The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 355 Can’t reach an agreement

"Consultant Yang, I thought you would let me go to Team B to supervise the battle!" After watching the members of Team B leave, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Aren't you worried that those guys in Team B will be up to no good? Especially the guy named Xi. A monk from the Sea Cliff Sect, I think he seems to be restless, always dragging others along to whisper something secretly!"

Even a tough guy like Ye Chen could see that Xi Ziang had different intentions, but Yang Lu still said nonchalantly: "This is a lawless foreign battlefield. As the number of team members increases, everyone will inevitably have other ideas. , just relying on the strength of the two of us, we can’t keep a close eye on him. In fact, forming a team on an extraterritorial battlefield is very similar to setting up a chamber of commerce in the Kyushu cultivation world. The most important thing is to design the mechanism well. As long as each member If our interests are straightened out, they will have no reason to betray me!"

Although Yang Lu said these words out of emotion, he was obviously playing tricks on others.

From Ye Chen's point of view, Yang Lu's aggressive recruitment of troops in foreign battlefields was like planting a time bomb around him, and he would be blown to pieces if he was not careful.

Although even if Yang Lu plays fire and burns himself, Ye Chen is still confident that he can fight his way out with the direct descendants of the seven major sects, but his joining the Wuliang Sword Sect may be in trouble.

But after seeing Yang Lu's unquestionable attitude, Ye Chen also knew that everything he said was in vain.

He not only wanted something from Yang Lu, but also the other party had the ultimate means of controlling him. He was controlled by Yang Lu in every aspect. Apart from obeying Yang Lu's command honestly, he really had no qualifications to make demands. So Ye Chen could only nodded silently and continued to guard him honestly.

Now there are only three outsiders in Group A. At least these three people want to join forces to rebel. Ye Chen is still confident that he can control the situation.

And the reality was just as Ye Chen feared.

As soon as the members of Group B left, Xi Ziang started to have evil thoughts.

During this period of time, this person was often criticized by Yang Lu for being a front-runner, and he also had the greatest resentment towards Yang Lu.

After realizing that Yang Lu could no longer monitor the situation on his side, he immediately called the other three people to his side.

"Fellow Taoists, don't be nervous!" Seeing everyone's suspicious eyes on him, Xi Ziang quickly pressed down his hands and made a calm gesture, "The person named Yang is staring too closely, I haven't been able to find him. This opportunity brings everyone together to discuss the big plan. But I have already talked with each of you privately. You are all our own people..."

Rong Sheng glanced at the other two people with a wary look and said, "Have you told everyone about the plan to turn against customers?"

Xi Ziang nodded and said, "I have talked with each of you privately. What do you think?"

However, the answer to him was an awkward silence.

In fact, these three teammates of Xi Ziang were not randomly selected by Yang Lu.

The members of Group B not only include Yang Chenglong and Rong Sheng, old enemies, but they are also relatively early members of Yang Lu's team. As for the two female monks who joined the team at the end, Yang Lu kept him by his side. .

According to the operating rules of MLM organizations set by Yang Lu, "the earlier you join, the greater the benefits", the four guys from Group B were the ones who benefited the most from this fishing and law enforcement.

In other words, everyone is a vested interest in the team!

Except for the female disciple of the Golden Knife Sect named Liang Yu who was still at a loss, Rong Sheng and Yang Chenglong not only recovered their money by killing people and grabbing treasures, but even made a profit. Before entering the foreign battlefield, their entire net worth was less than 10,000 spirit stone coins, but now the two of them combined have almost 20,000 spirit stone coins in real money.

This does not include other property that cannot be liquidated temporarily!

Although this amount of money is nothing to Yang Lu, for ordinary cultivators, it is undoubtedly an astonishing amount of wealth.

Everyone knows how to settle accounts in their mind.

The total duration of the foreign battlefield is nearly twenty days, and today is the afternoon of the second day of the foreign battlefield.

If they can harvest fat sheep like this every day, Rong Sheng and Yang Chenglong feel that it is only a matter of time before they become millionaires with tens of thousands of spiritual stone coins. If they are lucky, they might even be able to cultivate a second golden wheel of merit!

