Chapter 130

The latest chapter of Crazy Lich's experimental log, the body of the 130th chapter of the city of innocence, floating astronomy

    The historic city of Diventer, the capital of the small country East Mist, is extremely famous throughout the world, but for the first time visitors, it is always a bit disappointing.

    The city is far less magnificent than other big capitals. On the contrary, it is still dilapidated. Even today, there are still many old buildings in the city. The ancient buildings are indeed very research and artistic, but the ancient ruins have not much beauty. .

    Although there is the most magnificent city wall and fortifications in the entire Northland, the entire urban area is not small, but because the population is far below the historical peak, only one-third of the entire city is still used, and the city is still sparsely populated. .

    Lan's blood for the entire world to stay in the north of the land for thousands of years, this war-torn city has been his capital, the ancient city has been countless times experienced war, recorded in history by the interracial butcher City have been three times, and LAN people have stood up again and again, they have recaptured their city again and again, Rebuild your own King City.

    In the long history of the long river, the most serious of her injury, but not from the brutal invasion of the powerful aliens, the dagger from behind, almost completely ruined this ancient city that never fell.

    "AD1520, after fifteen months of hardship, after the bombing, the last capital of the country of the country, Diventer, was attacked by the human coalition, and the prince Roland rate all the defenders."

    In the history books, this is a simple record of no end, but for the people of the shackles, it is the most unforgettable hatred.

    At that time, under the call of Pope Paul IX of the God of Holy Light Church, the seventeen countries formed a coalition army, carrying the main army of the country of the shackles, the North Anti-Beastfolk, the East Anti-Demon, and the shackles of the country. A knife. The subsequent massacre directly led to the death of Diventer.

    Then, the undead knight who took the revenge, and the Demon army that the Prince Karwenz introduced, let the seventeen countries take the lead in history. The entire human world has suffered the most painful loss ever.

    “Holy Church is not trustworthy. Those damn human kingdoms and nobles are even more untrustworthy! ”

    This is the vow that the people of the shackles have carved into the bloodstream after being betrayed for more than three hundred years, and after that, they did exactly what they did.

    More than two hundred years ago, East Mist Communal Country, a self-proclaimed Roland descendant, was founded by Charles I. Drive away the Beastfolk on the homeland, buy some of the land from Elf, and rebuild the country.

    In order to disperse the land of death, the country was restarted at the original site of Dieffen, and Charles asked for assistance from the Holy Church. Even though the pope of that generation has made great efforts to return the land of the deceased to the field of the living, the people of the squad have only slightly improved the Holy Church, probably by throwing stones from behind to sneer in the face, and only allowing the church to be built locally. A branch, this is still to see the Prince Roland is also the Holy Knight.

    Of course, in the context of the Holy Light doctrine is the most mainstream belief in the human world, the country is not friendly to other countries and Holy Church. Nature has also led to his isolation in the human world, which is also an important reason for its gradual decline.

    But the stubborn North people have never regretted, anyway, has been the "civilized people" in the barbarians, and then "revenge" a little, and then a little savage, compared to the high sitting on the clouds above the gods, they believe more in the hands of the sword and ancestor's patronage, unfortunately, in the world is the grim reality of the enemy, in countless wars. The new country of sorrow seems to have entered the end again.

    But there are individuals who don't think so much. He intends to reverse this desperation together with the blood of the new one.

    Today, it is destined to go down in history.

    The genius is bright, and the citizens who are still asleep are awakened by the cheerful triumphant march. The sound of horseshoes from the palace to the gates outside the city makes the ancient city quickly Wake up.

    The red carpet was spread out at the gate of the city, the Royal Guard of Honor, the musicians began to line up, the Royal Knights began to line up, the walls of the guards began to sprinkle colorful petals, this is a big victory triumphant return, but also everyone's favorite season, but unfortunately, the most recent or a year ago and beastfolk to fight the results of the double , the happy news of victory was overshadowed by the King's battle.

