Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 1206: Impure girl!

However, it is not unexpected that the Emperor Yi won the battle. He was good at grasping the weaknesses of the people, grasping the weaknesses in the character of Mo Yan, and arguing with Mo Yan and Long Fan. This move 'empty city plan' was so successful. In order to counterattack the Jedi, it completely destroyed the important base of Mok, and also caused the ink to be seriously injured. It could not be done for ten or eight years.

The only thing that makes people worry is that Long Fan also ran! The two people have the same taste and will be united in the future. I don’t know what will happen.

"Do not worry, although Long Fan is familiar with the terrain, he escaped in a secret road, but he has been seriously injured, and the secret road was also discovered by Mu Mu in advance, and he made a set at the end of the secret road beforehand. The secret road has become a dead end, and he estimates that he can't escape."

Gu Xizhen: "..." Well, everything that was left to this leftist is considered.

She really praised: "You are too abnormal! It's just three Zhuge Liang! It's too hard to be your right!"

Emperor Yiyi raised her hand and pulled her into her arms. She kissed her in the forehead: "So you are the smartest, be my lover."

Gu Xizhen smiled and smiled at him: "Love?"

"Of course, but I am trying to upgrade you to your wife, saying, sorry, when will you marry me?"

Gu Xi snorted: "You ask me for a kiss? Candlelight? Ring? Flowers?"

Emperor's clothing: "..."

Gu Xiyu was naturally joking with him, so she hooked his neck and gave him the general date: "Will me have long hair and waist, marry you?"

The emperor squats with her short hair like a shit. If the hair grows to the waist, don't you wait three years? !

However, as long as he resumes recovery, it is very easy to raise her hair. It won't take a month...

So he smiled and said: "Good!"

I licked her heart: "The long road is long, I have no sleep, I am sorry, not as good as us..."

Gu Xi’s heart jumped, and he felt that he was going to be jealous. He was so hurt that he never let’s forget her, and he was seriously despised. Zheng Zheng rebuked him: “No chaos!”

Emperor's clothes are innocent: "What do you think? I mean we are better off practicing, I just teach you how to get rid of your body tracker."

Gu Xiwei: "..."

Emperor Yuyi looked at her again: "You don't want to be jealous? Not pure girl!"

Gu Xiyu raised his hand and pressed the cushion next to him on his face: "You are not pure!"


Long Fan ran in the secret road.

He smashed the three masters of the ancient ink and Mu Feng Mu Lei, and lost one half of his life. When he was in the secret passage, he not only sneaked in his footsteps, but also could not stop vomiting blood. black.

This secret road is the back road that he quietly left for him when he built this underground palace. The other end of the secret road is connected to a magma pool. There is a fireboat in the magma pool that leads to the outside. He just flees to the fireboat. It’s safe.

The passage that the fireboat is to walk with is not one of the passages of other normal fireboats, so as long as he gets on the boat, he can drive the boat out directly from the secret passage and then fly high.

When the disaster came, they flew separately. Long Fan was originally a cool temper, and with the recent doubts of Mo Yan, his heart was cool, so when he saw that the situation was not very good, he immediately flashed it and thought it was not enough. odd.

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