If Xi Ziang persuaded them to revolt, they still had a bit of a rebellious spirit. After seeing the spiritual stone coins and merit gold wheels they picked up for free, Yang Chenglong and Rong Sheng actually had no interest in participating in this rebellion. After all, the rebellion may fail, and failure may result in loss of life, but being honest and paddling in the team does not seem to be dangerous for the time being.

Considering that Yang Lu even distributed his non-recoverable merits to them, it doesn't look like he would kill people and silence them!

As long as you can make a living, why rebel?

In fact, Xi Ziang didn't want to have a showdown with them so soon. He also had some unavoidable reasons.

The strength of the seven prisoners was not particularly outstanding, only Wu Neng and Yang Chenglong were slightly stronger, and all the ordinary magic weapons and talismans were taken away from them. In addition, everyone either had a grudge before or didn't know each other at all, so it would be nice to work together without holding each other back. Even if they join forces, they may not necessarily be able to win against Ye Chen.

However, Xi Ziang had a vague feeling:

If you don’t show your cards now, it may be too late later!

Although he didn't fully understand Yang Lu's manipulative skills, he could also sense that Yang Lu was trying to lure old gang members like Rong Sheng deeper and deeper into the trap, and his will to resist was also visibly changing. It's getting worse.

Nowadays, everyone still has some feelings of common hatred. At least Xi Ziang is not worried about being reported by others for saying wrong things. If this matter is mentioned again a few days later, traitors and workers may appear among these team members who are oppressed by Yang Lu. What a thief!

Yang Lu tightly bound all team members together by exchanging magic weapons. Whenever one or two traitors and scabs appeared in the revolutionary ranks, the entire rebellion plan would be ruined. Now the other three members of Group B are silent, which has proved that Xi Ziang's worries are by no means unfounded.

Faced with this embarrassing situation, Xi Ziang quickly cheered everyone up and said: "Fellow Taoists, are you willing to be a slave and me a fish? Our destiny must not be left to others to control! Now Yang Lu has no right We took action simply because we are still useful, but what if one day he turns his back on us and denies us, how will you all deal with yourself?"

I have to say that Xi Ziang's eloquence is indeed good.

These highly inflammatory remarks accurately hit the deepest doubts in the hearts of everyone present:

Yang Lu is acting according to the rules now, but that doesn't mean he will act according to the rules in the future. After all, this is a lawless foreign battlefield!

In the end, it was Liang Yu, a new member of Yang Lu's group, who took the lead to break the silence and took the initiative to take over Xi Ziang's words: "What Daoist Fellow Xi said is exactly what I am most worried about. I will never accept giving my life to a stranger..."

Seeing someone cheering, Xi Ziang quickly agreed: "This is exactly what I want to express!"

However, Yang Chenglong questioned: "But what if we support you? The magic weapon of the three of us is in the hands of the members of Group A. Only the magic weapon of Daoist Rong is in my hand."

"It doesn't matter!" Seeing that everyone responded to the discussion he initiated, Xi Ziang also became energetic. "As long as the four of us reach an offensive and defensive alliance first, I can fully represent the four of us to discuss with the three people in Group A. If the seven of us take action at the same time, we will definitely be able to catch Yang Lu and Ye Chen off guard!"

"Seven people attack at the same time? Can you all guarantee that you won't leave any behind?" Rong Sheng immediately asked the question that everyone present wanted to ask.

In foreign battlefields, selling teammates is a routine operation.

Not to mention whether the seven strangers can advance and retreat together, even if no one chooses to escape and kill Ye Chen instantly, aren't everyone worried that their "teammates" will turn around and attack themselves again?

After the common enemy was eliminated, it was almost inevitable that the seven people would kill each other again. Because Ye Chen's storage bag contains a dozen monks' elixirs, talismans, and spiritual stones, which are simply priceless!

If Ye Chen and Yang Lu die, who among the seven of them can grab Ye Chen's storage bag?

Will the person who snatched Ye Chen's storage bag still hold a meeting with the other six people to share the stolen goods like now?

It’s impossible to even think about it with your toes!

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