Chapter 808

Crazy Lich's experimental journal, the latest chapter, the text of the 808 chapter friends, floating astronomy

    [Roland, time is running out, the door is opening. 】

    The one that urged me in the ear is the system that has become more and more silent recently.

    From the beginning of Karwenz's conspiracy, she became more and more reticent? Is it guilty and questioning the practice of the year, but according to my understanding of her, it should not be so.

    "Can you stop it? Anyway, he should only have Cynthia's authority…"

    [If I am in a complete form, I can close it directly, but now I just lost the roots of the ghosts….I will try to delay, but don't expect too much. 】

    As the voice fell, the system fell silent again.

    But in the distant Chaos space, the Goddess of Order, like the already open eyes, is slowly closing, and the open arms are closing.

    Even with that, the door was faintly lost, the progress of the gate was delayed, but then, the Cynthia statue over there was red and glory, and the energy flow overflowed, which made up for the lack.

    It is only in the forehead of the statue that there is a vague existence, and it seems that a mourning is being made.

“…….Actually, I can still interfere. ”

    At the same time, Eliza listened and got the news, and the look to me was getting worse.

    In the face of Roland, who is "repentant", in the face of the constantly provocative Aemila and Harloys, she finally lost her patience.


    The next one, the fist is in the palm, the two pairs of beautiful eyes roar, Eliza and Aemila have already played against each other.

    But what is strange is that the two did not use the plan of the technique, and clearly listed the energy level bursting, but instead directly selected the seemingly no technical content of the close combat.

    The two beautiful women played against each other, but they did not have the slightest taste of entertainment. On the contrary, the bad winds, a little bit contaminated, made people feel undead.

    Eliza's arms and claws took the initiative to launch a wave-like unresolved offensive. It seemed to be fierce like a dragon, and the whole attack was not guarded. In fact, 30% of the attackers and 40% of the defenders still have 30% of the remaining force.

    She is always observing the flaws of her opponents. Once she finds that her opponent is experiencing flaws, she may use excessive force to give her opponent a fatal blow.

    Does it look familiar?

    Perhaps in terms of individual strength, she is already out of blue, but the fighting style and philosophy are always inextricably linked to Roland.

    On the other side of Aemila, the fighting skills are even more…Simple and rude.

    Straight punches, heavy punches, hooks, simple punches, but even the wind can not hear, but no one will doubt the terrible power attached to the hand.

    Where the fists and feet pass, the light is distorted, and the space is faintly shaken. It seems that the brute force is enough to crush the rules of space, artificially tearing the space crack.

    Unlike regular battles, Eliza and Aemila are both roads of magical and double-education. They don't use a blade. Their close-fitting moves are also my own fighting skills developed from the shallow Mage. I am afraid that Main Realm's strongest fighters are in the front of them.

    Reason Pure power is crushed. They use mana to add their own flesh and gain an incredible bonus in speed and strength. No matter how perfect your technique is, the reaction can't keep up, and you can barely keep up with the power. It was the end of being forced to crush.

    Fighting skills and sword skills are essentially the use of their own physical and weapon skills.

    When you abandon the ultimate saga of life use, it is better than the other side's reflective fingers. The high skill can't make up for the difference between the two individuals.

    Even if it is melee, the two are still the melee of the God Lord series, just like the Titan hangs Danatis that day, as long as the pure power is outrageous, there is no need for tricks and magic tricks, physics at the stellar level. In front of the collision door, those fascinating secrets of the magical lights, I am afraid, I can only really be a fireworks.

    "It seems that Eliza is not as aware of what he said."

    The battle in front of me makes me think.

    Aemila's choice of close-fitting melee is normal. She is a wood genus, and the fire of Eliza's spells is really brain-destroying, especially her brute force from the earth is her strongest part.

    But Eliza's Mage fighting skills are also very good, but it is definitely not her strongest point. Her strongest should be the huge mana given by the dual identity of the abyss and the fire element. She will fight in the same way, relying on or taking care of it. The environment around you.

    Even if it is close-knit, Eliza's true body should be a giant with other God Lords. The huge body can gain more strength and weight. It is really used for melee, and it is much more powerful than a small body.

    How do the dwarves honing their fighting skills, but also the Titan giants in their childhood.

    I looked around, familiar streets, familiar houses, familiar homes, this is not only tied to my concern, it seems that at least from places that she did not care about, these also tied her, at least This stage has bound her choice.

    Perhaps she has already realized that in the battle against me, she ruined everything that was cherished in the past, but if she faced the "outsider" Aemila that she hated, the price of losing her "home" made her unacceptable.