    Now when I heard the melody of the triumph, the citizens were excited to walk out of the house and walk to the gate while talking about it on the road.

    "Triumphal? I haven’t been fighting recently. Did the knights go out to hunt the herd recently? ”

    "You are stupid, Princess Reyne is so successful this time, no more than any war."

    So it is Is Princess Reyne coming back? Well, calculating the time is also pretty much the same. ”

    Auland's team took a step forward. A lot of supplies came back earlier than the Princess's Highness. The crowds of joy were piled up at both ends of the road. They were waiting for their Princess Princess to return. They hoped to present their welcome and thanks to the returning Princess. .

    In the sound of the gears of the shackles, when the heavy gates were gradually opened, the first figure that came in, made everyone stunned.

    Princess… Your Highness Not right. ”

    It is a very similar face to the Royal Highness, but it is obviously different.

    Princess Reyne is not so tall, her face is not so mature, and most importantly, the old-fashioned ice armor is obviously a male style, this is a smiling young man.

    "It’s so familiar, but I can’t remember it all at once…”

    statue Gemini statue! ”

    "Yes, if His Royal Highness Roland is living at this age, it should be like this."

    "It's like it, the posture, the smile on the face, and the Roland sacred sword at the waist…Wait, Roland sacred sword! ”

    In the sculptures and paintings, this lost symbol of the kingship is so conspicuous that no one in the country has forgotten the style of this sword, and the faint silver light of the sword is similar to the one in the legendary record, and is also recorded in history. In the middle, this sword is still falling along with Prince Roland.

    When the citizens exclaimed Roland sacred sword, the royal knights only received the welcome of the triumphant triumph. At this time, it was natural to talk about it, and when the knights behind the man entered the city gate, everyone was shocked.

    The familiar battle flag is dilapidated, and it is under the flag of the wind. The Knight of the Dead walked into the sun with great light.

    Before the Royal Knights took out their swords, with the help of the voice magic, the man’s declaration echoed throughout the city.

    "I, the last king of the country of Holy Knight Roland Mist, came back with my knights."


    The red carpet at the foot is not a high-end goods. As a country, it is shabby, but I feel uncomfortable when I step on it and look at the people in front of me.

    The knights of the dead entered the city. At this point, they have given up their doubts after a hundred battles, and the burning fire of the soul shows the indestructible Willpower.

    Yes, they have any hesitation, what is fearful, just triumphant home. Even if the body found a change, what changed the heart of the wanderer.

    And immediately after I entered the city gate, it was Reyne riding a hail, her appearance with a smile, effectively alleviating the tension caused by undead.

    "Princess Reyne? What's that? That white mount? ”

    "Hail! That is the legendary Aurora Knight! I didn't expect that I could see the legendary Aurora Knight. Is that person really a Prince of Roland! ”

    When East Mist was surprised by the reappearance of the hail, he cheered for his own princess princess to fall into the Aurora Knight of Legend. The next scene, let everyone suck a sigh of gas, let the "Roland Prince" more weight.

    54 Glacial knights neatly stepped into the gate, even if the Knights on it has been beyond recognition, but that engraved in the mural, sculpture of the ice armor will not deceive, the full ice of the soul ride is the patent of the old country, and most importantly, the 54 fluttering Aurora flag, no doubt revealed their identity.

    "Aurora Knight Mission! It is the Aurora Knight group, the legendary Legend Knights! That is the most proud sword of our country! It is an unstoppable cold iron ride in the north and the west! ”

    The country is weak and Wumu. For so many years, whenever East Mist has been repeatedly oppressed, the people of the country often remember the past glory involuntarily.

    “Alchemy Knight is amazing? Beastfolk Wolf Knight is amazing? If our Aurora Knight group is still there, how can we make those shameless children crazy! ”

    It was a pity that when the knights were knocked down many times due to the equipment gap. When this blame and Wrath passed down from generation to generation, they eventually settled into a helpless and desperate lament. Sometimes, they had to accept the reality that their motherland is no longer strong.

