With the strength of Ye Chu at the moment, it seems to him that these four people have no threat to him. But the result is that he created it.

“It’s still too big!”

Ye Chu smiles, really fights, these people are really not his opponents. But he looked down on the six dusty scenes. The opponent’s strength is not his opponent. He can directly blew himself up, and he can drink a pot. If it wasn鈥檛 for his physical strength, this time he wouldn鈥檛 die if he blew himself up.

Ye Chu feels that in the future, don’t underestimate the Principles, especially these cultivations. They don’t know how many years old and old, they are equally crazy. I don’t know what they can do to make people suffer big losses. For example, this strong person can protect himself, what about other cultivation people? There will be no crazy means!

One or two Ye Chu are not afraid, but if these people work together and are willing to pay the price to attack, it is a big trouble.

Ye Chu originally wanted to rob these people and told the world that the people who rob him would be robbed by him. However, this time he blew himself up and destroyed everything. The bodies of the four people had already burst and shattered. Ye Chu didn’t have the heart to look for it again. I thought that it would attract other cultivation people, and the figure jumped and darted away.

Ye Chu didn’t want to get into trouble anymore, not to mention the injury at the moment, and he was unwilling to fight against those greedy people.

The injury is not heavy, it is light. In the face of ordinary strong people are not afraid, they are afraid to meet people who can become enemies. Faced with such a person, if you have a wounded person, it will definitely affect your play.


Soon after Ye Chu left, there were big troops chasing here. The sound here is too loud, they suspect that Ye Chu and the people fight.

Only when they arrived, Ye Chu has disappeared. Just seeing a mess here!

Looking at the mess of this place, many people swallowed and thought about the power to create such a scene.

Some strong people found some clues and immediately came up with an incredible answer: “A strong person above six dusts blew himself!”

This sentence made the people present at the scene smashed and sucked cold. What is the concept of a six-dust powerhouse blew? Who can force him to force this?

“Ye Chu, must be Ye Chu. Except for those cultivations who have already reached the summit of Principle Real, it is impossible for other cultivators to have such combat power.”

“The six dusty powers blew themselves up, and this is the peak of the Principle Realm. The retired cultivation of the older generation of powerful people can’t wait for it. Ye Chu is already dead after this attack?”

“It shouldn’t be. If it’s dead, it will leave a little more or less. However, there is nothing left by Ye Chu at all.”

“Rely on, a six-dust powerhouse has not been able to kill him. This is too enchanting.”

“Oh, even if you didn’t die, you must have been seriously injured. A self-destruction of a strong six-powered person is absolutely impossible to be luxurious.”


浠栦滑鐚滄祴鐨勫緢鍑嗭紝Ye Chu 纭疄涓嶅彲鑳芥鍙戞棤鎹燂紝浣哬e Chu 鍗存病鏈変粬浠兂璞′腑鐨勯偅鏍蜂弗閲嶃€?/p>

Ye Chu 鎵句簡涓€澶勬仮澶嶈嚜宸辩殑浼ゅ娍锛屽師鏈互涓鸿嚜宸辨壘鐨勫湴鏂硅冻澶熷亸鍍伙紝杩欎簺浜烘壘鍒伴渶瑕佷竴娈垫椂闂淬€?/p>

鍙粬灏忕湅浜嗚鍚稿紩鑰屾潵鐨刢ultivation 鑰咃紝杩欎簺浜哄お澶氫簡锛岃€屼笖瀹炲姏閮戒笉寮便€俌e Chu 寰堝揩灏辫浠栦滑鎵惧埌銆?/p>

鏈塩ultivation 鑰呯湅鍒癥e Chu 鑳稿彛琛€绾竴鐗囷紝鐚滄祴鍒癥e Chu 鍙楀埌閲嶅垱锛屼粬浠叴濂嬪ぇ绗戜簡璧锋潵锛氣€渉aha 鍝堬紝Ye Chu 锛屼綘姝ゅ埢杩樻€庝箞閫冿紝鍚浣犲疄鍔涘己鎮嶏紝鍙噸鍒涚殑浣狅紝濡備綍鏄垜浠殑瀵规墜锛屾姇闄嶄氦鍑轰笢瑗匡紝璁╀綘璧帮紒鈥?/p>

Ye Chu 鐪嬬潃瀵规柟锛岀湅浜嗕竴鐪艰嚜宸辩殑鑳稿彛锛岃兏鍙h。琛创鐫€韬綋锛岃杩瑰緢鏄埡鐩紝鐪嬩笂鍘荤‘瀹炴槸閲嶄激鐨勬ā鏍凤紝鍥村洶Ye Chu 鐨刢ultivation 鑰呮湁鐫€涓€缇わ紝铏界劧涓嶆槸姣忎竴涓兘寮烘倣锛屼絾鏁㈡潵鎼滃Ye Chu 鐨勪汉锛岄兘鏈夎嚜韬殑鎵嬫锛屽叾涓湁涓€浜涙墜鎸佸櫒鐗╋紝鏁e彂鐨勬皵鎭笣姣笉涓嬩簬閭d簺寮哄ぇ鐨刢ultivation 鑰呫€?/p>

鈥滀綘浠氨杩欎箞纭俊鎴戦噸浼や簡锛熲€漎e Chu 鐪嬬潃杩欎簺浜虹瑧浜嗚捣鏉ワ紝鎵惧埌浠栫殑杩欎簺浜哄疄鍔涜櫧鐒跺鏅€氫汉涓嶉敊锛屼絾瀵逛簬浠栨潵璇磋繕鏄お寮变簡銆傚綋鐒讹紝瑕佹槸浠栭噸浼ょ殑璇濓紝杩欎簺浜鸿繕鏈夋満浼氬浠樹粬锛屽彲浠栦滑鐪兼嫏浜嗭紝鈥滄垜瑕佹槸浣犱滑锛屽氨璧剁揣婊氥€傜溂鍔涗笉琛岋紝鐣欏湪杩欓噷鍙細璁╀綘浠锛佲€?/p>

