The Fourth Financial Crisis

Chapter 301 Press Conference (Part 2)

Just as Wang Ziwei had pointed out in advance, Yuntianhua was very careful in his speech.

He seemed to say a lot but seemed to say nothing at all, avoiding all potentially controversial topics. Because he spoke very slowly, the representatives of the various factions who were originally highly focused became a little drowsy after such a long set of words.

After finally waiting for Yuntianhua to finish his long speech, a representative of Yufeng faction finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked loudly without permission: "I dare to ask President Yun, will Lingshi Reserve Bank do this for Luo's Commercial Bank in the future? If the Lingshi Reserve Bank decides to provide a bailout for Lowe's Chamber of Commerce, can the Lingshi Reserve Bank treat them equally when problems arise with large chambers of commerce in the other eight states, instead of favoring the chambers of commerce in the central state area? ?”

The issue of the Yufeng Sect monks is very sensitive and even goes beyond the financial field.

Because the currency system of the Kyushu Cultivation World is very similar to that of the European Union, with multiple independent political entities, but only one currency issuing agency, the excessive intervention of the Wuliang Sword Sect in the Lingshi Reserve Bank will inevitably arouse the vigilance of all parties. Li Qingyang is a monk from the Golden Blade Sect and has a high prestige. No one is worried about the independence of the Lingshi Reserve Bank. However, if Yuntianhua, who came from the Wuliang Sword Sect, is appointed as the president, monks from other states will inevitably have doubts.

After the Yufeng faction representative finished speaking, all the representatives from other states started making noises.

The monks of the Infinite Sword Sect, represented by Liu Hanxing, looked at Yuntianhua with meaningful eyes, as if they wanted to know what kind of answer the president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, who was from the Infinite Sword Sect, would give.

As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come.

Yuntianhua had long known that the position of president of the Lingshi Reserve Bank was not easy to fill. He did not have the prestige of Li Qingyang. As long as he answered this question poorly, it would immediately cause a major earthquake in the financial world of Kyushu.

He secretly glanced at Liu Hanxing, who was sitting next to him expressionlessly, swallowed and said: "Our Lingshi Reserve Bank's position is consistent and will not change the continuity of monetary policy because of Governor Li's departure. "

This simple answer certainly does not satisfy the monks from other states.

The wind-controlling monk just stood up and asked unceremoniously: "President Yun, what we want to ask is whether the Lingshi Reserve Bank will provide cover for systemically important chambers of commerce like Luo's Trading Company. We will deal with the systemic financial risks in the nine states fairly, and please answer my questions head-on!"

Yuntianhua's eyelids jumped slightly, but he continued to mind his own business and said: "Lingshi Reserve Bank expressed serious concern about the financial risks caused by the financial problems of Luo's Commercial Bank. The problems have evolved to this day, and the relevant financial institutions have failed to correctly examine the height of financial risks. Relevant. The Lingshi Reserve Bank will continue to maintain contact with all stakeholders, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and find the greatest common denominator among all stakeholders."

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the monk from the Wind Control Sect, and he continued to ask: "You don't need to explain so much. You only need to answer yes or no to the two questions I just raised!"

If Li Qingyang were the president, no one would dare to question him in this tone. However, Yuntianhua's lack of prestige made the questioners even more arrogant.

Yuntianhua could only reluctantly reply: "Fellow Yufeng Sect, I have just clarified the position of Lingshi Reserve Bank on the issue of Luo's Commercial Bank. The Luo's Commercial Bank issue has a complicated background, and our position is consistent and clear. There has been no change, and we advocate giving priority to resolving issues through consultation and negotiation.”

"But what if negotiation cannot solve the problem? What if a similar situation happens in Borneo?"

Yuntianhua gritted his teeth and continued: "I have just explained the attitude of the Lingshi Reserve Bank on the issue of Luo's Commercial Bank. Since you mentioned the issue of Borneo, I can only say that we have the confidence and determination to handle it properly. All potential risks that threaten the financial stability of Jiuzhou Cultivation World and the concerns of all stakeholders should be respected and safeguarded."

"You also know that there are rumors in the market that our largest chamber of commerce in Borneo has also had repayment problems!"

Faced with the opponent's pressing step by step, Yuntianhua could only continue to play Tai Chi: "We have indeed noticed that there are some risk events in the financial system of Borneo, and I have also asked the branch of Lingshi Reserve Bank in Borneo to pay close attention As the situation develops, we will continue to evaluate the impact of the Borneo issue and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of practitioners of all sects from being harmed."

Seeing that Yuntianhua's Tai Chi skills were so good, all the monks present were completely speechless.

Yuntianhua's speech just now can be used to answer any question in the world. Even a cosmic paradox like "your mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who should I save first?" can be perfectly answered with Yuntianhua's words. .

For example, you can say, "I will continue to maintain close communication with all relevant parties. My position on the issue of rescuing people from drowning is consistent. Everyone's safety and interests should be respected and safeguarded." Although this very unflattering answer does not What a logical problem, but your girlfriend is definitely going to die...

However, Yuntianhua's advantage is that he is the president of Lingshi Reserve Bank. Even if others are not satisfied with his answer, they cannot drag him down and beat him up. Therefore, everyone is speechless, but no one can do anything to him.

However, at this moment, the representative of Wanhua Valley, the overlord of Nanman State, suddenly stood up and asked: "President Yun, the Lingshi Reserve Bank's inaction has aroused widespread doubts in the Kyushu cultivation world. President Li is already old and everyone I'm sorry to say anything, but you are so coy just after taking over, I'm afraid it's hard to convince the public!"

Yuntianhua's heart suddenly sank and he asked, "Fellow Daoist Liu, what do you mean?"

The Wanhua Valley representative surnamed Liu immediately said loudly: "Our Wanhua Valley Suwen Shenhuo Sect leader Tian Daxiao has a profound foundation in cultivation economics, and he is also a registered disciple recognized by President Lu personally. If the Wuliang Sword Sect Lingshi Reserve Bank is unable to solve the current situation, I suggest It would be better for Head Tian to personally come forward to re-establish the Lingshi Reserve Bank!"

Although no one here had heard of the story about the yellow robe, they all soon smelled something unusual.

Yuntianhua immediately slapped the table and said: "This is absolutely ridiculous! There is only one Lingshi Reserve Bank in the Jiuzhou cultivation world. This is an irrefutable historical and legal fact. Our Lingshi Reserve Bank has strong determination, firm will, and strong ability to defend the Lingshi Reserve Bank." The authority of the Lingshi Reserve Bank, any attempt to challenge the authority of the Lingshi Reserve Bank will be in vain!”

This person is obviously a pebble asking for directions.

Seeing Yuntianhua severely reprimanding himself, he bowed his hands in front of everyone who was talking indifferently, and then sat back again. As long as he can attract everyone's attention and discussion, his task of being the leader will be completed.

Of course, there is no need for the Lingshi Reserve Bank to refute his reactionary remarks.

The Infinite Sword Sect was the first one who couldn't stand him!

Liu Hanxing, the new vice president of Lingshi Reserve Bank, who was also sitting on the rostrum, stood up on the spot and said: "Since some fellow Taoists have begun to delay time with such sensational remarks, I think today's press conference can already be held That's it. If you have any questions, please send them directly to the president's mailbox, and we won't answer them on the spot!"

After that, he did not ask Yuntianhua for his opinion, but waved his hand and said: "Dismiss the meeting!"

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