    "The country that is dominated by the Cavaliers has become a weak country without strong military units."

    Some time ago, there were rumors that at the Auland Empire, Princess Reyne showed her strength as Aurora Knight, but for the people of the country who knew the history of the hail, they knew that it was basically impossible, but only when they made another rumor. .

    "Hey, if it's true, if there is Aurora Knight, how can we be suppressed?"

    At this time, among the Aurora Knights of the dead, the Princess Reyne, who is familiar to the people, is so conspicuous. The hail of the unicorn form of the majesty has proved that this is not a rumor, Aurora Knight has returned to the world!

    "It is the princess of the Princess who brought back our pride, is the strongest aurora in the North?"

    "It is the elfin knight, he also became the Aurora Knight! God bless the country, we have Aurora Knight again! We are no longer the weak third-rate country. ”

    Perhaps Aurora Knight is not the strongest of my Knights, but for the people of the shackles, it is a symbol of the strong state of the country, the treasure they most expect to have again.

    Letting the Aurora Knight group of the dead be at the forefront, let Reyne and Eloin be among them, while weakening their hostility towards undead, is enough to let the public produce some of the associations I expected.

    "Don't that man really be His Royal Highness Roland, is these undead the last aurora of the fall of Dieffende!"

    And with my eyes encouraged, Reyne, who is the host, knows what to do.

    The teenage knight took the lead in welcoming the nationals who were hesitating. She took over the Roland sacred sword that I handed out and issued an oath that was destined to be named.

    "I, Reyne Qin Mist, a descendant of the King of Mist room, found my ancestor Roland and his Knights to make our country stronger again!" And after that, our aurora will flash again in the north! With the help of His Royal Highness and his loyal Royal Knights, our East Mist Communal Country is bound to rise again! ”

    Maybe Some people will worry because of their undead status, but I use their honor and life to guarantee that they are the most trustworthy existence. Nationals, I know that you will worry, there are worries, after all, they have become undead. But in those days, they used their own lives to protect their city, even if they died, they must avenge those damn enemies. Nowadays, even if they are dead, even if they are in danger of being devastated, they still choose to help us. For such a knight, what is doubtful. ”

    The declaration of the girl princess spread throughout the city with the help of the sound of magic, and the clear and bright voice swayed back and forth throughout the city, and before that, the glory of the sacred sword has ignited the passion of the people.

    "Roland sacred sword, Holy Knight Roland and the Royal Knights are really back! Her Royal Highness retrieved the lost kingship sacred sword and the Knights! ”

    Facing the excited people. Slightly paused for a moment, Reyne continued.

    "Maybe their faces are very scary, but you can look at their armor and weapons with their family badges and see the battle flags that have experienced countless battlefields. Willpower will never yield, and the battle flag Never fall, even if you are dead. But it is still the reason to protect the country, isn't this the incarnation of Willpower? You are not trusted by such a knight. What else do you want to trust? Do you trust the Holy Light that is not in the air? ”

    Time was too hasty, I didn't have time to teach Reyne what to say, and I was reluctant to smile when I looked at Reyne, who was really passionate about it.

    When Reyne was speaking, suddenly the sky was dark and a large piece of a giant beast crossed the sky, and he was shocked by countless sighs.

    "Bone Dragon? No, there are people above! ”

    "He actually jumped down, it was the bone Dragon Knight."

    And Di Meng, who jumped into the jump. The familiar black Griffin battle flag has been raised just before landing. I know that since Roland sacred sword and Reyne have proved my identity, it is time for me to say something.

    "Dimer, the last Dragon Knight soldier in the country." In the air battle of Scott, our black Grifffin air-riding battle group suffered more than five times of enemy siege. In order to cover the ground troops retreat, the air-riding battle group did not retreat, the whole army was destroyed, and Dimur himself, Kill two of them under the cofferdam of three Dragon Knights! ”

    Even if I deliberately maintain a plain tone, my words still cause countless exclamations.

