The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 145: Chess opponent

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As the wild fire ravaged the garrison battle formation, approaching the Tiger Guard queue, as the monks raised their guns and stabbed their spirits, numerous gun shadows converged into an aura cloud wall, and the fire suddenly burst forward. , The fire waves were suddenly turbulent, drowning the Tiger Guard's former soldiers from head to toe.

In the firecracker-like gas explosion, the scattered aura twirled the yellow sand, rolling like a waterfall, and quickly spreading in low altitude. This time, not only the former guards of the Tiger Guard could not see, but even the figure of the former guards of the Great Guards also disappeared in the yellow sand.

The fierce fighting sound had already come out from it, and Jin Ge's voice was endless, and Li Yan frowned slightly.

At this moment in the city of Hulun, he is the real body of the mortal body, so even if the thickness of the yellow dust is unpredictable across several feet to ten feet, you can see the fighting situation inside.

The fighting was much fiercer than he thought.

In his line of sight, the former Guardian monk, the first round of bombing techniques, blasted on the shields of the Tiger Guard's former soldiers, inciting numerous aura explosions, connecting each other into a line, and Converging into a surface, as if the rainstorm fell on the lake.

Like the large shield of the Guardian Guard, the shield of the Tiger Guard is also a magic weapon. Although there is no mask, it is large enough to protect the general of the Tiger Guard.

For both officers and men in the yellow dust, mud and dust can hinder their sight. After three rounds of rifle blasts, the Guardian Guards failed to shake the Tiger Guards. Many people looked at each other with surprise. Obviously, this situation is also something they have never encountered before.

The "School Captains" in the Great Guards responded quickly and started shouting loudly, so they gave up the bombardment and began to engage in close combat. And this is what the Tiger Guard generals would like to see. When the guard's spear pierced the big shield and intended to tear the front and rush in, a spear was also pierced behind the shield.

Some of the spears were dodged by the Guardian Guards, while others stabbed Guardian monks.

Regardless of whether it was the Guards or Tiger Guards, the blades used were all clear weapons. The Guards who were stabbed by spears immediately saw blood.

Some were stabbed in the chest and lower abdomen, and the spear pierced the body directly, and they were all stiff. When the spear was taken away, they vomited blood and fell desperately; some were stabbed in the arms and thighs. They will not completely delay their actions, they will still be able to fight.

The death of his companion made the Guardian feel miserable. In the past years, they have never encountered such an opponent, can block their offense, and give them kills as soon as possible.

The response of General Tiger Guards was similar. Although the spears they probed stabbed a lot of people, more were blocked by the opponent's blade. Among those who were stabbed, the wounded accounted for the majority. It was really rare to be able to shoot a spear into the vital parts of the chest and lower abdomen of the opponent, not even Chengdu.

More Guards generals, although stabbed by spears, but because the blade hit the spear, changed the trajectory of the spear's attack, coupled with the protection of aura, the spear did little damage to them. Some did not penetrate the body's aura, and some just scratched the skin.

The battle was fierce from the beginning.

The army of the Central Plains dynasty was very skilful in fighting, and they did not counsel any alien soldiers.

At this moment, they are the defensive side, and they are ready to work hard in the situation. Their positions cannot be stabilized any more. The military formation stands there, which is the copper wall, the iron wall, and the towering mountains. Despite the wind and rain of the Guardian Guard, the torrent rushed and remained motionless.

The more fierce the Guard ’s attack with a spear is, the more fierce his own casualties will be. General Tang Jun has a large shield to protect him, so he will not be given the opportunity at all. The spears pierced through the gaps of the big shield, like the dense thorns in the jungle, stabbed them all over the ground.

The garrison guards either destroyed the shield and knocked down the shield soldiers, or they could only be stabbed into blood caves by spears that were continuously detected behind the shield. Even if they can knock down a row of shielded soldiers, the subsequent soldiers with shields still stand firm.

This is the offensive and defensive trend, and the defensive side is always the one taking advantage.

When the Food Guards did not ask indiscriminately, they rushed over from the wasteland to attack the Tiger Guard battle array, and they were destined to face this predicament in the early stages of the battle. It was just that they did not expect that Tang Jun's formation was so solid. They had impacted for half an hour and still couldn't make progress.

The monks behind the Great Guards have followed, and the offensive was blocked, leaving the rear generals to stand in place, anxiously waiting for the front to make progress.

However, they have 150,000 people, and they have an advantage in quantity, but this advantage is not enough for them to encircle the Tiger Guard.

Fighting like this, the Guards of the Food Guard don't want to break through the Tiger Guard battle line, and enter the battle line, the battle will only be deadlocked.

Li Ye saw the anger on the face of the monks in the Guards. Not only did the companion's casualties not scare them, they inspired their fighting spirit.

Finally, they changed the method of fighting, screaming and snarling, under the guidance and guidance of the monk who practiced high qi, gave up the idea of ​​piercing the big shield defense with a spear, and rushed in groups, surpassing Over the shield of the Tiger Guard.

