The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 113: A lamb

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Once the soldiers are defeated on the battlefield, even if it is hundreds of thousands of soldiers, in the face of such a situation, not many can survive.

However, in two large countries with vast territory and sound military and political affairs, it is impossible for the offensive side to attack faster than the defensive side's defensive speed.

In their own country, as long as there is a will to resist, after the initial defeat, the defender can definitely set up an effective defensive front at the next suitable location to resist the attacker's next onslaught.

The offensive side is under pressure from logistics and transportation, and the burden of occupying the territory by dividing the army, it is impossible for the army to advance without stopping.

This is why Mullen was able to fortify the front line in Mulu City.

Therefore, a large country with a large territory and not weak combat power will not be destroyed by the First World War.

"The army has excellent footwork and rapid progress. Marron built a line of defense in Mulu City. From the beginning to the attack of the army, there was less than a month in total. Although the line of defense was completely arranged, it was not done in terms of depth and solidity. Perfect. Otherwise, with the terrain on the edge of the plateau, it is really difficult for us to attack. "

In front of the Kopet Mountains, Li Yan and King Qi observed the Mulu City defense line.

To the northeast of the Kopet Mountains is the Karakum Desert. Mulu City is built in the northern foot oasis at the southeast end of the mountains, facing the Murgab River. The vanguard of the Changan embargo, which has already begun camping, is not far away.

"Overall, the terrain here is similar to the situation in the four towns of Anxi. Except for the difficulty of attacking the plateau fortress, the terrain of the desert oasis is nothing." Qi Wang pinched the hair of the horn, and the wind here was also Dry and blowing her hair a bit messy.

Because of the mountains in front, there were also large monks waiting to eat. The two did not stay in the air all the time.

They were not too close to Mulu City, after all, Marlen was there, Li Xiu's Xiuwei was still in Xianyu, and there was no reason to send himself to the other side. The two soon came to a ranch in front of the hillside, waiting for the follow-up army to come.

The pasture is not small, and the water grass is quite rich. Unfortunately, until now, the original herdsmen and cattle and sheep could not see each other. I do n’t know whether they escaped or were swallowed up by the military disaster.

At the moment, the cattle and sheep driven by the Snapdragons are wandering on the pastures. This is the main ration they carry, from the large and small pastures of the Black Khanate.

Li Yan and King Qi found a good location for the scenery, set up a fire, and caught a cute and docile looking guy. He also liked to look up at the howling lambs, ready to slaughter and skinned to make roast sheep.

Today, the person who is working is not Li Yan, but Qi King who has always been bad at cooking.

Since the practice of singing and dancing ended in failure, King Qi diverted his attention and gave up those long sleeves that she really had trouble with, and plunged herself into the kitchen. To this day, she claims that after many days of hard work, she has been able to make seven or eight exquisite dishes, each of which is full of color and fragrance, which can definitely make the eater praise.

Li Yan was accustomed to King Qi's self-blowing and self-confidence, and he believed in good faith.

Until I saw the other person facing the little lamb's face, whispering and screaming, no one stopped, as if doing an in-depth soul exchange or negotiation, I thought things might not be like King Qi boasted that.

The water in the cauldron was almost dried up, Li Li did not see King Qi's knife. Instead, he began to caress the lamb's head and body, acting softly as if smoothing his hair, a kind of intimacy. Where is it like to kill the other party and pluck hair?

The pith, it's like raising it as a pet.

Li Zhi, who was sitting waiting for dinner, couldn't help it. He teased, "His Royal Highness Qi, it's going to be dark this day. You still have to talk to a little lamb about life? Is it unwilling? Can't you convince it to be your food willingly? "

King Qi turned his head, smiled awkwardly, and was indifferent: "I think it's very spiritual, and I can ask and answer it as if I can understand me, and I won't do it now ... "

What she called a question and answer was that she said a word, and the lamb yelled twice, didn't interrupt, didn't talk, and knew the rules.

Li Zheng asked earnestly: "Have you ever understood what it said?"

King Qi nodded earnestly: "I saw from his eyes that he didn't want to die, he wanted to live, and was trying to convince me."

Seeing that King Qi said something irresistible, Li Yan opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer the conversation. He just waved his hand, and said helplessly: "Then let it go, and change it quickly, I am still hungry."

With a smile on his face, King Qi smiled and touched the lamb's head a few times, and he let it go from his arms, and got up to find the next prey. The lamb seemed to know that he had been let go, and was very happy. He jumped beside King Qi's feet without leaving, but he changed his face and turned into a pet.

After eating a maggot and a wise man, when King Qi took the second sheep back, he did not communicate with the other side before death. He cut the other person's neck cleanly and threw it into a boiling water pot to pluck hair.

When the sky was full of stars, Li Min finally ate the roast lamb made by King Qi himself. He sipped his meat into his mouth, and the mysterious taste made his face wrinkled into buns.

"How?" Qi King held a leg of lamb in his hand, but didn't go to eat, but looked at Li Yan nervously and expectantly.

