The end of the world: full level start

Chapter 53: The system is naturally strong

Wei Qin: "."

He said this as if he was afraid now, that he had evil intentions?

Wei Qin swallowed. Perhaps because he didn't know the base very well, he became the first person to raise such doubts to Xu Zhiyong.

"Seo Jichang, what do you think? I think no one knows what's going on in this kind of thing. Do you know anything about this?"

Then Wei Qin felt that he was being looked at strangely by the mysterious and powerful Captain Xu, and then he heard the other party's uneasy voice.

"Zhang Jianye is right. In our base, as long as you are a good law-abiding resident and pay your taxes and fees on time, we will be the biggest supporter for you and your family and will protect you."

After hearing this, not only Wei Qin, but also Zhang Jianye realized something was wrong.

It's rare for Zhang Jianye, a great man, to be careful about this kind of thing.

He looked at their base commander, questioning in his mind, and accidentally used the title Li Yi to mention Xu Zhiyong behind his back.

"Boss Xu, I'm thinking you know our base very well?"

Xu Zhiyong took a deep look at Zhang Jianye, exuding the aura of a deceiver, and said in a pretentious tone: "After all, he is a man who can be selected as the base commander."

Of course, he would not say that the base commander was chosen by his group and not by the so-called alien civilization.

But speaking of it, because the people at the base keep mentioning aliens all day long.

Xu Zhiyong began to wonder if the system in his mind was the product of an alien civilization.

As if it could see through Xu Zhiyong's thoughts, the system emitted a cold electronic sound.

“This system is unique and is made to last forever!!”

The three question marks floating in Xu Zhiyong's mind fully demonstrate his dissatisfaction when the system is considered to be the product of alien civilization.

Xu Zhiyong was surprised at the system's reaction when he heard Zhang Jianye say with a clear face.

"I see. No matter where it is or what circle it is, those in power will always have more information than us commoners."

Xu Zhiyong was rarely choked.

When Zhang Jianye led Wei Qin out of the room, Xu Zhiyong quickly sorted the building materials he had recovered. Although he didn't find anyone doing construction, didn't they come to his door automatically?

What's more, the metal and earth elements are simply the best superpowers for building.

Suddenly, Xu Zhiyong paused for a second while flipping through the panel, and a doubt arose in his mind.

"Does the awakening of superpowers have something to do with what I am good at?"

Guan Caiwei's superpower is equivalent to the healing system, so the question is, whether it is before or after the apocalypse, he has not seen any healing characteristics in this woman?

Guan Caiwei had no idea about this sudden flash of inspiration from Xu Zhiyong. She and Wen Shanshan were in the kitchen studying how to make snacks for the children under Xintong without an oven or anything.

Here, Zhang Jianye and Wei Qin returned to the fourth floor.

A group of people cheered and gathered around, talking all over the place.

"Boss, they have just become residents of our base."

"Captain, we have just become residents of this base."

"Boss, they actually have crystal nuclei in their hands."

"Captain, the crystal core in our hands can actually be exchanged for supplies."

As soon as they reached the fourth floor, Wei Qin, who had not yet calmed down, said: "."

Zhang Jianye was not so polite. He waved away the people on his side with a few slaps: "What are you chirping about? A group of old men are acting like women. They were lucky enough to encounter zombies. In the future, we won't be able to meet any zombies." Zombies with crystal cores.”

This time, not only Wei Qin was speechless, but also the other people following Wei Qin.

They really don’t want to encounter zombies, okay?

After so many days of walking in the apocalypse, this was the first time they saw someone who wanted to meet a mutated zombie.

If they hadn't already known Zhang Jianye and the others, they would have thought they had encountered a lunatic.

Wei Qin felt that he could not use common sense to speculate about this base. Oh, no, it should be the people in his own base now.

He swallowed and said with difficulty: "Brother Zhang, why do you want to meet mutant zombies?"

Are you all so crazy?

Wei Qin tried his best to control himself from shouting the last words.

Zhang Jianye gave Wei Qin a complicated look.

"You don't understand. When you know that mutant zombies have become monsters that can explode equipment or supplies, and you are injured by zombies and will not be infected, in this apocalyptic world where supplies and strength are needed to survive, you don't want to encounter mutant zombies. ?"

What's more, Zhang Jianye felt that he and the others were no longer as weak as before.

Now, not only do they have greater normal strength, faster speed, and improved agility, but they also have pistols.

In this case, a group of people can surround and kill a first-level zombie.

As for the changes in them, after asking about the changes in other people in the base, Zhang Jianye and other people living in the base have already reacted. This should be a blessing from their base to the residents.

Xu Zhiyong, who secretly added spiritual liquid to residents' drinking water while hiding his merit and fame, sighed with satisfaction.

He felt that his people were particularly worry-free and could make up for various bugs in the base through brainstorming, which saved him countless troubles.

Xu Zhiyong muttered in his heart while sorting out the building materials he collected on the panel.

"Fortunately, no one knows that these things are related to me. Otherwise, if word spreads, people all over the world will fall under my charm and chase after each other to become my subjects?"

As a principled base owner, Xu Zhiyong was determined not to see such a thing happen.

After all, it’s too much trouble.

In fact, although Xu Zhiyong has lost his heart to dominate.

But he also thought about whether to use the powerful firepower in the warehouse to directly eliminate the zombies before their strength has formed.

Not to mention whether the zombies in every corner of the earth can be wiped out under the heavy firepower. In this case, the earth's environment and radiation may make it impossible for humans to survive.

This doomsday may be an ordeal for human evolution.

With the help of the apocalypse, humans are trained to be strong enough to survive in the next world.

If he forces a change, he may lead to the extinction of human beings who have not evolved.

This is why Xu Zhiyong has never forcibly intervened in the end of the world, but chose to give humans a shelter where they can have a place to rest while fighting zombies.

Xu Zhiyong 'observed' the group of chattering men on the fourth floor, touched his chin, and felt that the free labor should be used instead of wasting it too much.

"As my subjects, Xu Zhiyong, how can we be so weak? It's time for the residents of the base to experience what welfare is."

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