The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 578: Immortal

   Hearing Soshyang’s declaration, Kayang was stunned for half a second, and then mocked with a smile on his face:

   "Sigismond can't do it, just rely on you? Who are you?"

   Soshyang responded contemptuously.

   "I am the commander of the Astral Knights, the protector of Nathan IV, the sword bearer of the Alliance of Misery—"

   "That's not enough."

   "So... plus, where is the commander of the 11th Army?"

  Kayang's muscles suddenly twitched instinctively.


   "The Eleventh Army, did you surprise you? For you in the era of the Great Expedition."

  Kayang nodded and recovered his calm at a rare speed.

   "Surprised, very surprised."

   Then he struggled and moved a step forward, and the chains that implicated him jingled suddenly.

   "Tell me, tell me more truth."

   "But this truth will kill you, because once you know it, you will never be able to leave here."

   "Then tell me."

   This time it was Soshyang's turn to be surprised by Kayang's curiosity, but after thinking for a while, he still told the secret of the Eleventh Army.

   As for the reason for doing this, it is because Soshyang's doubts about Gray Marrow are getting heavier and heavier. He is now very eager to know what this thing is and what it will turn into.

   During this process, Kayang was silent almost all the time. When there were only key questions, he would ask a sentence or two, and then fell silent again.

   He has not expressed any personal opinions.

   About ten minutes later, Soshyang finally told Kayang almost everything.

  "—That's it, we and the soul drinker are the last descendants of the Eleventh Legion."

  Kayang lowered his head, as if thinking, and raised it again after about five minutes.

   "It seems we have some fate, Commander Soshyan Army."

"How to say?"

"For a long time after the end of the Great Rebellion, I was almost in a state of doing nothing, so I turned my attention to some unknown knowledge, including the two disappeared legions... When serving in the empire, I was curious about what kind of felony was committed by the two legions that would be wiped out so thoroughly that all the upper ranks of the legion didn’t know anything about it."

   "Then what did you find?"

"It can't be said to be a discovery. I... Many years ago, I accidentally found a planetary debris somewhere in the Eye of Fear. Subspace often absorbs some planets from the physical universe, even meteorite belts, so this is not the case. It's not special, but I found some suspicious ruins in that planetary debris. I thought it was an abandoned portal entrance. After spending several years digging out those ruins, I came to the opposite conclusion... .. This is a human civilization that has died out. The language of this civilization is similar to a certain ancient Tela Central Asian language."


   Soshyang’s eyes lit up, and he realized that his decision, or the mysterious dream, was correct—

  Kayang really knows something.


"I tried to decipher those languages, but it was not easy. One is that there are very few things left in the ruins, only some stone carvings, and the other is that language... It seems that some alien elements have been added, space necromancer. You know? There are traces of the deeds used by the space dead in that language. This has caused great difficulties for my deciphering work. In the end, I compiled the conclusion that this civilization has a highly developed theocracy. They The secular leader of the country is also a religious leader, translated into Gothic, it should be called Shahansha, and what they worship is a broken god."

   "Broken God?"

"Well... this is not necessarily correct, but I can't find a better adjective. In short, this ancient and mysterious **** brought them a highly developed civilization, and there are some praises left behind, although I still want to continue my research, but at that time a subspace storm hit, and I can only evacuate hastily. Thinking about it now, that might be the home planet of the Eleventh Legion."

   "Then the **** they believe in...what's the name?"

  Kayang was silent for a while, and frowned rare.

"That's a weird word. I can't translate it in Tizca language. I can only use some similar words to describe it... At first I called it'eternal stars annihilation', but then I thought about it again. I don't think it's right. After changing a few names, I think'Indestructible Starfall' is the most suitable for it.

   "Indestructible Starfall..."

   Soshyang chewed the name, but he didn't want it.

   "Is that so? Are there any more descriptions of this god?"

  Kayang shook his head.

   "Basically nothing, there are too few things left, but..."

   "But what?"

   "But there is one thing, those stone carvings that praise the gods, always mention its'immortality' characteristics repeatedly, which may be related to the answer you want."

   Soshyang was silent and began to pace in the dark.

   Various thoughts came to his mind, various secrets entangled his soul, Kayang really solved few problems, but created more suspense.

He even began to think about whether he was going to showdown with Brother Said and ask for a real answer from the other party—he had been able to be sure that Brother Said must have concealed something from him, and might even deceive him on certain things. .

  Although the other party may not necessarily be malicious, it doesn't feel good. Soshyang doesn't like being manipulated.

   "Soshyan, who is the swordsman of the Third Army."

   Suddenly, Kayang asked a question.

   Soshyang stopped and looked at each other.

   "Is this question important to you?"

   "It's very important, I have to know who killed my Nagua."

   "Do you want revenge?"

  Kayang was silent for a while and nodded.

   "Yes, if there is a chance.... Tooth for tooth, blood for blood is our principle."

   "Then I have to kill you."

   "It's time to do it a long time ago."

   "Do you want to die that way?"

"It's a strange question. You are a loyal fighter of the imperial emperor. Shouldn't it be justified to kill me, a traitor who has been plagued by crimes? Do you want me to persuade you to kill me? Or say... .... The commander of our Eleventh Army Corps already has ambitions?"

  Kayang showed a weird smile.

   "Of course, this is not unexpected."

   "Shut up! Traitor!"

   Soshyang roared, walked to the opponent, and grabbed the opponent's face with his armor-covered hand.

   "Otherwise I will kill you now! Don't consume my compassion!"

   After speaking, Soshyang let go.

  Kayang's head dropped immediately, and he coughed vigorously a few times. Just now Soshyang almost crushed his skull, and even the palm marks hadn't disappeared from his face.

   But Qianzi was not scared at all, and instead laughed lowly.

   "Seeing pity in the sky, there is even mercy in this galaxy?"

   took a deep breath, calmed down, and Soshyang responded with a serious tone:

   "Kayang, I won't kill you now, because I want you to witness the destruction of the Black Legion with your own eyes."


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