma, he could not see the intention of going to see the old man in Campas.

Isn't this TM a choice? Shariel was a little vacant, she didn't want to have such a big hatred with the Temple of War.

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