    Great Dragon is undoubtedly the top of the food chain. The ultimate arm of the Dragon Knight is only possible with the top empire. Now East Mist Communal Country can't even think about it. According to historical records, the past country has indeed There are several Dragon Knights who didn't expect to be able to see across the history.

    "Our air-riding battle group is a group of great guys, but because the air-riding matchup is extremely cruel, the loser has no bones. Even if the air-riding group is the elite of the country, it is still only Dimir responding to my call. , for the damn aggressor to make a second head-on attack!"

    After the salute, the proud Dragon Knight waved the black Griffin battle flag and walked on the red carpet of the triumph, just like the warrior who came back, no, he was indeed the winner of the victory!

    "This is our knight, the evil dead? No! We are just a group of unwilling and beautiful Laos who are occupied by invaders and return to the fools from hell! ”

    And when Dimor and Aurora Knight moved forward together, then they entered the city-state, the survivors of the various regiments, and I began my own review of history.

    "Polar Bear Battle Group, Royal Heavy Infantry Battle Corps, two battle groups were mixed at the end of the war, and they were also equipped with avalanche defenders armor, which is our most solid barrier and fortress! Today, after countless battles, they still have 16 people left, the strongest and the youngest. It is Carlos.Di Si. ”

    I nodded proudly and introduced one of the most trusted knights to the world.

    "My most reliable 'moving city wall', in order to cover the people who fled, he was stuck on the stone bridge with flesh and blood, and dragged the invader's butcher knife with the flesh. In that year, he died in a hundred arrows in his body, and the blood flowed dry. Even the bones did not have a complete one. In the end, they could only be converted into abhorrent resurrection. That year, let me be proud of the guardian knight – Carlos.Di Si was only fifteen years old.

    It's hard to imagine how an abomination reveals a shy expression, but Carlos, however, shyly nodded to the public and smiled. It is like a teenager.

    "Asmu dog handlers, perhaps you have not heard of it, that is our special ranger arms, the representative of which is our hero scout…"

    "Changfeng Knight. Although it is a regular dragon gun knight, but in the army of our country, it is always the main force, Silence…"

    "Oh, this is Fayde Dad, I think you must have heard the name of the first sword saint of the Royal Knights. Of course, the premise is his father. The old Sir Ferdinand did not intend to dismantle the stage…"

    Who is this…?

    The names of the knights were ordered. With the identity of the deceased knight and the past, the unyielding history also entered the eyes of the public. They discovered that these undead knights were awkward. They used to be the Legend heroes of the country.

    According to the tradition of the Northland people, since they are born with noble moral character, even after death, they should be worthy of respect and trust.

    Since the unknown will bring fear, then let me eliminate these unknowns.

    As long as there is no sin in the body, even if it has been avatar undead. A loyal and powerful knight will only make me proud, and there is nothing to hide.

    But obviously, some people don't think so.

    "Damn undead, actually dare to come to the world of the living!"

    The golden robes still can't cover his big belly. As the Archbishop of the Holy Church in East Mist, under the protection of a Holy Knight and a priest, Lop Archbishop finally arrived at the scene. He might be the Holy Church. The root cause of the late arrival.

    Just as Knight of Justice will not let go of sinners who violate the laws of God, the Holy Church on the surface will not let go of any "evil" undead, especially if undead is in the right place. This is a provocation to the source of Holy Light and Order.

    Under the fanatical belief, even if the fighting power is very different, the Holy Knights marched forward, and after the pastor, they put on a battle that was ready to go.

    Their arrival is expected. Even later than I expected, and I have long had a solution.

    "How do I remember that this is already the land of the law, and the Holy Church is a bit far from intervening."

    My question, let the old Lop glimpse, apparently the fact that the Church of Law became East Mist, undoubtedly announced that his missionary work has completely failed.

    And the people I have to wait for have arrived at the scene.

