Chapter 826 I'm Sorry!

"Shao Chen," Xiao Jing looked at the positioning point on the computer screen, and after Shen Chu entered the villa, he called Gu Beichen, "Shen Chu has already entered..."

"Yeah!" Gu Beichen answered, and said to J who had a group of models in his office, "People have already entered."

"Don't worry..." J curled his lips, glanced at the moving points on the computer, and continued to work with the model.

The electronic version of the contract, he wrote the positioning program...

As long as Shen Chu brings the contract, he can automatically feed back to the main contract and him wherever he goes.

Suddenly excitement filled J's face, and he had a strong confidence in his eyes. He was looking forward to what he was going to do must be very exciting!

Thinking about it, J looked up at Gu Beichen who was continuing to process the file and said, "You said, if it's done this time, take me to the amusement park..."

"Yeah!" Gu Beichen replied without raising his head.

"So perfunctory..." J wrinkled his nose in dissatisfaction.

After signing a document, Gu Beichen raised his head and looked at J's appearance, with a shallow smile on the side of his thin lips, "Is it a perfunctory answer?" He hesitated, "It seems that you are not I really want to go..."

"..." J stared at once, anxious immediately, "Who said that?!"

Gu Beichen smiled, took another file and read it at the same time and said: "Take you to the beach, the climate there should be warmer...the playground is also bigger."

On the beach, there is the largest playground invested by the Dragon Empire in China, and he also wants to take Xiaojie with him.

"Really?" J's eyes lit up.


Just like a kid, J laughed happily...

"Don't patronize for fun," Gu Beichen still didn't look up, "If the next thing gets messed up, I will send you back directly."

"..." J curled his mouth and snorted, "All of your people are not my opponents. What is there to be afraid of?!"

Gu Beichen raised his eyes and glanced at J, while Mo Tong smiled deep in his eyes, he lowered his eyes.

At the right time, the phone vibrated on the desk...showing a text message jammed in.

Gu Beichen took it and opened it. It was made by Shen Chu. There are only three words... Sorry!

Gu Beichen looked at the text message and slowly leaned on the seat...The eagle eyes became deeper.

She has really changed...or rather, trying to change!


Shen Chu stood on the steps, did not directly enter the villa, but held the phone in his hanging hand, and the text message that had just been sent was vaguely visible on the screen that gradually dimmed.

"Miss Shen, please!" The man who opened the door was obviously impatient.

Shen Chu glanced at him, gritted his teeth and walked in with the computer bag.

There is no light inside, two people are sitting, and the rest are standing...

Obviously it was daytime, because the heavy curtains were all drawn, except for the light at the door and the dim light from the computer.

Shen Chu frowned secretly, looking at the sitting people, one of them turned his back, holding a red wine glass in his hand, revealing a sense of laziness under evil.

There was a soft bang, the door was closed, and Shen Chu's subconscious heart shook...Instinctively, he felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet.

If it is not for the computer screen in front of the person facing him, the entire line of sight will be black.

Shen Chu hardly thought, he knew...

The man with his back is so mysterious that he doesn't want her to know who he is. !

Shen Chu stepped forward and sat down opposite the man in front of him.

"Hello, Miss Shen, I am a lawyer..." the lawyer said, "After you sign the equity transfer, which is 20% higher than the market price, we will also call your account."

With that, he pushed the already drawn contract to Shen Chu.

Shen Chu didn't even look at it. "It has been stated in the contract that, except for the electronic contract, all paper contracts I signed by hand are invalid!"

The lawyer frowned slightly, although he had guessed it, he was still a little helpless.

"The most important thing is that even if I want to sign, you need to be able to unlock the electronic version..." Shen Chu sneered, "Do you think Mr. Gu will make this award a factor of instability?"

There was anger in the mocking voice.

The lawyer glanced at the person with his back to Shen Chu, "This..."

"Let Amon handle it." The man's voice was filled with a wicked smile.

Shen Chu looked at the speaker and wanted to say something, but in the end he endured it and pushed his computer over.

She has already arrived, and if they can untie it, then she has nothing to say...if they can't untie it, it has nothing to do with her.

Shen Chu gritted his teeth secretly, watching the man who came over and took her computer, angrily hope that couldn't be solved.

Time, a little bit passes...

J was playing with the model while watching the reaction on the computer.

Gu Beichen was only dealing with his own affairs. After dealing with it today, he had a lot of time with Mo'er and Xiaojie years ago.

‘Boom! There is a knock on the door.

Gu Beichen answered indifferently, and Susan walked in...

She put the annual report on Gu Beichen's desk, "Young Master Chen, the front desk called and said it was a woman looking for you..."

Upon hearing the woman, J suddenly looked at Gu Beichen.

Gu Beichen said indifferently, "When did you become Mo'er's eyes?"

"I just want to see if you will cheat..." J snorted.

Susan laughed, "If Young Master Chen will cheat, I think I can have an affair after get off work!"

"Then you are over," Gu Beichen flipped through the annual report indifferently, "don't want to marry in this life..."

"..." Susan's expression was distressed when she heard it, especially when she heard J's presumptuous laugh, she couldn't wait to throw the pen holder in front of her into J's mouth.

"What is it called?" Gu Beichen asked suddenly.

"The surname is Ge, I'll know if I tell you it."

Gu Beichen stopped, and after looking up at Susan, Mo Tong became deep, "Take her to the lounge and wait."

"Okay!" Susan responded, turned and left the office, and immediately called the front desk.

The office is the same, Gu Beichen is still dealing with official business, J is busy with his own affairs...


J's eyes suddenly lit up. He, who was sitting on the carpet, went to Gu Beichen's desk with the computer in his arms, "The other party really has two things..."

Gu Beichen looked at J, "Untied?"

"Not yet..." J grinned, "It's so easy to unlock, and they won't get the bait?!"

"Yeah." Gu Beichen answered indifferently.

J did not move, but quietly watched the program he wrote change, his eyes filled with excitement.

Gu Beichen put down his hands to work, leaned on the chair, and watched J's expression change...

This round has already begun since J came to Los Angeles.

Externally, and even insiders, think that J came to the network department to catch bugs... All of this is just a blindfold.

When all the programs have been written, the electronic version of the...trap has been launched since the announcement that the biggest prize is 1% of the Emperor’s shares!

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