Venerated Venomous Consort

Venerated Venomous Consort Chapter 1078: where are you?

The stars representing her and Long Si night were dim, but they did not fall, proving that they were still alive and not being scattered by the whole soul.

However, where are they?

In what capacity is she alive? Did you eat hard? Not being guilty?

How will the Dragon Vana metamorphosis be to her?

Countless worries climbed into my heart, making him almost impossible to calm down. For the first time, he also tasted the worry that a person was worried about being uncomfortable. He had been sleeping for three days.

For the first time, Mu Feng, who had been waiting for the holy sage, saw his master’s eyes seeing thinness, and the whole person had smashed a lot.

Then he tried to persuade him to meditate and recover. He could only do something if he recovered completely.

Emperor Yi’s heart also understood that this worry was like a spider web, and he was locked in his heart, so that he could not calm down.

If you don't care, you are invincible. He is God. When he doesn't care about anyone, he can do anything calmly. Whenever he encounters any difficulties, he can calmly fight back. No one is his opponent.

But now that he has her in her heart, she becomes his weakness and becomes an invisible part of him. Now it is his weakness that others have caught!

He thought that wearing a marriage bracelet on her can always notice her movements. If she is in danger, she can save her in time.

But now she is gone, he used all the power or could not find...

He took a breath and it seems that after finding her in the future, he has to leave a mark on her soul! Can't wait until she is eighteen years old...

In this way, she can get her back in time and accurately no matter what shell she changes!

He waited another day, and finally made a decision on this day, almost stunned the chin of the wind: "Tell Mu, telling Ye Hongfeng that Yan Nuo is the seat of this seat!"

Mu Feng was shocked: "On the Lord, you have not fully recovered yet. If you let the devil know your weakness, I am afraid that he will be crazy!" This is the biggest secret of the Lord. Once it is known by the enemy, The trouble is only endless!

Emperor Yi clothes gently hold his finger, faintly said: "Just let him come!"

Since he has nowhere to find the demon, he can only use his own bait to lead the snake out of the hole!

Mu Feng: "..."

Gu Xiwei, where are you? Do you know that the Holy Lord has completely forgotten to find you?


Gu Xizhen woke up and found himself in a coffin.

A crystal clam.

There is a liquid in the crystal, and she lies in a bubble-like thing floating in the liquid, which is connected to the liquid that many pipes lead to outside.

After a while, I feel that this form is very similar to the baby in the mother. This bubble is like a cell coat. These pipes are the blood vessels that connect the nutrients, and the crystal enamel is the uterus.

Unlike a baby, she is naked in the womb, and she is wearing clothes!

She wore a long skirt that didn't know what the material was. It was softer than water, silky and slippery, and she was relieved.

At the beginning, she just opened her eyes and noticed that she was completely open when she was around no one. She turned around and found that her crystal enamel was in a laboratory.

There are various instruments around them that can't be named.

She narrowed her eyes slightly.

She had heard a few conversations before she woke up.

"Is this successful? When did she wake up?"

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