    "Hey, old Lop, don't be too much." East Mist Communal Country has established the belief of the Lord as the state religion. It is already the land of the law. You are murdering in front of my God of the God of Law. Is it a bit too much! ”

    Xueti has also arrived, just blinking and blinking at me, and behind him are all familiar faces. The familiar silver mask is the brilliance of Power of Law. It seems that these days, with With the help of Wumanzhe, they are also a lot stronger.

    "Tauren's highest bishop!"

    The Church of Law, which is more than two months before us, has officially entered East Mist, and citizens are used to this kind-hearted Tauren Archbishop.

    At this point, the Church of Law came in between us and the Holy Church, apparently intended to hinder the conflict on both sides.

    "Damn, they are evil undead! It is the enemy of all Order, why stop us. ”

    "Bishop Bip, in front of my Lord, only divides 'guilty' and 'no sin', please don't use race to divide good and evil. I only see that you are going to be armed, this is the sacred place of the Church of Law. It’s really when we are furnishings. ”

    "But they are still undead, they are bloody and chaotic, even if they used to be heroes, can you guarantee that they will not hurt people by instinct now?"

    The undead was fierce, and the middle-aged Holy Knight was so angry that the citizens began to hesitate, and Xueti laughed.

    "Of course, I guarantee it in the name of the supreme bishop of God of Law. They are absolutely true immortal Heroic Spirit, not definitely a wraith controlled by bloodthirsty. They have lived in Liu Huang Mountain City for more than a hundred years, but they have not made a murder case. They also killed the Count of Demon some time ago. It is a great battle called Epic. On the contrary, your Holy Knight is always making trouble by eradicating the evil flag. ”

    The identity of the Supreme Bishop of the True God is so noble. In a sense, it is the equivalent of Holy Church Pope Sinkero III. At this moment, the words of Xueti are loud and the surrounding is even more exclaimed. From the expression of the people's relaxation and excitement, his guarantee played a role.

    "You…Damn evil underground people, you are all a group, are all villains, how can you guarantee! ”

    Bishop of Holy Light. Just screaming, but quickly smothered his mouth, but could not receive it. This is a serious failure of personal attacks.

    "you sure? Do you dare to insult a true god, the highest bishop is a villain? And that geographical discrimination I can't pretend not to hear, this is a serious insult to the entire God of Law church. I will make a serious protest to Sinkero III. ”

    The slogan in this public place is not so easy to make up, just as Xueti intends to chase after it. Even if I knew that it was not suitable now, I still stood up.

    The villain? Who is the villain? Some things have come when they don’t spit.

    "Lop? Are you the inheritor of the cardinal life-thinking Lop? Well, in a sense, I was Holy Knight for more than three hundred years, and it should be still your predecessor. Then, let's talk about who is the villain. Fendak.Jane, you should have heard this name. ”

    My voice just fell, and the sweat on the head of "Lop" couldn't stop falling. As the future cardinal successor, Lop knew a lot about the history of the taboo.

    "You can't answer? Sure thing. It was an unfair trial that shamed the entire Holy Church! The good believers in Holy Light are hanged as a villain heresy. If the real villain is sitting on the bench, is this the justice and justice of your Holy Church? ”

    In my questioning, the pale face of Death Knight walked slowly, and in the eyes of the insider, the face and history were basically the same.

    Everyone! As stated by His Royal Highness Roland, I used to be a Holy Knight, just because I refused to perjury the cardinal who was later expelled from the church, and buckled the heresy to the country of blasphemy. I was hanged at Holy Light Square. ”

    Haven'tNothing! No, I didn’t know

    "So, can you swear in the name of Holy Light?"

    If you swear in the name of Holy Light, if it is a lie, it will be a permanent abandonment of Holy Light. Such an oath, how does the Pope Bishop, who is the ultimate goal of the Pope, do it.

    And even if such an oath is not issued, the embarrassing silence, the pale face, and the ever-driving sweat of the forehead have already explained everything.

    Immediately, the scene was awkward, not only the public was surprised, but even Wrath, the Holy Knight and the pastor who were still planning to teach, were too unbelievable.