    Aemila is much more savvy. First of all, it is a provocative language, a close fight, and an attack that deliberately spreads around the environment. Obviously, it has already seen everything.

    "It's really despicable…….However, I like it. ”

    Although I am very sorry, since you have already revealed the flaws, I will naturally pursue the victory.

    Of course, the production of "home" is limited. If time is long, Eliza will naturally give up all of this time, but from this point of view, she can never do completely forget, then, what I have to do It is very simple.

    "Karwenz's kid really saw through the hearts of the people, so that Eliza could do all of this, and ultimately because of my family…Ok, dead cats don't yell at me, love is counted. So, can she really throw away everything else, including the friendship with other people. ”

    I did not hesitate to throw out a magical fireworks and throw it on the sky. Originally, I really didn't intend to use this "ambutan", but perhaps at this time, if I just dragged Eliza to give me time to leave. For the sake of their goals, their appearance is more useful than me.

    I thought that when they got the notice to come to this realm, it would take at least half an hour. I didn't expect it to be answered in an instant.

    "Hah, your kid finally asked for help. I thought you would be a long time?"

    Red Dragon landed violently, and from the look of the optimistic drama, she had been watching the show for a long time.

    "Death to face is a crime."

    Magaret is very calm, it seems that she also knew that the situation will develop to this point.

    They are coming, Adam is naturally coming, but…

    The devil….

    "The power of the flame in his body is too unstable, it is easy to be discovered by Eliza, and we let him sleep."

    Above the dragon's back, there is an ice cube, and the red-haired man is glaring at him.

    Although Magaret said it makes sense, but how do I feel that this guy is not going to go out and want to jump out, the result is knocked behind the sap?

    I originally wanted them to be the rescuers of Eliza, but how they seem to have arrived first.

    I am still wondering why they are prepared, but the eyes of the dead cat and Magaret's next words make me silent how to answer.

    "Don't blame Harloys and we are glaring at you. We know that things will develop to this point. How can you let them face it alone? You usually look sensible, but when it comes to these aspects, it is easy to impulsively defeat. Pick the way to abuse. Although I don't know how you calm down now, if the situation develops like before, you are sure that you will not end in tragedy. ”

    Magaret's explanation sounds reasonable, but I only feel ashamed. So, my previous consciousness and sorrow are just a good show in front of old friends.

    "No, whether you kill Eliza, regret for life, or Eliza kills you, you end up turning into hatred, not what we want to see. So, we interfered, don't blame us for a lot of things, you haven't interfered with Adam's consciousness a few years ago. ”

    Xiao Hong is also rare and serious. I can see it thoroughly. They have already guessed it…No, I decided what Eliza would do and made preparations. Only the authorities who were fascinated by the authorities did not see it all.

    Unconsciously, Eliza and Aemila's fight also stopped. Her face was very complicated, her eyes crossed on Magaret, Xiao Hong, and Adam. Eventually, the complex emotions turned into a sigh.

    "Do you have to stop me? You know, what happens if I don't stop Roland? ”

    "It's nothing more than Roland hangs." Oh, everyone is used to it. ”

    "It doesn't matter, anyway, he has died more than once."

    "The self-explosive, and so on, have become accustomed. It’s awkward. ”

    These guys are obviously on my side, but if you say it, it’s really irritating.

    "This time is different! He is homologous to Karwenz…."

    Eliza Wrath's question, but the people facing it just smiled and looked at her.

    They don't know? The answer is obviously no, but with Roland and Magaret still unable to change Adam's consciousness, Roland's consciousness, they can't change.

    Or, it should be said that it is not impossible to change, but can not bear to change.

    It's not a beautiful way to save the world above individual interests, but they know that letting Roland hide and not face everything, in the long years after the repentance, it is even more unbearable.

    Compared to the real Styx River Hell, it is even more terrible to live in hell than to live in repentance.

    Eliza is silent. She also understands the enlightenment of these old friends and seniors, but what she wants is that her favorite man has survived, even after being annoyed and painful in the endless years, even though Roland hates her forever.

    In the end, the silence made an attacking posture. In the erupting flame lava sea, the old house was instantly turned into a ruin, and Eliza, who said nothing, expressed his choice.

    Adam, who was finally thawed, greeted her with a brow, and in Magaret's strange smile, the flash of space magic flashed continuously, and I was forcibly transmitted a distance, leaving only a puzzling sentence.

    "We will stop her for you for a while. In the cave 30 kilometers from the left, there is a portal to the north of the mainland. When you get there, go in the direction of 'home' and you will get what you want most. ."To be continued ……

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