The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 210: Traitor's philosophy of life

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Marlen's call order has been issued. With the tightness of the crescent religion organization, the high degree of action efficiency, and the monks' reaction and speed of travel, monks from all over the country will rush to the east on a large scale within ten months. So there is not much time for Saidianchi.

On how to quickly and effectively make Mohad, Zhang Changan helped Sai Dianchi develop a plan overnight. As an official who has been in charge of prairie state affairs for many years, Zhang Changan is accustomed to bringing all the details that can be considered into his control, and formulating measures to respond to accidents, and strives to make no mistakes.

Throughout the middle of the night, the two were planning intensively. By the time the sky was shining, a well-thought-out plan had already been formulated. After confirming that Sai Dianchi was clear about the plan, Zhang Changan burned the paper with a spiritual fire without leaving any traces.

Sai Dianchi left Zhang Changan's residence and went to the Great Temple on duty. He certainly knew that some of the tasks of the call today would fall on him. When he made a plan with Zhang Changan in the middle of the night yesterday, the five elders of the Great Temple must have made another plan together.

Now is the time for everyone to take action, and Sai Dianchi himself is the only one who has to execute two plans.

Suddenly, an inexplicable smile emerged from the red corners of Saidian, feeling like he is the most mysterious existence of the entire city of Baghdad, and has a powerful force behind it, which is extremely powerful.

This kind of experience is very mysterious, and the way is unknown, but when he looks at other people, including several other principal high priests, he has a sense of superiority for no reason.

It's as if they are the gods above, and the other party is just an ant on the ground. They don't know their fate, and they don't know what they will encounter. All of this depends on their actions.

This is a feeling similar to controlling the fate of others. Sai Dianchi feels that he is a **** walking in the darkness, powerful and unpredictable, and powerful and wise.

Entering the Great Temple, Sai Dianchi felt a solemn atmosphere. The monks who came and went were hurried, with a solemn look, and their eyes were astonished. There is a dangerous breath in the air, like a monster hiding its destiny. No one can escape its control, it will choose someone to eat at any time.

Sai Dianchi's back gradually became cold, at this time the inexplicable sense of superiority and power in his heart was disappearing bit by bit. He realized that although he had double powers, he was also taking double risks in this war.

With a little care, not only did he die, but his family was also affected by his own body, the bones were all there, and he was also cast aside by the people. These thoughts made Sai Dianchi's footsteps look heavy, and she could no longer see the slightest ease on her face, even a little uneasy.

His appearance in the eyes of others, naturally has a different meaning.

People who are lower than him can't help but figure it out. Even the principal high priest is doing things like thin ice. How severe is the war in the east?

And when people who are equal to or higher than him see it, they will think that Sai Dianchi is worried about the country and the people, and feels uneasy about the state of the country. This is not a qualified performance of a quiet boss, but it also proves his indecision.

"Saidian Chi High Priest, your face doesn't look very good, did you have no rest last night?"

Saidian Chi, who was immersed in his heart, suddenly heard someone talk to himself, and his heart beat suddenly. He raised his head uneasily, and saw only Mohad's face with a close smile.

At this moment, Sai Dianchi's mood was extremely complicated.

It is Mohd that speaks. The third-class aristocrats who are to be "captured" must inevitably become the "weak" used by himself in Zhang Changan's plan. At this time, facing the other side, Saidianchi already has some psychological advantages.

If he meets other elders, he may be shocked, thinking about how to hide his true thoughts. But in the presence of Mohd, he immediately stabilized his mind, barely squeezed a smile, and said enthusiastically: "It is worrying about calling for orders, but when it comes to hard work, it is definitely not as good as the elders."

As a strong priest, it doesn't matter if he doesn't rest for a few days, and he won't look so bad. Saidianchi knew that Mohad was just asking for a conversation and talking to him. Sai Dianchi is a top noble. After returning to Baghdad this time, she intends to make friends with others, so her popularity is very good now.

Without any accident, Sai Dianchi and Mohdhan walked side by side. Right now it's too early, and before the discussions, the two went to eat together early, and there was no surprise during the meeting.

When the two came to the meeting hall, they were full of people. In addition to the five elders, thirteen principals, and some deputies, there were thirty or forty people in total. After last night's deliberations, today the elders will announce the implementation plan of the call order.

Sai Dianchi came to his seat and sat down, making him wonder that he saw Nadine and Satuk suddenly! These two people, one is the chief priest of the Crescent Church in the Kalahan Supervision Institute, and the other is the prince of Karahan, who is not in Mulu City at the moment, how can they appear together?

Soon, Sai Dianchi thought of part of the reason.

Karakhan had been completely occupied by the Tang army, and it was considered as a de facto country. Suddenly Nadine lost his place and errand in the other place and naturally returned.

However, although Su Nadi was not inferior in status and had some credit in Karakhan, he lost Karakhan in the end. He failed to resolve the fine work of the Tang Dynasty. Deputy principal high priest.

As the king of the dead, Satuk had no decent army, so he could only hold the thighs of food. However, his strength was weak, and his status could not be prominent. Can only rely on the identity of the crescent religion, barely mixed in the Grand Temple.

However, if you can come to the center of the Crescent Church, as long as you meet more powerful people, the eclipse will restore the territory of Karakhan in the future. Satuk may be the king of Karakhan. Maybe Karakhan will die. Go back to be a local lord and Fengjiang official-that's not bad.

