The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 389 Big Fat Sheep

Yang Lu's gang has been lying in wait in this valley for six or seven days.

So far, no unscrupulous person who came to kill Li Qingning has been able to escape their punishment.

In the past few days, there were quite a few cultivators who came to trouble Li Qingning with their Musk Fairy Rats, but in the last two days, no one came to seek death. Even if there were a few unlucky ones who accidentally broke into the ambush and searched for them afterwards. When they were picking up the trophies, they couldn't find any muskrats on them. It was obvious that they were just passing by by chance. It seemed that all the real people with ulterior motives had been wiped out by them.

Logically speaking, it is obviously not cost-effective for Yang Lu's team to continue spending like this.

However, according to the information Liu Xiahui gave before his death, there were more than 60 masters holding Musk Fairy Rats, including seven or eight masters who were direct descendants of the seven major sects. Among them, Liu Xiahui and Ai Wen have been executed. In the past two days, two direct disciples from Zijin Pavilion and Guiyi Sect were captured on the spot. Yang Luman was able to eliminate four direct disciples with full calculation.

Even if all the couriers carrying muskrats were counted, they had only killed less than forty people so far.

Then the question comes:

Where are the remaining muskrat holders?

Now the Outer Territory Battlefield has been open for nearly ten days. Even after a fierce battle, Tian Beixi has recovered from his injuries and rushed over. In addition, many peripheral areas of the Outer Territory Battlefield have been covered by the demonic tide. A large number of cultivators have begun to be forced to the center of the Outer Territory Battlefield. Move, if there are other masters who are ready to snipe Li Qingning, they should crawl over even if they crawl.

Since the rest of the group hadn't arrived yet, Yang Lu estimated that they had either overturned on the way, or were about to take advantage of the situation, or they might have been scared away after witnessing the fight between Yang Lu's gang.

Yang Lu originally planned to catch all those who had ill intentions towards Li Qingning, but after listening to Xi Ziang's advice, he felt that it was really not an option to continue to wait and see.

Everyone had just been lying in wait for three full hours, and finally caught Tian Beixi who came to help. Almost half a day had passed since the last monk holding the Musk Fairy Rat was killed.

According to this efficiency, they may not be able to wait for a few guys to fall into the trap by the time the extraterritorial battlefield is over.

Under the uneasy gaze of Xi Zi, Yang Lu nodded slowly and said: "What you said makes sense. As for the next plan..." At this point, Yang Lu named the subordinates around him one by one: "Xi Zi Ang, Fu Hao, you two will each bring two groups of people. According to Subaru Sinan's instructions, you can move freely within a radius of fifty miles around here! There should be some guys with musk fairy rats in an ambush nearby, but we They are too scared to come near. In this case, we will take the initiative to dig them out. Remember not to kill anyone without permission, and we must bring them back and deal with them together!"

Yang Chenglong and Rong Sheng, the veterans who were previously responsible for guarding Yang Lu, immediately asked: "Consultant Yang, what should we do?"

Now that Yang Lu is protected by two top experts, Ye Chen and Li Qingning, there is no need for these two guys, so he casually ordered: "Didn't we catch several more valuable fat sheep? You guys will be responsible first." Guard the prisoners by my side, and if the other two teams need support, you can always step in!"

With Yang Lu's current prestige, no one dared to object to his arrangements. After receiving the task, the members of Yang Lu's gang went out separately.

As Xi Ziang and Fu Hao each ordered their troops and started a large-scale mopping up operation according to the guidance of Subaru Sinan, Yang Lu soon noticed through his spiritual consciousness that fierce battles began to break out in the surrounding areas of the valley.

Since the team already has rich experience in killing people and seizing treasures, Yang Lu no longer even needs to personally take command. He only needs to put forward a few directional suggestions, and his subordinates will naturally come forward to help implement them.

If they are unimportant prisoners, everyone can share the merits according to the order. If they are fat sheep with a background of the seven major sects, Yang Lu will ask Rong Sheng to keep them all under guard and prepare for the future. Use it for other purposes.

Although the foreign battlefield has entered the most brutal second half, Yang Lu has become the most leisurely person in the entire foreign battlefield. He is even bored enough to play backgammon with Miss Li.

The rules of backgammon are relatively simple, and Yang Lu taught them to Li Qingning and Murong very early.

In fact, Yang Lu was careful when he first taught Li Qingning backgammon, because the biggest problem in backgammon is that there is an optimal solution. It cannot withstand people memorizing fixed formulas. Backgammon players who know how to memorize fixed formulas will face backgammon players who cannot memorize fixed formulas. Players can basically achieve the effect of dimensionality reduction and can completely control the winning, losing and rhythm of the game at will.

With this cheating method, Yang Lu was able to fight back and forth with Li Qingning who was stretching his hips horizontally every time, and was defeated by the opponent in the end. While fully satisfying Miss Li's strong competitiveness, he could also coax the opponent. Be very happy.

Until now, Li Qingning thought that his chess skills were on par with Yang Lu!

However, after the two had a close relationship, Yang Lu started to like bullying Miss Li. This time when he played chess with Li Qingning, he didn't hold back at all and killed Miss Li until she was unable to fight back.

After losing more than twenty games in a row, Li Qingning's pretty face turned green. Just when she was getting angry and ready to announce that she would change the rules of backgammon, she found Fu Hao's lightning-fast escaping light coming from the horizon again.

According to past experience, this should be Fu Hao's team successfully capturing the new fat sheep.

However, the identity of this fat sheep is obviously not trivial. Before Fu Hao even landed, he shouted loudly: "Advisor Yang, this is terrible! We seem to have captured the direct descendant of the Supreme Elder of the Infinite Sword Sect!"

After hearing the news, Yang Lu suddenly became energetic: "Who did you catch?"

Fu Hao casually threw a figure in front of Yang Lu and laughed loudly: "We actually caught Qiu Xiang, the descendant of Qiu Longbo, the Supreme Elder of the Wuliang Sword Sect! We tortured him just now, and this guy started to return the favor. I wanted to deny it, but it turned out that Yang Chenglong, an outer disciple of Qiu Longbo's sect, happened to be in our team, and we recognized him directly. We have already verified that this person does not have the aura of Musk Fairy Rat on his body. He should be passing by by chance. And then we got caught!”

Before Yang Lu had time to give instructions, Li Qingning exclaimed: "Ah? It's him!"

Yang Lu quickly asked: "Miss, do you know this Qiu Xiang?"

Li Qingning's face suddenly turned red: "When I first opened the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, I borrowed money from this guy. He is Qiu Longbo's descendant, and he also has a middle-grade spiritual root qualification. He has money on hand. very!"

Hearing this, Yang Lu's face immediately sank.

When Li Qingning started the Chamber of Commerce, no one thought she could make money at all. Even so, anyone who dared to lend her money did not need to think twice to know that he was greedy for her body.

It’s strange that Yang Lu can have a good attitude towards this guy!

At the same time, Qiu Xiang, who was pinned to the ground and unable to move, obviously recognized Li Qingning.

Yang Lu was planning to kill this big creditor of the Qingning Chamber of Commerce, and Qiu Xiang repeatedly begged for mercy: "Junior Sister Li, please spare her life, Junior Sister Li, please spare your life! As long as you can be noble, I don't think you need to pay back the 300,000 spirit stone coins." !”

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