Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 807: Waiting impatiently

She will leave his body to make a donkey, and then he will stay with her forever.

Tomorrow, maybe she will realize her wish tomorrow!

When she and the singer’s robes were in the house, her window silently flew a thin piece of paper, which was only the size of a thumb, and only flew in the courtyard with a slight breeze. Go out.

After a big tree, a white girl stood there.

The piece of paper flew into her hand and turned into a little man, screaming.

The girl listened for a moment and smiled at her lips: "True! But everything is in the Lord's expectation! It's really not creative!" The paper was put away, and the figure disappeared.


Emperor's clothes are fishing, next to a bucket.

When Gu Xizhen came over, he was coveting and fishing, and the whole person was like a still ink painting.

This painting is so beautiful, Gu Xizhen did not bother to interrupt for a while, and wanted to wait for him to catch fish.

Just after he sang a song to him, he asked him when to open the dressing technique.

As a result, he said that his heart is not quiet and he needs to be quiet.

Gu Xizhen did not dare to urge him, this person is unpredictable, moody, and anxious, maybe he will not do it!

So she can only wait.

She first did two sets of exercises in the house, and she practiced for a while. As a result, it took an hour, but she still couldn't see him coming back, so she found it.

The same body, when she is inside, it seems that people are crisp and sturdy, and the hero is cool. The whole person looks like a sword with a handle.

When he was inside, he looked lazy and leaned on a pavilion. People were lazy, and the momentum was restrained, but it was not easy to provoke at first glance.

Gu Xizhen stood still not far away.

When she remembered that she had only crossed in, she was chased by him like a skeleton. She was soaking in the river, and he was fishing behind her. As a result, he couldn’t catch it. He was not too angry...

The past is like a cloud, and in her heart, she has pressed all the past down and stopped thinking about it.

She waited quietly for more than a moment, and the fish hooks in the lake still did not move.

Gu Xiyu is somewhat puzzled. There are still a lot of fish in this lake, and it is not difficult to catch. In these few days, she can catch a few as long as she can hook it.

She thought about it and went over and was close to him.

First look at the bucket on his side, there is more than half of the water in the bucket, do not say fish inside, even the half is not even.

Didn’t he catch it for a long time? This fishing technology is also really confusing? !

"Zuo Tianshi adults, do you want me to help you?" Gu Xi is next to him.

Emperor Yi finally opened his eyes, and the pair of scorpions were extremely deep in the night: "Isn't you waiting?"

Gu Xizhen was slightly swayed by his sly heart, while he was secretly stunned in his heart.

The emperor's clothes in front of her eyes are her appearance, her eyes are her eyes, and her heartbeat is actually seen by her own eyes. It is simply inexplicable! Smiling at the same time: "Alright, I have always been patient." She looked at his fish: "Let you help me?"

He did not speak, but directly handed over the fish.

Gu Xiyu took a trip and took a look at the lips. "You learn Jiang Taigong? How do you fish with a straight hook?"

Emperor Yu’s eyes looked at the lake silently, didn’t speak, and somehow he was exceptionally less tonight.

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