Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 1125: Who counts who 6

However, the blood flowing from the ‘Emperor’s clothing is true, and Wu’s face is indeed acting well. It’s been over the emperor’s clothes, so it’s not too surprising to succeed in one fell swoop.

It is he who is overestimating the IQ of the Emperor's clothing. He is only a person after all. Once he falls in love, he is no different from ordinary men.

This time, the hands-on has never been smooth, and the two subordinates of Emperor Yi’s clothes were attacked by the cooperation of Mo Yan and several masters.


Three very ordinary flying lion cars are flying in the sky.

Gu Xizhen was lying in a car. On the left was the ink sputum, and on the right was the emperor's robes.

Emperor's clothes were shrunk in a corner at this time, and the sense of existence was not generally low, and Mo Yan did not think about him.

Just now, Long Fan had explained to him the situation with Gu Xiyu coming. Of course, he also said something about accepting prostitutes.

Mok knows that Long Fan is still careful when he is doing things. He is not in the heart. He is now full of ambition to win the game. He is in a good mood. He is also very good at speaking, so he knows from the mouth of Long Fan. When he fled, he did not really punish her, and he also took a car with her.

And Long Fan was arranged in another car, ‘Emperor’s clothing’ was seriously injured, and Long Van Gogh guaranteed that the Emperor’s robes would leave a sigh of relief for the time being, don’t die. Because the demon adults still have a great use. The fake care is also arranged in the car.

The two subordinates of Emperor Yiyi were also seriously injured and were also arranged in a car, guarded by a special person.

As for other subordinates, as in the past, a group of people, scattered and returned, so that it will not attract the attention of the right people.

Long Fan didn't know what kind of psychology he was out of. Hearing that Mo Yan had to take a car with Gu Xiyu, he arranged the prostitute to come in, saying that he was inconvenient to act and had a maid waiting...

So, these three people are in a car.

Because of the rush of coming back, Gu Yizhen’s face is still not cleaned, so she is still holding a wooden face and lying there.

Although Mo Yan likes her, but looking at her such an old face feels very disgusting, this road is still gentle and gentle like a gentleman, shaking the fan in his hand and talking about it. Occasionally, the prostitute glanced at her and saw her as a little daughter-in-law, and she did not care about her.

Ink has always regarded Emperor's clothing as a big worry. Now, once he is stunned, he is not generally happy, and his eyebrows are full of hidden spring breeze.

He actually wants to let Gu Xizhen recover his memory, let her see what her lover is in, and want to see her painful appearance...

Otherwise, he always has a feeling of discomfort in the night.

Just like now, she clearly saw that Emperor’s clothes had been seriously injured and fell into his hands. The painful little face was light and windy, and even had the mood to talk to him about the customs...

Mo Yan suddenly asked Gu Xiyi: "I am not curious, what kind of person is this person who is grasping today?"

Gu Xizhen raised his eyebrows: "Is it related to me?"

Momo smiled and looked at her with a pair of eyes. Suddenly he said something irrelevant: "I am sorry, no one dares to escape from the territory of the deity. You just want to see the scenery outside, but this time, but You still have to be punished, and you have to pay a price for your own rash."

Gu Xizhen did not seem to think that he would settle the account after the fall: "What is the price?"

"Marry to the deity!"

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