The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 149: Decisive blow

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The black-robed ghost-faced monk in the Food Guards, after taking the elixir, the black chain appeared again in his hands. Their method of warfare is the same as before, and they still throw the chains into the air to form a large net and cover the generals of Modaozhen.

The response of the generals of the Modaojin was not special. They also took the elixir, and under the leadership of the generals, they used the power of the soldiers to fight against each other to crack the opponent's killing moves.

However, the other Guardian Army formations have changed. Except for the monks who confronted Mo Dao, the other episodes were divided into two parts, and suddenly the siege of the Tiger Guards began from both wings.

Their number advantage still exists and is not small. Right now they are focusing on this advantage, focusing on the two wings. In addition to the black robe ghost monk on the front, on the contrary, not many people care about Modaojin.

There are monks in black robes, and Mo Dao Zhen need not worry for a while, but as long as other Tiger Guard battles are resolved, Mo Dao Zhen who is not coordinated by the robes will be trapped by himself, and they will only be served by them.

At the beginning of the attack, it was very powerful, and the garrison guard still used the method of breaking lives.

For a time, the battlefield fell into an unprecedented fierce battle scene.

"It seems that the elixir of the Guardian Army is very extraordinary. Those monks in the black robes were clearly at a disadvantage in the confrontation with Mo Dao Zhen. Now taking the medicine, the momentum is not weaker than Mo Sword array. "

Qi Wang Liu Mei froze, "The elixir of Mo Dao Zhen is made by Xianyaofang. The elixir of the other side is better than our elixir?"

Li Ye didn't comment. He also found this, but it was not as exaggerated as Qi King said. In his observation, that is, the medicine of the monk in black robe ghost face, the grade is higher than that of Datang. This advantage.

After all, there is a true **** to take care of in the crescent moon, but Li Zhi doesn't have it here.

Originally, the Shimen Holy Buddha was not a true **** of the crescent moon, and was killed by him in conjunction with Feihong, as was the old emperor. At present, despite Li Li's strong combat ability, he can refine the alchemy of alchemy, including many aspects, and his accomplishments are not as deep as those of the true moon.

And Feihong, Yang Yan, the Demon King and others are currently inferior to the old Holy Buddha and Lao Xiandi. The elixir of Xianyaofang is already unusual and has a large output, but it is a crescent face with these black robes. There is still a gap between the monks.

"Looking at it this way, Mo Dao Zhen did not have the same chance to fight against the monks at one and a half moments. The two sides struggled to the end, and it was hard to say who won. At least the situation will be deadlocked for a short time. The crescents who attacked on both wings taught the monks to fight. With the advantage in numbers, he began to attack without reason ... "

When King Qi said this, he took a look at Li Yan, and suddenly smiled, "Mallen's victory in today's war should be determined and determined."

Li Min also laughed, and couldn't see the half-worried look, "If it wasn't for his aspirations, why would he appear here?"

At this point, the two looked at each other and didn't say much, they already knew each other's meaning.

This battle, to this day's situation, it is not easy for the Guardian to win.

Relying on the big chain of chains, the crescent priest in the black robe ghost face wanted to control the Modaojin, but was backed by the forces of the Modaojin soldiers. Now the two sides are deadlocked.

In other battlefields, the Guardian Guards have no Modao array to block, and want to rely on the number advantage to break through the Tiger Guard's front line as before-if they succeed, the situation of the melee between the two sides will expand. Until triggering a melee.

Once the whole army is in a scuffle, the number advantage will be maximized. Because at that time it was no longer a large array of external queues, but all the soldiers caught and killed. By that time, the Tiger Guard had no reason to win.

However, looking at the meaning of Li Yan and King Qi, they were completely unconcerned about this situation.

The answer is already obvious.

The two sides have been fighting for such a long time, and the means of exposure have been exposed to seven or eighty-eight. Both of them can be guarded, and they are almost the same. Next, it is time for both sides to show all their combat power to win the final victory. No one is still hiding.

Zhao Polu arrived before the battle.

Ali also went into battle and took the lead in killing.

The two met quickly before the battle, and the moment they saw each other, the eyes of each other were surging. Almost at the same time, the two burst into anger and mobilized their cultivation power to the extreme.

However, the two's next steps are obviously different.

Ali took his own guard and rushed straight up.

However, Zhao Polu raised his crossblade and rushed into his body, and thousands of monks in the battlefield behind him sounded blasts, and dozens of them also rushed to kill them. Linglie's Jin Ge's Soul!

In a short time, the entire large array including many small arrays raised a misty mask, like a bowl buckle, but it was burning.

Agitated and flying, Ali suddenly found that the battle force in front of him was already shrinking his pupils, his heart was trembling, and he couldn't let it go. He didn't think about too much time. Dozens of priests behind them sent out their full blow!

The strength of the soldiers' battlefield was hit by dozens of overwhelming spiritual tides, and ripples of water ripples opened, and the brightness of the entire mask suddenly dazzled. The overflowing aura is like the blade of a wind, cutting countless gullies on the ground around, and the yellow sand is filled with smoke.

As the ripples of the Aura dissipated, Ali and others were surprised to find that the forces of the soldiers were still as stable as before, and there were no cracks in the mask. The Tiger Guards training Qi monks in the battlefield also looked as usual, and apparently did not suffer trauma!

