The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 397 Which paradise designer?

In fact, Yang Lu had long had doubts about the language of the world of cultivation.

There is often a high positive correlation between the complexity of a language and the advanced level of the civilization to which it belongs.

Although many people always like to make outrageous remarks such as "ancient Chinese is profound and profound", they can't mention that the underlying logic of isolation, inflection and agglutination is different. There is no comparability between them. Even if Chinese It is really broad and profound, and it is not ancient Chinese that is broad and profound.

Modern Chinese can surpass ancient Chinese in every aspect. Even in the ancient feudal dynasties, the ancient Chinese in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was far richer and more diverse than the ancient Chinese in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Without the intervention of external forces, the level of civilization can be roughly assessed based on the complexity of language.

And it is easy to translate low-level civilization vocabulary into high-level civilization vocabulary, but it is very difficult to translate high-level civilization vocabulary into low-level civilization vocabulary.

Japanese is the most typical example.

In order to forcibly translate the images of more advanced Western civilization and Chinese civilization languages ​​into Japanese, the Japanese were forced to invent hiragana and katakana to literally translate concepts that did not exist in their own civilization language.

There are various indications that the language of the Kyushu cultivation world is actually quite advanced. It is precisely because of this characteristic that Yang Lu can easily convert earthly vocabulary such as "cultivation plug-in" and "main god space" into cultivation language vocabulary.

However, there is one biggest problem.

Although the cultural prosperity of the cultivation world far exceeds that of traditional agricultural society, it is still not as good as the earth in the information age.

Even if cultivators can use array methods to achieve complex functions such as instant messaging, the Internet, and even convolutional neural networks, since mortals cannot mobilize spiritual energy at will, there is no way to mass-use these technologies for civilians.

Therefore, the number of cultivators from Kyushu who hold cultural dominance is only in the tens of millions. The remaining tens of billions of mortals may only contribute less than 10% of the cultural contribution to the world of cultivation, and can only be regarded as a completely ineffective population.

The ultra-rare attributes of cultivators have also greatly restricted the prosperity of the cultural field in the cultivator world. Mr. Lu was able to establish a sect in the literary world of Kyushu by plagiarizing Shuangwen from Earth. This is a manifestation of Kyushu's culture being poorer than that of Earth.

However, a poor culture has given birth to an extremely complex high-level language. This is undoubtedly a very unreasonable thing.

Considering that the Jiuzhou cultivation world had also communicated with "outer worlds" such as the Demon World, the Wilderness Realm, the Extraterritorial Battlefield, and the Ancient Heavenly Court, Yang Lu also speculated that this might be the impact of alien civilization on the Jiuzhou language. After all, each country The collision between different foreign cultures can indeed increase the complexity of language.

But this explanation also raises more questions.

For example, according to the records of cultivators, both the Demon Realm and the Wilderness Realm seem to use similar language to the Kyushu Cultivator Realm.

Although the language of the Manghuang Realm is somewhat different from that of Kyushu, cultivators who first came to the Manghuang Realm can still barely understand the conversations of the local indigenous spiritual tribes. It seems that the two languages ​​are composed of the same original language in different environments. developed separately.

This is even more bizarre.

Because the Manghuang Realm was discovered by the Ascended Immortal Ma Tianyi 500 years ago, the difference between the local language and the Kyushu language is almost the same as the different dialects of Chinese. Is it really as the cultivation archaeologists claim, Manghuang The domain is a fragment of the ancient heaven, and the local monks are actually the descendants of the ancient body refiners?

However, the fall of the ancient heavens happened millions of years ago. Millions of years of independent evolution should logically lead to earth-shaking changes in language.

Even hundreds of years, not to mention millions of years, can lead to reproductive isolation in languages. Modern Chinese can barely understand ancient Chinese characters, but they cannot understand the pronunciation of ancient Chinese at all, and the writing of other ancient civilizations has even been lost directly.

According to the travel notes written by cultivation adventurers and the knowledge passed down by the Jiuzhou Spirit Clan, the evolutionary gap between the language of the Wilderness Realm and the language of the cultivation world is only a dozen generations at most.

So the question arises, why is the difference between the language of the Manghuang Realm so small compared to the language of Kyushu?

Not to mention the weirdness in the evolution of Kyushu language, based on the characteristics of today's cultivation language, it can be seen that the language is not only very advanced, but also has very little ambiguity.

This language feature also causes Kyushu residents to rarely have misunderstandings when communicating. Even the repetition of the pronunciations of "he" and "she" in Chinese rarely occurs in the Kyushu cultivation world.

Since the owner of the Qiankun Ring is known as the park designer, he most likely participated in the design of a certain park, so Yang Lu immediately asked, "Paradise designer? Which park designer is he?"

However, the Nazgul's answer was only silence.

In the end, Murong took the initiative to explain: "Mr. Yang, the Nazgul never take the initiative to answer any questions about the designer of the park. Until now, I only know this name... By the way, it also said that I am the heir of the designer of the park. Woolen cloth."

"Are you the heir to the park's designer?"

Murong nodded and said: "Anyway, that's what the Ring Spirit said. And it also emphasized that the park designer is not my biological parent... I don't know what this means, but I have shared my authority with you. If you have any questions, you can ask it directly.”

Seeing that Murong had the same confused look on his face, Yang Lu looked at the Ring Spirit again and began to trick it into insinuating information about the park's designer.

But just like Murong said just now, this big ball of light is so strict in its tone that it is like a machine without emotions.

If it was an ordinary and insignificant question, it would answer it honestly, but as soon as the park designer and its own origins were mentioned, it would instantly fall silent. No matter what tricky angle Yang Lu asked from, it was useless.

Only when Yang Lu mentioned the name "Paradise Designer" would the Ringwraith repeatedly emphasize that he was a "great" park designer.

But if you analyze it based on the name alone, the reference of this "paradise" is too vague. Considering that Xutian Illusion is like a paradise, does the so-called paradise refer to this Xutian Illusion?

Although this guess was reasonable, Yang Lu always felt that something was wrong. If Xutian Illusion is the so-called paradise, then why doesn’t the original owner of the Qiankun Ring call himself the designer of Xutian Illusion?

Isn’t this name less ambiguous than Park Designer?

Although Yang Lu's question did not get an answer in the end, his questioning skills were still much better than Murong's.

After realizing that the information related to the park designer should be a taboo topic for the Ring Spirits, Yang Lu changed his angle and inquired about other matters: "Qiankun Ring, in addition to the park designer and Murong, you also used to Has it been held by anyone else?"

This time, the big light ball indeed revealed more information: "This ring has been held by many owners in the past."

Hearing the Ring Spirit mentioning his former masters for the first time, Yang Lu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: "Who are these former holders? They can possess a magic weapon of the level of the Qiankun Ring, it is absolutely impossible for them to be Jiji Nobody!"

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