Crazy Lich's experimental log, the latest chapter, the body of the fifty-sixth chapter capture, floating astronomy

    Seeing Elf in front of me, I immediately understood why the highest priest of Lorci after the spider would inexplicably die from accidental injury. Why Harloys had already arrived at Vitan, but it never appeared.

    It seems that she should have been eyeing Kajah's body as soon as she came, and Kajah's so-called accidental death, nine out of ten is what she personally did.

    "Hey, don't you say hello to the teacher?"

    Yes, this one, in a sense, is my teacher of undead magic and ice magic, of course, her teaching has a purpose from the beginning.

    The Archon is actually the big warlord of the Xiluo Empire. The royal powers have spared the fourth place for Gloria, but no one believes that the third consul and the fourth consul are only one step away.

    The second governor, Feylan, is the king of the ancient Lich, and his Lich is countless. The Council of the Night, composed of his Lich, is the first force of the Xiluo Empire. In the "history", he is leading the undead wizard league to open. The door to the death realm opened the Undead Calamity that swept across the continent.

    The first consul, the ancient Bone Dragon Gricasio, used to be the mount of the God of Holy Light and the most capable man. Today, the strength cannot be calculated, because no one can pull his hand, no one can force him to shoot, but the second child from Feylan Look, it is absolutely to crush the governors.

    The third consul is the most special situation. She does have a group of banshees and is also known as the Queen of Banshees. But in fact, she basically does not care about things and has no interest in rights. Her only goal is revenge.

    Yes, revenge, like me.

    Because history is too long, how the ancient Elf empire across the continent was destroyed. If it were not scholars specializing in the history of ancient Elf, I am afraid that no one knows, but from the destruction of the gods of Elf and the rise of the god of Order, I am afraid that most of them will be related to the Order gods.

    So, that year, she and bent on the Holy Light Church Revenge of my hit it off, not only taught me a considerable knowledge of magic, but also is one of the builders of the Yongye Regiment coalition, at least, there is no veteran of her matchmaking, at that time, "fledgling" me, may not be able to gather so many thousands of old monsters, Nor may it hold so many undead monarchs who are so aloof and inferior.

    The first three governors and I were only cooperative (there were four unfortunate deaths in the civil war), and if they did not rely on the system advantage, they finally succeeded in breaking through and became the only demigod order Undead Emperor in modern times. Great.

    The high-order undead is a paranoid-driven paranoid life. My obsession is to change my destiny. In front of Harloys, the only wish is to avenge the Order gods.

    And more than 100 years ago, she almost reached this goal, if the living were destroyed, the Empire of the dead was built, the cycle of reincarnation of the Eich world was broken, and naturally the best revenge for the Order gods, not to be done, and the patron saint of several races would fall, when she nagged all day about how to destroy the Church of the Gods, How to defile the shrine, let the living become the dead, let the true God lose faith …

    Well, from the death of God God Ayer, if I really did this, I will wait for the gods to do whatever it takes to make a decisive battle with me. The ten-tenth is that I am frustrated and devastated.

    I am afraid that the most unacceptable failure of the Yongye Legion is her own. After all, in her eyes, she is the closest to success in thousands of years.

    I don't think she can change. If she can change, she should have risen to the sky and turn her back.

    I don't think that the tricks I'm doing can get rid of her, and this time, since I found out, then there are only two possibilities. I will find me after the fall, or force me to continue to rebel with her…According to my understanding of her, Jiucheng relied on the absolute strength gap to kill me half-heartedly, then controlled me and re-integrated Xiluo Empire in my name.

    And these two, I will not accept it.

    So, I saw her first reaction, but it was not the old friend who met, drinking tea and chatting together, but…

    "Adam, come out and swear, the idea is too handy!!"

    Ok, I did call it out.

    I have never been so lucky. I found that my opponent was too strong and I had insufficient strength. I asked Liu Huang Mountain City for help, so that Adam lurked over to be a killer. It was fortunate that he arrived only this morning, and it was impossible to leak information.

    When I heard my yelling, Harodys, who was smiling, suddenly glimpsed, and then disappeared into a shadowless disappearance. A black iron sword was silently handed over. If she was at night, she was directly puncture. .

    Adam Bullshit's cloak as a secret weapon, facing the escaped Queen of Banshees, the rare face of the past cynical face was a little more serious, after a few seconds of thinking, suddenly the sword tipped down and gently slammed into the ground.


    The whole space turned into a spider-like broken glass, the space was cut by the mighty Willpower, and the vague space cracks spread. The next second, a scream was heard in the corridor.

    "Ahhhh…" Damn it!

    Without hesitation, "bang", Adam came out through the wall, and the sword screamed.

    "Incantation of Law: Judgement ! Incantation of Law: Restriction of Freedom ! ”

    Sure enough, Harloys, who had just committed murder, was instantly shrouded in red light, and then, limiting the other's Incantation of Law had taken effect.

    Although limiting the opponent's Incantation of Law Technique, because the strength gap between the two sides is too large, it can only last for a short time, but that moment is enough…….I know that someone will not waste the opportunity I made.

    Ah ah ah

    The knife flashed, Dark Elf's right arm flew with flesh and blood, and the long sword was stopped by the suddenly tempered body.

    Easy FancyBox

    The scream is still going on, but it has turned into a banshee attack.

    With the faint black mana's waves scattered, the banshee's shackles, known as the most terrible death-killing death screams did not work.