At this time, while Ali and others were old and new, Zhao Polu's hands were cut horizontally in the air, and thousands of soldiers behind him cut them all together! In an instant, thousands of knife lights converged in one place, just like the galactic light belt, and fell directly on the unavoidable Ali and others!

In order to exert their power, the soldiers in the common army must pay close attention to each other and rely on the power of the battle array to make a rush. However, the battlefield of soldiers composed of purely trained monks has undoubtedly extended the attack distance, and the attack methods have also been strengthened.

Ali's hair was upside down, and he had never encountered such a fierce attack. The knife-blade breath coming from the front was not as powerful as human beings could do! In a critical situation, Ali and others' body protectors flew together, forming a layer of defense in front of them.

However, this is not very useful. They are confronted with Zhao Polu, a famous soldier in the military, with dozens of soldiers in the battle, and the full blow of thousands of Qi monks, even if they are priests. The strong ones have absolutely no advantages.

Just like the sword light that can divide the sky into two halves, the cut defenses are just like the tofu cut. The cast is undiminished. They hit Ali and others, and they let them spit blood and fly out. It turned into a blood mist directly in the mid-cavity!

Ali half-fall and retreated back to the garrison guard. Before landing, he managed to stabilize his body. He covered his uncomfortable chest and raised a face full of horror. His eyes were filled with fear and shock. .

When Mo Dao Zhen had erupted from the military battle, he already felt incredible. It was a force he had never seen before in Eclipse, powerful and tough. But now, he finds that the power of the soldiers in Zhao Polu's body is better than that of Modaozhen!

That is by no means dozens of priest masters can compete!

At the time of Ali's horror, Zhao Polu had begun to fight with them, fighting them! Although the pace is not fast, it is also better than Mo Dao Zhen, so it is extraordinary. The Guardian monks who blocked the food in front of them, with almost no effort, were all cut by the sword.

What is even more disturbing to Ali is that not only is Zhao Polu here there are military battles, but the Tiger Guards have battles of all sizes. Anyone with more than 500 people has a mask raised!

Although those masks can't be compared with Zhao Polu's battle array in terms of scale or momentum, they have caused a catastrophic blow to the Great Guards.

Relying on the number advantage, the Da Shi Guard wanted to jump over the shield shield as before, and rush directly into the Tiger Guard battle, causing a melee scene.

But now, they have just jumped up, and the people are still in the air. Under the leadership of the commander and other generals, the tiger guards are slashed together, converging into a dragon blade, and the guard monks are cut in half. Road!

Those leaping Guardian monks were strongly wounded and fell back to the same robe group, and the weak ones died directly on the spot. No matter how hard they work, how to go forward and succeed, but Daoguang, who gathered the forces of the military, defeated them one after another!

From the beginning of the war today, the Guardian ’s number advantage already exists. At this moment, it can no longer play out, and it has no effect!

The Tiger Guard generals who raised the strength of the battlefield not only prevented the monks of the Guards from leaping into the battlefield, but also launched a counterattack when the opponent was weak.

Relying on the blessing of the battle line, the battle force of the Tiger Guards was more than three points stronger than before. The formation of the Guardian Guard was not stable at all, and it was defeated and killed!

The scuffle scenes did not appear everywhere, but the Tiger Guard began to kill and attack on one side!

When Ali saw this, he couldn't help shaking, "There are so many soldiers in the Tang army? This, this ..."

He couldn't say the next words.

This is too scary.

How does the Guard fight against Tang Jun?

Tang Jun had been defending before, and had not attacked. He was already as stable as a barrier, but he did not expect that once they counterattacked, it would be a thunderous situation, which was more terrifying than before. Really immovable like a mountain, offensive like fire!

Tang Jun has such combat power, but he did not show it at the beginning of the war, in order to wait for the Da Shi Guardian monks to be exhausted, seeing the timing to fight back in one fell swoop? !!

If the Eclipse Guard cannot hold its ground, it will not only be defeated, but it will be defeated!

That would be disastrous.

Is it necessary for the entire army of 150,000 people to be submerged here? !!

Ali turned back in despair, looking at Mullen in the air, hoping that the other party could save the Guards.

Now, Mullen is his only hope.

Mullen's eyes cleared, his face sinking like water.

He did not expect that Tang Jun was so fierce. There were 200 soldiers in a 100,000 army! Seeing that Tang Jun counterattacked and attacked, and the attack was aggressive, the Guards had no backhand power, which was very different from the previous attack of Tiger Guards on Tiger Guards, and Marron felt that Chilling.

He didn't hesitate.

If hesitated, the situation will not be restored.

"The only true God in the world, your followers are suffering, and Mullen prays prayerfully to you ..." Mullen's response is simple: ask for help!

To this day, he personally has no way to reverse the war situation, after all, he can not play in person-Li Ye looked at him in Huluncheng.

Before he finished speaking, the voice of the true God echoed in his mind, and interrupted him directly. "Don't say more, dedicate your faith, and I will give you divine power.

"Mallen, you don't have to panic. Although Tang Jun's battle force is strong, it can't last. Once it is played, if it can't quickly break through to win, the successor will be weak. This is why they didn't start this kind of thing. Reason for ability.

"Get believers ready. If we can stop their onslaught, the outcome is not yet known."

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