Li Yan swallowed the meat in his mouth with great perseverance, thumbs up, and blushed and praised: "Delicious, it is a rare delicious food in the world!"

Qi Wang suddenly blinked his eyes, and smiled with laughter: "Sure enough, I still have talent in the way of cooking the kitchen. In the future, you have to eat roast lamb. Just come to me and I will make as much as you want .... .. "

After making a promise, Qi Wang patted his breast. Then he bowed his head with satisfaction and did not use a knife to cut it. He bit his mouth on the leg of the yellow-orange-orange leg with a mouthful, and tore the next big piece of meat cleanly. cloud.

There was no accident, just chewing two mouthfuls, Qi Wang's proud expression suddenly stiffened on his face, his eyes stared round, his head turned mechanically, and he looked at Li Yan with disbelief, full of doubt.

Li Yan only saw nothing, took the wine pouch and drank himself, and he had already done what he could do. Since King Qi couldn't eat himself, he couldn't blame him. In the process of grilling, Li Yan tried to guide each other several times, but she said with confidence that she would not use it.

After hearing King Qi vomiting food and despairing and mourning, Li Yi passed the wine pouch to the other side, signalling that she could gargle. After pouring a few sips of wine, Qi Wang threw the leg of lamb in his hand aside and said with a wounded face: "How can I not do well with such a simple thing?"

"Your fire has been well mastered. This is the hardest thing. The so-called taste is not good, but the sauce is not too particular."

Li Zheng stood up, beckoned, took a sheep over, twisted his neck, threw it into the boiling water pot and shed his hair. He felt pity for himself and looked at him in pity, and encouraged Qi Wang: "Let's do it again, it's guaranteed to be the beauty of the world

taste. "

King Qi hesitated, "You just said that the world is delicious."

"This time is true."

King Qi soon stepped out of the shadow of failure, and plucked her hair with Li Yan with uncompromising temperament. This time, she planned to accept Li Yan's teaching with an open mind. The little lamb that King Qi had let go, at this time was chewing on the leg of lamb she had discarded. Eat it.

"Sheep also eat meat?" Qi Wang curiously rubbed his arm.

Li Min looked at the strange lamb and thought, "Maybe they didn't eat it, but they couldn't eat it before?"

The two ignored the little white sheep that they thought was included and co-roasted a truly delicious roast lamb. This time they both ate heartily and shouted.

In particular, after confirming that the mutton tasted good, King Qi laughed and declared that she was a roast lamb master, and repeated the previous sentence, as long as Li Zhi wanted to eat sheep, she would arrange it.

When Li Zhi and Qi Wang Youyi roamed the roast sheep, ate sheep, and unintentionally compiled a strange lamb that ate meat, in Mulu City, Mullen was focused and serious, listening to the monk in the Great Temple about the call Report on progress.

"As long as the first three batches of monks and materials can reach the intended location within one and a half months, I can turn the defense line here into a strategic zone with a depth of four hundred miles. Even if Tang Jun captures Mulu City, I will never forget to break through our The war zone! "

After hearing the reports from the monks of the Great Temple, Mullen affirmed the progress of their mission, especially praised the plan of the Great Temple "lead the snake out of the hole" to seduce the Tang Dynasty's fine works, and then talked about the battles in the front line of Mulu City. Deduction to strengthen everyone's confidence in the war.

Through the war with the Tang army in the Seven Rivers Basin, Malun has fully understood the combat effectiveness of the Tang army. Especially with Tang Jun's strong bow and crossbow, as well as the soldiers' generals, especially the ability of the Langfang army led by Shangguan Qingcheng, I have gained personal experience.

Now that his war situation has been deduced, there is no sign of degrading Tang Army and exaggerating the army's combat effectiveness.

After the order was issued, it would take two months for all the expected monks and materials to arrive at the intended location. With the strength of the Crescent religion, there will be a million monks participating in the battle, and the strategic depth will be 800 miles. There will be four lines of defense. Depending on the topographical advantages of the plateau, it will inevitably form a copper-walled iron wall and a swamp-like mire war zone.

"If the Tang Army cannot capture Mulu City, it is of course the best. However, the battlefield will only be on the eastern border, and the domestic impact will be controlled to a small extent. But if the Tang Army captures Mulu City, it will enter the 800-mile strategic depth zone. That is, my Da Qin and the Tang Dynasty fought with each other, when Tang Jun wanted to withdraw, there would be no chance! "

Mullen seemed confident when he said this.

This, of course, is different from the previous determination. At present, his war situation is speculated that it is in line with the combat capabilities of the two armies, including the influence of the Lingnan Fleet.

Deep down, Mullen is actually very painful, because at this point, he has only left room for full defense and no room for attack. It can be said that the battlefield initiative is completely under the control of Li Yan.

But at the same time, Mullen also knew very well that once Tang Jun could not break through the strategic depth of 800 miles, he would lose out.

By then, the offense and defense will be easy, and the development of the war situation will usher in a new look. Everything is still unknown, and the crescent religion may not have the possibility of regaining the Seven Rivers or even entering the West.

In all fairness, this possibility is still very large.

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