Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 1241: Don't you want to call him a father-in-law?

Although she is eager to become stronger, she feels that there is no need for this kind of desperate practice. Sometimes she is so tired that she will fight up.

However, her struggle was suppressed by the iron and blood of Emperor.

This guy is not a bit lover at this time, and he is lazy for ten minutes, he will deduct twenty minutes during her sleep time...

According to him, although Mo Yan had been seriously injured and escaped, but on the day after she was killed, she had to marry the self-protection ability before she came back.

And because her soul has been cultivated to the eighth order, the body must be cultivated as soon as possible, or else it is not good for the soul. And the sooner she cultivates, the higher the fit of the soul to the body and the true unity.

Emperor Yu also said that although this body was made by Long Fan, if she cultivated it with her own soul, this body will be gradually changed by her soul, just like the child born by the father's mother. Is really the body that belongs to her, not anyone...

Sometimes, when he is angry, he will ask him: "This body is made by Long Fan. If it is the same as the child born from the father's mother, then will he become your wife in the future? You are not calling He is a father-in-law?"

Emperor Xiaoxiao laughed: "If you successfully use this body to practice to the ninth order, it is equivalent to completely transforming your physique. There is no relationship with Long Fan. If you have to recognize a father, I think I seem to More suitable..."

Gu Xizhen was not light: "You want to be in love with my father and daughter?! Too heavy!"

Emperor 拂 clothes raised her hand and hugged her into her arms: "In fact, it doesn't matter who your daughter is. The key is that your soul does not belong to anyone in this world. Obviously, I used my heart to gather the essence of the heavens and earth. To tell the truth, I have been walking in this world for so many years. It is the first time I have seen such a physique, and the perfect combination is much stronger than the general’s daughter. It’s a pity that if you don’t cultivate it, it’s a violent thing.”

Gu Xizhen was convinced by him, okay! Listen to him.

After all, she was the most rigorous training in the killer concentration camp. Therefore, once she recognized the training method of Emperor Yi, she was very serious about it.

So, in one month and twenty days, she completed the second-order feat!

Emperor Yi said that her cultivation can completely change her physique. Maybe she can change the genetic combination. That is to say, she should be able to change the physique similar to the Dragon Vatican clone, and can sever the telepathy between it and Longfan.

Can not change Gu Shizhen did not find out for a while, but after she ate the medicine of Emperor Yi, and practiced the skills he taught, she did not sense Long Fan.

She sat in front of the mirror for a moment, and was surprised to find that her current appearance seemed to have changed, and she was not quite the same when she was attached to the clone.

Neither like the original general's daughter nor the past clones she used to have.

More like an independent individual, the original she looks beautiful, her eyes are standard apricot eyes, but now it is slightly picked up at the end of the eye, a bit similar to Danfeng eye, the nose is also taller than before, the lip color is more tender red For example, a full red dragonfly is open on the branches.

Emperor Yiyi once said that once her soul is completely integrated with her body...

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