    Today, Holy Church has a good reputation, but it does not mean that there is no dark past, but if it is not guilty of its own, buried the sinful past, and what is the basis of Holy Light to sanction evil.

    Looking at the ugly state of timidity, I laughed, but I was angry and laughed.

    "I swear in the name of Holy Light that the reason why the catastrophe developed in the end can be attributed to the evil and dirty Holy Church, the so-called Holy War, just a group of greedy coyotes led by the lion. Bad! You are a dog-like hypocrite, the path of the Holy War, but the way to robbers, you are the root of all evil! Looking at me, you guys actually have a face using Holy Light? ”

    The unfolding wings exude dazzling Holy Light and Holy Flame, and the power of the majestic Holy Light is the best proof of my questioning authenticity.

    "I am also Holy Knight, but I never believe in God of Holy Light, and I don't even listen to the ridiculous Holy Church! I only believe in the justice of Holy Light itself! Holy Light has never let us kill innocents, knights, do you think your justice can be determined by the teachings of the church? So, who is the guarantee of the justice of Holy Church? Perhaps, you are self-righteous to eradicate evil, just a kind of innocent killing under the banner of justice! ”

    As a War Angel, I am the messenger of the true God in the doctrine, and under my glare, the pure Holy Light is a torture of conscience and faith, and most of the Holy Light users are shaking.

    When these questions spread throughout the world, a new division of Holy Church began to emerge, and the simple belief that Holy Light and distance from Holy Church became the most painful and embarrassing division of the bishops.

    But at this moment, at this critical moment, when Lop was forced to retreat and ugly, the people of Laos looked at Holy Church's eyes more and more unfriendly, and the middle-aged Holy Knight Long Wood stood up again.

    "Today's Holy Church is no longer the God of Holy Light church three hundred years ago. We have been improving. It’s pointless to talk about these historical pasts. The point now is whether these undeads pose a threat to the living. Xueti Archbishop, are you acknowledging that you and they are a place out? I remember that there is an automatic avoidance system in your courtroom. According to your logic, since your bullshit is in a relationship, then your testimony is naturally invalid. ”

    This is undoubtedly a transfer topic, but also a malicious misinterpretation of the teachings of God of Law.

    "Is this a court? The guarantee and the testimony of the witness are two different things. According to your logic. The guarantor cannot be related to the guarantor, and no one can guarantee it at all. ”

    Seeing this malicious misinterpretation, Xueti was immediately happy, and while he was going to anger the other, a familiar voice sounded in his ear.

    "Can I guarantee?"

    It was a red-haired warrior who didn't know when to stand in the crowd, even if the lazy voice was full of cynical surprises. But the inexplicable power of the red-haired warrior Normal appearance made Holy Knight Long Wood instinctively feel the fear, even using honorific words.

    you are

    "Adam Han, Red Lotus Juggernaut, is also the iron buddy of Roland, the former City Lord of Liu Huang Mountain City. Do you have to avoid it. ”

    The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the Honglian Juggernaut are the strongest and strong candidates for human. The enduring achievements of the end of Yongye have made it a living Legend and saint. In front of him, the contemporary pope is also a junior. .

    "Magaret, the sage. Ainro Dante's Truth Overseer alternate, and the undead knights have been together for nearly two hundred years, I trust them, willing to use their reputation as a guarantee. ”

    The Great Saint, which descended from the sky, just fell, and the quiet vows resounded throughout the city, and the trust was even more memorable.

    "On behalf of my Lord's Willpower, I can also make a guarantee."

    This time, the voice was the same from the air, but the familiar bass with the Elf cavity reminded me of an acquaintance who had just broken up.


    Figures. As the Order of light falls, it is the messenger of the true God.

    Hearing this famous name, Wood's vest has been sweaty, at this time, he is still lucky. Expectations are just the same name.

    "Mr. Moonlight's Heroic Spirit, Dragon Slayer Basra?"