    I am already dead, and Adam, who is not dead, fears the death call of Queen of Banshees.

    He directly charged in the scream of negative energy, and he saw the eulogy as the opponent closed his eyes.

    "After a hundred years, everything is impermanent, the Iraqis have passed away, but I am dependent on it, and the flowers are falling and the year after year, I hope that the old dead flower and wine, half drunk and half-awake recall the past, the years of flowing water."

    From me to obtain from the alien Dong Fang's ancient philosophy and culture, from Magaret where to get the local philosophical story and the mysteries of time and space, after a century of wasted accumulation, Adam's martial arts and his life has long been combined, rose into a philosophy that only exists, perhaps, This is the essence of his eventual entry into demigod by virtue of the flesh and qualifications of mortals.

    At this moment, when the demigod warriors want to recite the eulogy and self-hypnosis, the sighing time and the years of the water seem to be slow, but they break the gap between time and space. It seems to be slow and fast. No, the speed has already been on this sword. Meaningless.

    Just as no one can escape the aging of the years, under this sword, all the lives, etc., can not be avoided, even under this dreamy sword, will instinctively stare at the blade, unable to remove the eyes, Suizhong sword .

    A normal sword with two gold coins, but exudes a strange pink luster and beauty, but like a peach blossom beauty drunk and smile, attracting everyone's attention.

    "so beautiful…..No!

    Even the Queen of Banshees, who had experienced the demise of countless dynasties, was caught in the blink of an eye, but in the next second, she woke up.

    "What a good look at a broken sword."

    But unfortunately, Harloys' instant attention was drawn and he was doomed to the next result.

    The long sword crossed the waist, and the Queen of Banshees Harloys had no rebelliousness. The flesh that had just recovered and recovered was directly turned into two pieces. The pale soul began to break away from the spirit and seemed to escape.

    "Incantation of Law: Restriction of Freedom."

    Well, the perpetrator is undoubtedly the body of the banshee, so she is re-inserted into the broken body, and then she has pierced a hole in the heart and was pierced by a sword, from the upper body of Kajah. Directly nailed to the point.

    At this time, I was relieved. If it wasn’t for Adam’s sneak into the camp alone, I’m afraid that this time I’m really fierce, I’ve just got the physical body yet, and she’s in this state’s state of mind. It was still weak, otherwise it would be Adam who had a high level of her, and it was not so easy to take her.

    "you…..Your kid actually dared to do this to me, you actually dare to marry! ”

    "First of all, have you not died yet, has the millennium disaster been dead? Sorry, it should be a long time, or hundreds of thousands? Millions? I accidentally forgot your aunt's true age. As for the teacher? Oh, isn't this the tradition of our veins? ”

    Harloys immediately screamed, and she was proud to tell me about the past, how she defrauded the trust of Great Saint Sicily, and dried up the magic knowledge of the other, and then the master took the physical.

    The alarm bells have already sounded, and some people will come soon. The body of Kajah can be explained here.

    I took out a small bottle, which is the most common prop of undead magic, specifically used to bind the capture spirit.

    "Fengling bottle!? You, you can't do this to me, I am Queen of Banshees, not a humble stupid! ”

    “Of course. Hey, go in. ”

    Looking at this spirit that is still struggling in the bottle, I am happy to sing, this time, it is really a big bargain.

    In accordance with her style, I am afraid to have found me long ago, but has been lurking investigation, to determine that I do not have a strong force around, only personally shot, and just got the dream of the flesh but she was overjoyed, will think that they can steadily eat me under the premise of the weakest form, not only did not habitually attack, I even intend to taunt me a few words.

    If she thinks that she is not strong enough to occupy the body of the people around me, but suddenly gives me a blow, then it is really troublesome.

    "Right, Roland, I seem to be in love again. Who is that girl? She is gentle and laughs sweet."Adam suddenly made a noise and scared me.

    I swayed and swayed, and Adam’s sudden love came a few times every spring, and we were ridiculed as the seasonal instinct of animals.Spring

    However, if the real knife is chased, most of them are tragedies. No, the funny drama will not be said at the end. If the other party also has a good impression, before the real exchange, this will inevitably shrink.

    "Don't hurt the other girl, what?"But recently it has been a lot of trouble, and it’s not bad to see Adam’s tragedy.

    Follow Adam's fingers and look out of the window. Then, I laughed. Shouldn't it be Adam? That choice and vision can't be wrong!

    "It’s our City Lord, but I’m the top two super beauty. Don’t worry, for years, buddy, no matter what you like, I will support you.”

    "Really, you have no fever? Actually don't hang me? ”Adam's delight, let me make up my mind to continue to hang her.

    "Well, don't worry, have I got you?"

    "There are countless…Didn't you really hang me this time? Does she have a boyfriend? She won't be the same as the one you introduced last time.Silk lily? ”

    I ignored the resentful eyes, and sighed that the single-celled animals would also have long-term memory. After a light cough, I honestly told the truth.

    "They have no boyfriends, and the sexual orientation is normal, the opposite sex. Don't worry. I am telling the truth. ”

    “Um? Actually did not lie! ! Thank you! ! ”The idiot's intuition is very spiritual, but it has no effect on the real lies.

    Well, after a child, I heard the long-awaited scream "I don't believe in love anymore!", I feel a lot better.

    "I don't have to lie. Victoria and Krose are really the most beautiful of my majesty, and they definitely don't have a boyfriend, not a homosexual."

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