杩欎竴鍙ヨ瘽璁╁緢澶歝ultivation 鑰呭鏈涗竴鐪硷紝Ye Chu 瑕佷笉鏄噸鍒涳紝浠栦滑鏍规湰涓嶆暍瀵筜e Chu 鍑烘墜銆備粬浠拷鏉€Ye Chu 涓嶉敊锛屼絾涔熶笉杩囨槸鎯冲湪閭d簺寮鸿€呰拷鏉€Ye Chu 涔嬪悗锛屼粬浠湪鍚庨潰鎹′竴鐐逛究瀹滐紝娌℃兂杩囧仛杩芥潃Ye Chu 鐨勪富鍔涖€傛鍒绘暍杩欐牱鍖呭洿Ye Chu 锛屼篃鏄涓篩e Chu 閲嶅垱銆?/p>

鍙幇鍦╕e Chu 灞呯劧璇翠粬娌℃湁閬彈閲嶅垱锛岃繖璁╀粬浠繍蹇戙€?/p>


Ye Chu 绗戜簡璧锋潵锛岀珯璧锋潵涔熶笉璇磋瘽锛屼粬鐪嬬潃杩欎簺浜鸿閬擄細鈥滀綘浠箣涓紝鏈変竴涓汉鍑烘墜锛岄偅浣犱滑閮藉緱姝汇€傗€?/p>

涓€鍙ュ緢killing intent 鍗佽冻鐨勮瘽璇寰堝浜洪兘鎵撹捣浜嗛€€鍫傞紦锛孻e Chu 鐨勫悕澹板お鏄捐但浜嗐€傝兘鏂╂潃鐭虫灄鐨囧瓙锛屾柇Son of Heaven 鎵嬭噦鐨勪汉锛屼粬浠笉鏄鎵嬨€?/p>

鈥滀粬涓€瀹氶噸鍒涗簡锛岃涓嶆槸閲嶅垱浜嗭紝浠ヤ粬鐨勬€ф牸鎬庝箞鍙兘杩樹笉鍑烘墜鏉€鎴戙€傝鐭ラ亾锛屼粬鍙槸杩炵煶鏋楃殗瀛愪篃鏁㈡潃鐨勪汉锛佲€濇湁浜哄ぇ鍛硷紝涓€鍙ヨ瘽绋冲畾浜嗗緢澶氭墦閫€鍫傞紦鐨勪汉锛屼粬浠寰楄繖鍙ヨ瘽鏈夐亾鐞嗭紝瑕佷笉鐒朵互Ye Chu 鐨勬€у瓙鎬庝箞鍙兘涓嶅嚭鎵嬫潃浠栦滑銆?/p>

Ye Chu 閮介櫓浜涙皵灏夸簡锛岃嚜宸变粖澶╂€у瓙濂戒笉鎰挎剰鏉€浜猴紝浠栦滑灏卞綋鑷繁濂芥璐熴€傞毦閬撹嚜宸卞氨鐪熺殑鍙兘鎴愪负鏉€浜虹媯榄斿悧锛熸兂瑕佸仛涓€娆″ソ浜洪兘涓嶅彲寰楋紵

Ye Chu took a deep breath 锛屾憞浜嗘憞澶达細鈥滀篃缃紝鏃㈢劧浣犱滑鎵ф剰瑕佹垜鍋氶瓟锛屾垜鍙堜綍蹇呭績鐢熷杽鎰忥紒鈥?/p>

Ye Chu 涔熶笉璇磋瘽锛屼竴姝ユ璧板悜杩欎簺cultivation 鑰呫€備粬渚濇棫娌℃湁涓诲姩鍑烘墜锛屽洜涓轰粬璇磋繃锛岃繖浜涗汉涓嶅嚭鎵嬪氨鑳借蛋銆?/p>

杩欎簺浜虹湅鐫€Ye Chu 璧板悜浠栦滑锛屾湁cultivation 鑰呮儏涓嶈嚜绂佺殑鍚庨€€銆備絾寰堝揩灏辩ǔ瀹氫簡韬奖锛屾毚鍔ㄥ嚭鑷繁鏈€寮虹殑鍔涢噺锛岄兘閿佸畾鍒癥e Chu 韬笂銆?/p>

鈥滆秮鐫€浠栭噸浼わ紝鏉€浜嗕粬锛屽緱鍒板湥澶滃疂鐗╋紝瓒充互璁╂垜浠疄鍔涙毚娑ㄤ簡銆傜壒鍒槸鍦f恫锛岃兘鏀瑰彉鎴戜滑innate talent 锛岃涓嶅畾灏嗘潵鐨勫己鑰呰矾涓婏紝涔熻兘鏈夋垜浠殑鏈轰細锛佲€?/p>

寰堝浜鸿璇辨儜鍒颁簡锛屾湁浜虹粓浜庡繊涓嶄綇锛屽啿鍑诲嚭涓€鑲″己澶х殑鍔涢噺锛岃繖鑲″姏閲忕洿鎺ュ嵎鍑哄幓锛屾敾鍚慪e Chu 鑳稿彛锛屽噯澶囪Ye Chu 浼や笂鍔犱激銆?/p>


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