As long as you want to live a long life and have ambitions, there is no one who doesn't want to leave the earth to find a higher interface and continue to practice.

Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang also want to find a way to a higher level interface, maybe this can help them return to the upper realm.

"Whether he can guide us or not, we have to get those keys together."

Ning Xi continued, "Now that I have the master key and map, all I need is the imitation key and the treasure chest."

"After returning to the secular world, I discussed with Ji Han and asked him to find the whereabouts of the treasure chest. As long as there is news, we can almost start."

Luo Yinhuang said with a smile: "Well, we don't have to rob those who have imitation keys in their hands, we will exchange things with them, and we promise to bring them in as long as we find the base building, I believe they will definitely agree. of."

Ning Xi nodded: "I think so too. When the time comes, I will use the Foundation Establishment Pill to exchange it, or see if they will make conditions. If we can, we will help them settle the matter in exchange for the key."

They are not the kind of crazy people who would kill people to get the keys.

The two were talking when there was a sudden knock on the door.

Ning Xi opened the door and saw Qin Zhong standing at the door with an ugly face, "What's wrong?"

Qin Zhong hurriedly replied, "Something happened!"

"Just now we received news that the Ji family sent cultivators to attack the family of Master Luo Dan, and they all hid in your health club, but the Ji family is launching this fierce attack."

"Also, there are many high and low-level monsters in the secular world of various countries. Many cities have been slaughtered, and many people have died. It seems that the blood temple alliance did it."

Ning Xi and Luo Yinhuang's expressions changed slightly, "Are the Luo family okay?"

Qin Zhong paused and said, "This happened a few days ago, but the time to send the news was delayed by the people from the Blood Temple Alliance and Ji's family, so it only reached the ancient city today. It was received a few days ago. The news that arrived is said to be fine, and now we are not sure."

Luo Yinhuang's cold breath was even worse, and he was only angry, "Let's go back quickly."

If something happens to the Luo family, he must destroy the Ji family.

The two did not delay, and quickly left the Qin family's other courtyard to take the teleportation array.

On the Qin family's side, Qin Zhong and several elders followed, obviously preparing to help them.

Then I found that there was already a long line of people waiting to sit in the teleportation formation.

Seeing this, the third elder frowned, stepped forward and asked a cultivator who was familiar with the line: "Why is there such a long line? What's wrong?"

"The monsters raided the major cities in the secular world, and many people died as a result. The Ancient Cultivation Alliance issued an emergency mission and dispatched me to rush to rescue." The man said with a solemn expression.

The third elder found that the situation was more serious than the news, "We are also in a hurry to save people. I don't know if the people guarding the teleportation array can be accommodating. Let us go first."

He knew the man and shook his head: "It's hard to guess, who is not going out to save people now."

"You go ask and try."

The third elder nodded, walked up quickly and communicated with the guards, and then quickly came back with a bad face.

He looked at Ning Xi and said, "Elder Ning, the guard said that the mission issued by the Ancient Xiu Alliance is very urgent. The monks here are all rushing to save people, so we can't let us go first."

If the Qin family's face was there in the past, the guards would generally agree, but now the emergency is urgent, and the guards dare not let it go, otherwise they are afraid of irritating everyone.

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