They slammed the Tiger Guard formation with a brave and light-hearted attitude. The left-handed shield shielded the attack, and the right-handed machete waved against the enemy.

Not surprisingly, such a barbaric attack caused far greater casualties to the Guardian. Although the Guardian monks who fell into the battle of the Tiger Guards surprised General Tiger Guards, the latter's shot was unequivocal. The spear pierced the sword and chopped it horizontally, and surrounded the Guardian monks in front. kill.

Like the Guardian Guards, the Tiger Guards were also very angry.

And their anger is even worse. Because they felt they were being humiliated.

No one has ever dared to cross the front team and jump directly into his home team. What's the difference between death and death? Do these cannibals think they can't kill them?

Moreover, the Guardian Guards had been aggressively attacking their front lines before, but they did not say that they were fierce on the offensive. The Tiger Guards had been passively defending and could not fight back at all.

If it had been put before, they would have found the opponent ’s offensive clearance, broken into the front, and counterattacked and entered the opposing army.

Offensive and defensive is easy on the battlefield, it only needs a chance. The offensive part is most prone to irregular queues, and gaps in the queue due to casualties in battle. As far as the Tiger Guard is concerned, as soon as such a situation arises, it is their chance to win.

However, the Da Shi Guards never said that such a flaw had been exposed, and they were not exhausted after fighting, which made the Tiger Guards soldiers feel a fire in their hearts.

Now, the other side even jumped in and jumped in front of the former team, this is the opportunity for Tiger Guards to vent their anger.

Seeing this, Li Yan twisted his brows with his fingers.

He knew that the Guardian of the Eclipse was definitely elite, but after all, he was still a little embarrassed, and the crescent monks taught the mania in the battle.

Groups of crescent teaching monks kept sliding across an arc from mid-air and jumped into the Tiger Guard battlefield.

The consequence of this is that there has been no damage to the Food Guards in the past, and the casualties have increased sharply. One monk after another fell in front of the Tiger Guard generals, and a team after team became the blood pool on the ground.

But they did not seem to see these, and continued to jump into the front of the Tang army regardless of casualties.

When the battle continued, the number of casualties in the Guardian Army reached a certain level, and the Tiger Guards also inevitably had many people fall. The original tightly-formed army formations appeared a little bit of blank space.

These areas were basically filled by Tiger Guards.

However, the Guardian ’s leaping speed was too fast. The monks almost formed a fountain in mid-air without any gap. Therefore, as the battle progressed, more and more Guardian ’s Guards stood in the Tiger Guard's battlefield. in.

"They used the front shield array as a city wall, jumped over the city wall, and directly entered the city. When the Tiger Guards behind the city wall became scarce, the city wall would be easy to deal with."

Li Yan heard a voice and knew that it was Qi King without looking back.

"It's just that this method of warfare is no different from the death of the Guardian monks of the Hungarian Array. At this time, their casualties were several times that of me, and they even reached ten times." Li Maozhen looked to the outside of the city. On the battlefield, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes.

Li Yan knew what she wanted to express.

The Datang Army has fought the Quartet in recent years, and it has encountered countless opponents, such as Tubo, Nanzhao, Uighur, Khitan, Silla, Laos ... but no army has been as powerful as the Great Guards. But more importantly, there is no army, so they are not afraid of death!

As a sect monk, he is not afraid of death on the basis of fierceness.

Only those who can compete with it are Datang elites.

"The current food garrison has 150,000 troops. Although the number advantage is not small, it is not large. It is not easy to fully realize this advantage." Li Yan watched the two armies fighting. The sight said.

As King Qi said, after paying nearly ten times the cost of casualties, the Guardian Guards rushed into the Tiger Guard battle and began a real close combat with the Tiger Guard generals. More and more food garrison monks crossed the **** yellow sand, stepped over the bodies of the generals of the two army, and rushed to the generals of the tiger guard.

The soldiers in the front of the two sides have begun a melee, killing me and you among you. At every moment, monks from both sides fell down and never saw them get up again.

Li Yan continued: "If the garrison can't break the shield, how the battle continues, it's just the front team's mutual fighting and consumption, and it will not cause the whole army to scuffle. At most, it will take turns to advance.

"The two armies are equal in strength. Chess meets their opponents. In this situation, they can't tear the Tiger's defense line, and the battle will only stalemate. Mo said today cannot be defeated. It won't change much.

"But looking at the meaning of the general of the Guardian Guard, his will to defeat the Tiger Guard is very determined, and he would rather pay the lives of thousands of soldiers, but also to bite with the Tiger Guard. They died a lot People, but compared with the figure of 50,000, it is not worth making a fuss. "

Speaking of this, Li Min paused, "The Tiger Guard did meet its opponent, and Zhao Polu also met his old enemy. This battle will not be easy for anyone."

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