Because of the "feeling of a ghost", Sai Dianchi always concentrated at the meeting and wanted to hear more useful news.

However, things did not go as smoothly as he imagined. At the beginning, the elders looked at the people and killed them: "The Holy Army lost a lot of war in Karahan. A large part of the reason was that the Tang Dynasty's fine work was pervasive. Before the war, Gathered a lot of information for them! This put the Holy Army in a disadvantaged position from the beginning and defeated successively!

"The clash between the Supervision Institute and the Tang people has shown that they also have a large number of manpower in the country, and until now, because of the outbreak of the war, we have not been able to concentrate our efforts in time to dig them out! That is to say, everyone, each of you No one is safe! "

Hearing these words, especially when he touched the elder's cold eyes full of scrutiny and suspicion, Saidian was completely cold with a cold heart. The common sense of being guilty of a thief makes him feel like sitting on a needle.

However, he also received a lot of training from Zhang Chang'an, so that he wouldn't expose his feet easily, and now he had enough courage to avoid the elder's eyes.

After the opponent's eyes moved away, Saidian gave a dark breath, and it took a lot of effort to suppress the disturbance of the heartbeat. He was very clear that the practice of the elder, even if he only had abnormal heartbeat and breathing, would become a fatal flaw at this time.

For example, in the ceremonial match of the needle, because of the irresistible tension, his head was gradually dizzy, so that the elder was not listening. In this hall, there are the most powerful masters and the most wise superiors of crescent teaching, and they are also their opponents!

Sai Dianchi felt a strong threat, as if she was alone among thousands of horses. Every moment there were countless swords and lightsabers. She rushed towards herself, and she would be crushed into pieces at any time.

Calmly responding to challenges is simple. When things are coming and everyone is enemies, how many people can be calm?

What's more, he is not a professional elaborate work. He does not have a long time and receives rigorous training.

Saidianchi gradually unable to hold herself, forehead

Began to produce fine sweat.

He is a big cannibal and a top nobleman, but now he is planning to be harmful to the country and be a traitor! What a despicable and shameless act this is, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and cast aside by all!

Sai Dianchi thought more and more confused.

He inevitably thought of shrinking, thought of frankness, thought of getting lost. Many of these stories even popped into his mind.

Those heroes who were temporarily intimidated or temporarily lost their minds and embarked on the road of betrayal, but did not cause faults because of timely wake-up, but made meritorious heroes, praised by posterity, lingered in Saidianchi's mind .

At this time, his hands consciously touched a piece of accessories under the clothes, clear as ice. For a moment, it was almost habitual, and the game code faltered. It was a jade pendant given to him by Zhang Changan. It wasn't much special, but the intention was clear.

"When you feel uneasy, just go and caption it, it will calm you down." Sai Dianchi remembered Zhang Changan's words. This jade pendant is actually not a magic weapon, nor has it the effect of calming mind, but in the long training in the past, Saidian Chi has been cultivated such a habit.

The sweat beads on Saidian's red forehead gradually dissipated, and the elder's voice returned to normal in his ears, no longer as dim and blurred as before, as if far away, near, real, and illusionary.

"If I change something, I will die, there will be no chance to become a hero!"

Sai Dianchi's eyes slowly resumed to clear, and the slightest gradually emerged, "What's more, what are heroes? Those stories are deceptive tricks. They are used by kings to fool people and let them serve themselves! Can you believe this? "

Sai Dianchi continued to think, "There are only two kinds of people in this world, those who are driven by others, and those who are driven by others.

"The king establishes the country, thereby confirming his supremacy and allowing all peoples to become his own flock. In the final analysis, but with the power of the four seas, raising one's own respect! How could he ever be better off for the rest of the world? If not, how could the power be privileged?

"Everyone is just for themselves! To ensure their status, the king wants to deceive people, let the people loyal to the monarch, serve the country and die for themselves, and it should be said that it is the greatest shame in the world! Ridiculous those stupid The people, infused with these ideas by the king, were reduced to sheep, swords, and proud of them!

"Yes, the people are weak after all. Without a regiment, they cannot have security and cannot guarantee their own survival. But I am different. I am a priest and have a high degree of cultivation. Why do I have to be a sword for Caliph? ? If the country is prosperous, I will have more power? If the country dies, I will surely die?

"No, the regime change is just an ordinary thing. My own interests and strength can truly protect myself. The Tang Dynasty also needs people to govern it, and I will still be a noble! The caliph's throne has nothing to do with me ? "

Sai Dianchi's eyes were as sharp as swords, and bloodshot eyes covered his eyes. "Caliph himself was incompetent and defeated in Kalahan, and now he can only defend Mulu City. Seeing that he will die, I cannot bury him! It is a wise choice to take refuge in the Tang Dynasty! "

With this in mind, Sai Dianchi finally convinced and hypnotized herself.

He has a clear and reasonable view of himself. He believes that there are no flaws, no loopholes, and a very powerful three perspectives. Such three perspectives are sufficient to support his next actions, so that he is no longer confused and scared.

Everyone needs his own philosophy of life, and he will have it. Right or wrong, it will become the moon above you, illuminating your own path.

"In order to gain more power and give yourself more powerful resources, you must work hard!" Sai Dianchi felt that she was full of energy and energy. In order to make yourself stronger, even if you are in danger, it should be, even if you encounter difficulties, you must overcome it.

He was so clear-headed that he began to listen carefully to the words of the elder and pay attention to the reactions of the people.

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