The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 147: Mo Dao Zhen

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By this time, Zhao Polu had seen that the Tiger Guard and the Guardian Guard were almost at the same level in terms of monk realm strength and weaponry.

Because the Tiger Guard is a defensive side, the army formation is tight and neat, and it takes a lot of advantage. This can make the Guardian ’s casualties far better than itself. After all, the opponent has an advantage in numbers. The main body of the Guardian will want to fill it with human life and obtain the results they want. Zhao Polu has no other response.

After all, the monk army is different from the ordinary army. Even if the latter wants to use human lives to win the battle results, it is impossible to break the large shield spear burst into the other party. It is also powerless, but the nature of the monk army determines that they have such capabilities.

It ’s just that monks who practice qi are different from ordinary soldiers in the mud army. They leave the monk army and they are superiors. They can become officials when they have enough knowledge. They can also be highly respected if they do n’t have enough knowledge. The mansion gained Hakka status.

It is necessary for such people to be killed like horses on the common battlefield in the ordinary battlefield. It is impossible to say that generals and kings are reluctant and monks who practice Qi are unwilling. Definitely a daze.

However, Zhao Polu also had to admit that, as far as the specific situation of the battlefield at present, this battle method of the Da Shi Guard was moving towards victory. And if they defeated the Tiger Guard, then in this war, it is undoubtedly a crucial step towards overall victory.

Nowadays, the Spike Army, Tiger Guard, and Yulin Army are all confronting and fighting in the Black Khanate and the Eclipse Army, each with its own opponents, no one is idle. I am afraid that for the time being they are evenly matched.

In this case, no matter which army takes the lead in winning, it will affect the other armies. By then, the three armies will win or lose by one point.

The dispute between the two countries is related to the army's conquest, the victory of the army, and the monk's army. This is the current situation.

There is no escape route for Datang and Food, so Ali and Zhao Polu have no choice.

"The big cannibal wants to win today, and this will be his wish!"

Zhao Polu drank Shen Sheng with three words: "Mo Dao Zhen!"

Mo Dao Zhen, of course, the ordering army ambassador knew the weight of these three words, and also understood Zhao Polu's meaning. He looked for a moment without hesitation, and rushed to pass Zhao Polu's military order.

Mo Dao Zhen fights!

Li Zheng, who watched the battle in the city, remained calm.

In his sight, the Guardian Guards rushed forward in front of the Tiger Guards, rushing into groups and rushing into the Tiger Guards. Although monks who have begun to kill came to the left and right to fight for a while, they would be swallowed up by the crowd, but as they went on, the entire Tiger Guard advanced and there were more and more places for melee.

Houndstooth staggering can no longer describe the situation of the war between the two sides. It can only be described by blooming everywhere.

At this moment, eight thousand soldiers moved in the back of the Tiger Guard. Under the order of the army envoy, the midfielder gave way and stepped back, moving them forward to the midfield. This 8,000-person team quickly reached the position of fierce fighting.

Compared with other Tiger Guard generals, these 8,000 people also look nothing special. On the armour style, they don't seem to be much different from ordinary generals, and they can't talk about everyone's strength. Strength has nothing to do with body.

The only thing that stood out was the Zhang Ermo knife in their hands.

Sword rune is like a dragon.

So to be precise, it's a magic knife.

How did the previous Tang Dynasty Mo Dao Zhan fight, Li Zhi didn't know intuitively, but now he has seen the fighting strength of the Tiger Guard Mo Dao Zhan. For the entire Tiger Guard, when Modaozhen came into play, it was when they won.

When the offensive-like food garrison guard suddenly found the Tang army in front of him and started to retreat on his own initiative, they were delighted in front of their eyes and everyone was excited.

They think that this must be that Tang Jun can't resist his own attack and has to retreat, thinking that victory will be held in his hands immediately.

They shouted loudly and rushed towards the retreating Tiger Guard generals with a more fierce and brave attitude, hoping to expand the results.

So they found that a group of Tang Jun, wrapped in heavy armor, showing only a pair of sharp eyes, holding a broad-blade long-handled sword, stepped out of the battle.

The opponent did come out, and they didn't rush, their footsteps were not slow. But no matter which garrison monk, they were shocked to see the Tang army.

They felt the momentum of the other person's body like a deep sea, as if they were coming out of the blood of the corpse mountains, and everyone had the ability to stop and kill God; they also clearly felt the strong aura fluctuations on the other side, powerful and unmatched, Only weaker than real life!

These suddenly appearing Tang Jun, are they all practicing ninth floor? !!

Before the Guardians came up with a reason, Mo Dao Zhen killed them.

The soldier stepped out, and the yellow sand on the ground suddenly swayed.

At that moment, the blade sounded like a tiger howling, the blade light was like a shock, and the blade was like a landslide.

The garrison of the Great Food both widened their eyes and expressed fear, but they did not retreat, they could only raise their shields to meet them, trying to protect the whole body.