    "Yes, but now it is Wulianzhe's Heroic Spirit. You just misinterpreted the teachings of God of Law. Let's wait." Now two demogod one Heroic Spirit provides a guarantee, is that enough? ”

    The question of Heroic Spirit and Epic hero made Wood completely speechless, and when he thought it was weak and unable to respond, I wanted to talk to him.

    "Well, let's not talk about the past, then, talk about the present and the future."

    "Three hundred years ago, you destroyed the country of the country with unwarranted reasons, which directly led to the 16-year Demon disaster, and the most devastating catastrophe in the entire human world. Nowadays, this troubled country has once again fallen into a desperate situation, but you are planning to do something. You said that you are protecting the human society from evil. I think that your Holy Church is the root of all evil. ”

    "We are guiding people to be good!"Holy Church is the root of all evil? This is a question that has never been seen before, which shocked Wood. Then, it was a fear from the bottom of my heart. At that moment, facing the endless black history, facing the victim’s Wrath complaint, he was not good at eloquence. The words.

    "Faith Holy Church is good? Joke The character of my knights is a hundred times better than the Holy Church's pigs dressed in bishops! After so many years, my people are starving to death, and have not seen anything decent in Holy Church! OK, Holy Light, no matter what I manage, and why? When I returned with the knights, I was going to let my people live a decent good day, but you jumped out! Say this doesn't work, that won't work! Do you see that this country is once again destroyed, the people are starved to death, are you noble high-ranking nobles? ”

    Wrath's questioning made the other party unbelievable. Suddenly, a small stone hit the head of Wood, which was a little girl Wrath's vent.

    "Bad man, don't bully the big knight brother!"

    At the same time as Wood’s glimpse, in the constant questioning, when the hatred of the old country was taken to the sun, the people around him had already been Wrath.

    At this point, the little girl was just the initial fuse. Then, more and more stones, tomatoes, and potatoes were thrown over.

    Finally, under my questioning, when the past black history was dragged into the sun, the dissatisfaction of the people of the Holy Church finally broke out!

    "murderer! Get out of the country! ”

    "You guys and bullies, don't you know shame?"

    "Kasha, who loves the family, if you are still a Chinese, give off the ugly priest's robes! Come back to us! ”

    Under the enthusiasm of the crowd, I am afraid that the forces that Holy Church has buried in East Mist for so many years will be swept away.

    While the Holy Church was questioned and even expelled, my knights were also destined to gain due respect in the future because of the past heroes.

    At this time, I didn't have to worry about these "little things". The gift of Wumanzhe brought to me by Basra is destined to shock the world.

    "The power of curse: the city of innocence. THE

    "Yes, this is the gift of my city, Wumanzhe, to the city and the country. In this world, only Roland adults are qualified to use it! Order How the gods will make the rain capital special. ”

    Perhaps, only I know the inner thoughts of myself. This gift is indeed what I need most. With him, the gap between the living and the dead will be shortened rapidly.

    After hesitating for a moment, I finally made up my mind.

    [My, God of Law Wumianzhe declares that under our Willpower, East Mist capital Dieffend will become the holy place of the law – innocent land]

    When I tore open the scroll of divine power, the inexplicable divine power controlled my words. Then, in heaven and earth, the mortal and the true God, the two voices were combined.

    This is the declaration of the true God, the whole world must listen to my Willpower.

    [In this city, no one will be guilty of his identity, race, or status. Before the law of God, every intelligent creature has the right to live freely. If someone in this city violates the laws of God, regardless of their identity, status, or race, they will be judged as sinners by a constant and constant Judgement. My believers can try their crimes! 】

    The mantra has ended here, but inexplicable, my mouth has moved, but there is more content in the declaration.

    [In my city, undead does not represent evil. Holy Light does not represent justice. In the face of the law of God, the world is equal, and the good are rewarded. Only the evils are not guilty! 】

    PS: Well, for this story to be complete, I accidentally wrote half a night, 9500+, it is an outbreak of debt, I hope everyone likes it.

    So, let’s ask for the first order and subscribe…..Ok, the squirrel went to sleep…..

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