The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 351 The Golden Wheel Appears

"I thought the disciples of the Wuliang Sword Sect would be powerful, but I didn't expect this person to have a silver pewter spearhead!"

"It's just that I feel like this guy is not as good at fighting as Daoist Wu from Yueyun Villa!"

"Fellow Taoists, you are exaggerating! In fact, this person's strength should be no less than mine, but he never wanted to escape from the beginning to the end, but wanted to fight with the four of us. Isn't this asking for death?"

"Thank you all fellow Taoists for taking action to avenge me!"

“You’re welcome, Fellow Daoist Rong!”

"Look, the disciple of the Infinite Sword Sect seems to be waking up!"

"We still have to catch the others in a hurry, Fellow Daoist Ye, and I have to trouble you to knock him out."

Hearing this, Yang Chenglong, who had just regained a sense of consciousness, suddenly felt something bad. However, he had not fully recovered from the coma. He could not control his body at all and could only watch a stranger walk towards him. In front of him, he punched himself in the face, and then he fell into a coma again.

Seeing that Yang Chenglong had fainted completely, Yang Lu immediately ordered Wu Neng to urge Sinan Pleiades to see the situation of the other two fat sheep.

Sure enough, the two monks approaching from the north were instantly disturbed by the spiritual energy fluctuations generated by the battle.

One of them started running backwards, while the other hesitated for a moment and then slowly retreated. However, this guy's retreat was not very fast, and he didn't seem to think that Yang Lu's small group could find his traces.

After discovering this situation, Yang Lu immediately gave the order to pursue the cultivators under him.

On the battlefield outside the territory, the vast majority of cultivators will not rush at full speed to avoid excessive fluctuations in spiritual energy, which will attract enemies from further away. However, Yang Lu's team relies on the strength of their numbers and does not care about exposing their position. .

The hunted cultivator didn't know at first that he had been targeted by Subaru Sinan, and thought that Yang Lu and the gang were just passing by by chance. When the cultivator realized that these guys were all coming for him, It was too late to escape.

Yang Lu, who was at the end of the team, quickly sensed through his spiritual consciousness that a fierce battle broke out in front of him again.

Since more people are fighting less, this second battle is also very short. When Yang Lu arrived late dragging the unconscious Yang Chenglong, he found that the battle was completely over, but the female cultivator who was being hunted was lying straight on the ground, with a transparent hole in her chest opened by a flying sword. Blood is gurgling out.

Relying on the cultivator's strong vitality, this woman could barely breathe, but it was obvious that she was about to die...

Seeing this miserable scene, Yang Lu also frowned.

No matter where in the world, human males are more aggressive than females. Animal experiments on Earth have fully proven that male hormones play an important role in the aggressive behavior of organisms. For example, testosterone stimulates the aggression of several male vertebrates.

The extraterritorial battlefield is undoubtedly the most brutal arena for competition in the Kyushu cultivation world. Therefore, male cultivators have a more radical behavior style than female cultivators.

Most of the cultivators who dared to kill Yang Lu decisively in the face of Yang Lu's fishing and law enforcement were very radical in their behavior. This led to the fact that the subordinates Yang Lu had gathered so far were all foot-picking burly men.

Now I finally caught a female cultivator, but she was stabbed to death by some of my men who picked their feet...

Yang Lu does not favor girls over boys, nor is he a female boxer. It is just determined by hormone levels. Women are naturally more obedient than men, and they are easier to control than the big men under him. Increasing the gender diversity of your subordinates will also help to check and balance each other and prevent these guys with ulterior motives from colluding.

But it's too late to say anything now.

The unfortunate female monk was so seriously injured that magic could no longer save her.

The reason why she could still breathe was entirely because Yang Lu had given a death order and had to catch her alive, so the thugs took the initiative to cast spells to forcibly hang her life up. However, this kind of first aid method similar to ECMO treats the symptoms. If the root cause is not cured, once the input of external spiritual energy is interrupted, the woman's vitality will be cut off instantly.

After Ye Chen took the initiative to explain, Yang Lu found out that after discovering that she was being followed, the female monk ignored her and set up the escape light on the spot to escape.

In order to prevent her from escaping, everyone mobilized the magic weapons in their hands to attack. As a result, because they were not familiar with the power of other people's magic weapons and acted too hastily, Wu Neng accidentally used too much force and used Xi Ziang's Haiya sent a flying sword and stabbed the opponent on the spot...

Now everyone is waiting here, just to get some advice from Yang Lu.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Yang Lu waved his hands and said: "This woman is hopeless. Let's just divide her belongings as usual. The strategic materials will be handed over to Fellow Daoist Ye for safekeeping as usual. As for who will kill her... …”

Having said this, Yang Lu glanced around the three henchmen, and finally fixed his gaze on Rong Sheng: "Fellow Daoist Rong is the veteran of our team. When Yang Chenglong was just captured, Daoist Rong also took the lead. He put in a lot of effort. Let him get this merit, don’t you have any objections?"

The losers were shocked when they heard Yang Lu's decision.

Yang Lu had made it clear before that he would share the merits and spiritual stone coins gained from killing people in battlefields outside the territory with everyone, and he and Ye Chen would not take any of it. It’s just that everyone thought he was joking and didn’t take it seriously. Although the old members of the team were all assigned spiritual stone coins to the new members, Yang Lu wanted to get these spiritual stone coins back with just one sentence. After all, Ye Chen's fist is so big, how dare everyone not give it to him?

But he never expected that Yang Lu would give up the merit of killing people and seizing treasures to Rong Sheng!

Merit is not like spirit stone coins, which cannot be traded and transferred casually. Once Rong Sheng obtains the merit of killing people, Yang Lu will not be able to get it back even if he wants to!

Even Rong Sheng himself couldn't believe it: "Yang Keqing, are you not kidding me?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Yang Lu pointed at the dying female monk with an expression of "Forget it if you don't believe it" on his face, "Fellow Daoist Rong, don't blame me for not reminding you. If you continue to act like a mother-in-law, If we don’t take action, this female monk will be unable to bear it, and then this heavenly merit will be attributed to Wu Daoyou who hurt others!"

Rong Sheng turned around and saw that the female monk was indeed furious and might die at any time.

He was not someone who cared about women, so he quickly aimed at her neck and swung a light blade. The cold light flashed, and the unlucky female monk died on the spot.

Most of the cultivators present who could be caught by Yang Lu's fishing law enforcement were ruthless people. Seeing this poignant scene, most people's expressions were very cold. However, what happened next made everyone calm. His expression instantly became unbearable.

A golden light flashed behind Rong Sheng, and a golden wheel of merit suddenly appeared!

Rong Sheng has been practicing in the Shanying Sect for nearly thirty years. Although he is limited by his low-grade spiritual root qualifications and his cultivation level is still only Qi Training Dzogchen, through the accumulation of Heishantang, the stock of heavenly merits is already considerable.

After killing the female monk and gaining 3,000 merit points, he directly broke through the merit bottleneck and became a cultivator with a golden wheel of merit!

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