Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 1235: Let's find a place to talk about?

She slanted two steps, avoiding the help of the man, glanced at the man, did not speak, turned and wanted to go, but was held by the man.

The man is naturally the emperor, he smiled and looked at her: "Do you like this bracelet?"

I took a hard look at the quality of the bracelet: "This bracelet is of ordinary quality and is not suitable for you. I have one in the opposite, very beautiful. It looks better than your 穹玉玉, go, I will show you." I can't help but say that she will leave.

Gu Xi's foot is like a root, and he doesn't move the nest: "You let go, I don't like anything better than the coffin jade!"

Cangyu jade is Cangyu jade, is her friend, not a bracelet can replace it!

Gu Xiyu earned two times because he buckled too tightly and she did not break.

She slightly twisted her eyebrows, and she was going to use a kind of detachment. The Emperor’s clothes were used again, and she was simply buckled in her arms. This time, the tone was soft and soft: “I can’t help it! Don’t be angry?”

Gu Xizhen did not want to pull him on the street: "You let go first."

"Let your hand go away again." Emperor sighed: "I am sorry, can you listen to me?"

Gu Xiyu took a sigh of relief, but fortunately she did not shake her head very poorly and said, 'I don’t listen, I don’t listen to', but said calmly: "You let go, you rest assured, I don't I will move away again, I will listen to you!"

Emperor Yiyi did not dare to reverse it. He finally let go of her and sighed: "This is not the conversation, let's find a place to talk about?"


The place where Emperor Yiyi looked for was a tea house.

There are not many people drinking tea in the building, and the environment is also very quiet and peaceful. It is suitable for talking quietly.

Emperor Yuyi personally cooked tea for her, and the movements were free and easy.

Gu Xiyu played a cup of tea in his hand and did not speak first.

Emperor Yuyi took a cup for her: "Taste the tea made from this seawater."

Can sea water drink tea? Still not salty?

Gu Xi took the tea cup and said nothing.

Emperor Yuyi sat down opposite her: "Lan Jingyi suffers from strange diseases, can't be injured by knife soldiers, and can't strip scales. Otherwise, she will die within a quarter of an hour. The death of a monk usually has no reincarnation, no soul. Death is the real death..."

Gu Xiwei: "..." No wonder she just cut the other's neck and peeled off two pieces of Lin. These two people are like the enemy, and immediately shot her...

Gu Xiyu took a sigh of relief: "I don't mean to kill her, or else her head is gone! I don't know if I act, he saves his sister's heart, and it is understandable to give me a hand, I won't Blame him. But you..."

Her eyes fell on the face of Emperor's clothes, and she kept pressing on the grievances of her heart. Her eyes were hot, but the tone was still calm: "If you don't say anything, you will shoot me. I am very sad." He should know her. I know that she is not a rash person...

Although he only shattered her blade, but also shocked her hand, she almost cracked at the tiger's mouth, and the pain was not completely dissipated until she just sang. Let her heart seem to have cracked a thin scar...

There was sour cockroach from the scar and screaming out, this sour made her not want to see him for the time being.

There is an apology in the Emperor's robes: "I can't help you, I didn't mean to hurt you. Did you hurt your hand?"

Lifting her hand and holding her right wrist, I want to see her hand.

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