Their round shields are also good weapons. They used to keep them safe in the strong crossbow and arrow rain of the Tiger Guard. That was their strong reliance on surviving the storm and rain. The past battles have already proven this.

Unfortunately, by this time, the situation has changed.

The Modao cut the shield, and with the sound of the gas explosion, the aura wave burst, and the shield that was considered indestructible by the Food Guard was cracked at the sound!

Mo Dao's demise is unabated.

In the horrified face of the Guardian, Mo Dao brought out a fountain of blood and cut them off one by one!

A large food garrison general with a terror on his face, the upper body flew away from his lower body, and fell far away in the gushing blood, fell in the yellow sand, rolled, and the neat and flesh-wounded wound was full. Yellow sand.

Obviously, no matter whether it is a state of cultivation or a rank of magical instruments, the generals of Modaojin generally outperformed the Guards.

Stepping out, Mo Dao Zhen entered like a wall.

Cut off with a knife, the Guardian flew into a corpse again, and blood splattered on the ground.

There were screams and exclaims.

Step out, Mo Dao Zhen entered again.

The Guardian Monk was like a weed, which was blown into two by the hurricane. The front team was cut apart during the battle and there was no entanglement. The monks in the back team looked at each other in shock, but did not believe in evil. They desperately waved their swords to kill the Modaojinshi. Even if they had decided to change their lives, they had to hold their ground.

Their long swords struck the heavy armor, but they only made a clanging noise and could not break the armor at all.

But they were greeted by a smooth sword, but they couldn't resist.

The garrison guard who burst into the Tiger Guard's formation quickly fell like wheat that had been cut off. An array of strange swords moving in like a wall, like a mountain moving, like an avalanche, like a hurricane sweeping the ground. The garrison generals in front of them, whether sporadic resistance or fighting in battle, were all cut in half.

Another Guardian monk who was not afraid of death was murdered by Mo Dao Zhen. He was trembling and pale.

They can only retreat.

But now they are in a battlefield, a scene of melee. Not all of them are in the same robe behind them. There are also many Tiger Guard generals. Where can they retreat?

As soon as they retreated, the left and right Tiger Guards rounded up and blocked their retreat.

The Da Shi Guards tried their best to suckle milk and tried hard to kill, but couldn't break through the Tiger Guard's interception, which made them extremely anxious and their roars changed their tone. The ears heard footsteps like drums and thunder, approaching behind them, and they felt that their hairs were all upright.

When I looked back, I saw the swordsmen of the Modaojin who were like ghosts and demons. They kept the battle line in a tight line. They took a steady and tidy step, approached step by step, felt the unshakable combat power of the other party, and understood their will to kill them. , These mentally crescent crescent monks finally went crazy.

They were screaming with red eyes, wailing with ghosts, waving their swords in their hands, completely forgetting the way of the battle line, and various techniques were shot in random. They took advantage of the opportunity to leap around and flee, as if they were birds of bow, like dandelions in the autumn wind.

You can still rely on the same robes to form a large overall combat power, have a glimmer of vitality in the storm, and each of the scattered sand runs away. Is there no reason to die?

It was easy for them to jump into the Tiger Guard battlefield, and they wanted to escape. How could it be so simple? Eighty-nine of the Guardian monks were chopped into flesh by the Tiger Guard officers who had fallen to the ground. sauce.

The Mo Dao Zhen still maintained its usual rhythm and moved forward steadily.

They are the mudslides pouring down from the mountains, the blockers are overwhelming. They are the giant ships riding the waves and breaking the ground for the same robes behind them. They walk in like walls, wherever they go, the Guard monks are reduced to corpses, where they pass, The invincible soldiers in the Tiger Guard battle formation, the original chaotic formation, once again restored the horizontal and vertical appearance.

With an irreversible momentum, they pushed the front from the Tiger Guard and returned to the front.

Seeing this scene, Li Ye has not spoken yet, Qi Wang has clapped his hands and praised: "Mo Dao Zhen really lives up to my great Tang!"

Li Min smiled a little and didn't say much. He was mentally prepared for the Mo Dao Zhen to be so prestigious on the battlefield. After all, the team of Mo Dao was formed by him.

These eight thousand stranger swordsmen are all in the ninth layer of Qi training, but they are still the elite in the ninth layer of Qi training. The armor they are equipped with is also higher than that of ordinary Tiger Guard generals. Not to mention those strange swords.

The Chang'an embargo only has three pure Qi training monks. The number is less than 300,000. This is not because there are not enough Data training monks in Tang dynasty, but that Li Zhi uses the Qi training monks in different ways. The understanding of the Tao is determined.

Not only does the Tiger Guard have strange swords, but Yu Linjun also has.

Baqian Mo swordsman, unparalleled in battle, or not out, is bound to win.

"Next, it depends on whether there is a way to deal with the stranger in the Food Guard."

King Qi looked at the main guard of the Da Shi Guard, and then looked forward to seven points and three points. "If Da Shi Guard's number advantage cannot be exerted and it is easily defeated in this way, I will feel a little boring."

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