The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 161: Go to war

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At the beginning of Nadine and Saturk's plan to seduce and ambush Tang monks, the Spearhead Pioneer Chu Yu had already led the army across the Bodaling.

Budaling is the western border of Anxi Capital, and is also the border between Datang and the Black Khanate. It is more than a hundred miles from Dashicheng to here.

In order to take care of this important border, the Black Khanate is stationed by tens of thousands of soldiers in Dundo, on the banks of the Boda Ridge. Regarding the status of Dunduo City, it is roughly equivalent to the Keeper-Catch City within the Great Wall of the Tang Dynasty.

Defending the city is not large and the troop strength is not many, but the status is quite important. Once the enemy enters, several defending cities will support each other, which is the first line of defense.

And if they face an invasion by the army, their role is more like a cordon, because to really deal with large-scale enemy forces, they need to be assisted by a large city stationed behind.

This is an early morning, a quiet and clear morning approaching the fall. When the sky was awake, the gentle wind brought the delicate fragrance of plants and trees. The sun had not yet appeared, and the red light was bright on the mountains to the east.

The soldiers of Dundo City, who were ruthless in armor, shook their spirits on the walls of the rammed earth where the rammed earth was golden. There was smoke from behind, and the scent of the bread spread out. This was the most tempting taste for the soldiers who stayed in the middle of the night.

They talked and laughed with each other in the city to distract them a little bit, but they still couldn't stop swallowing. From time to time, some people look back into the city, thinking that the companions who want to change their value come earlier so that they can go to breakfast sooner.

To these Black Khanate soldiers, although Dundo City is a border land, it has nothing to do with bitter cold.

Here is the western foothills of the Tianshan Mountains. The green mountains and green water birds are scented with flowers. If you are interested, you can occasionally take them to the mountains to hunt some game. This environment is much better than the endless yellow sands in the middle school.

The war has not happened for too long, and the guards and soldiers are ordinary people. In the quiet and monotonous days, I look forward to ending the side missions and returning to my hometown to reunite with friends and family. It may be a pasture with cattle and sheep all over the place, or it may be a city drunk with gold.

Some value-added soldiers approached the city head, holding cakes in their hands and stuffing their mouths as they walked. There was an atmosphere of joy immediately down and down the city wall, and some people greeted each other and said two words to each other.

But war has come unexpectedly.

"What's that?" Suddenly, someone holding a loaf of bread pointed at the mountain on the east side and exclaimed.

"Look at you!" More people cried.

The soldiers looked back, one by one there.

In the mountains, there are a large number of birds and beasts carrying the rising sun, and the black clouds roared towards the city like black clouds.

No, that's not a bird and beast. There have never been such a big bird and beast in this world.

But if it weren't for birds and beasts, how could they run away from the mountain in a flying gesture?

The soldiers of Dundo City quickly saw what was happening suddenly.

The opponent is an army and a soldier. It's just that they are cavalry. The only difference is that their warhorses can fly. Although it can not continue to fly like birds, but one step is more than ten feet away.

"What is this?!"

"Is it a demon?"

"Is it our army ?!"

"No, they are wearing Tang Army armor and tabard!"

The city head suddenly fell into chaos. The soldiers lost the cake in their hands and forgot to go to breakfast. They saw more and more demons appearing, and they could not see the boundary and the end.

The opponent's warhorse is as strong as a bull, but he can fly and flutter like a goshawk. The other soldier's soldiers are wrapped in armor. There is no inch or protection. Even his face is hidden behind the armor, only a pair of deep and horrifying eyes are exposed.

That's more than 10,000 people!

More than 10,000 mighty, demon-like Tang Jun!

The defender of Dundo City rushed to the head of the city and stretched his neck to look out. It was too late to be surprised. Chu Yu had leapt up to the city at first, and while the horseshoe passed lightningly over the guard's head, the long cricket stabbed him. Chest!

As the warhorse fell on the city head, the defender with eyes wide open and frightened was stared to the ground.

Countless Tang Army surged into the city like a tide.

No, their current appearance can no longer be described as tide, because their war horses all jumped from the front of the city, stepped over the female wall in one step, the rabbit rose and fell, and came to the city.

With their advent, the city heads suddenly burst into fierce blood and rain. The soldiers of Dundo City screamed at the wolves, but where are they fast enough to have the strength of monks who practice Qi, and most of them are beasts who have three levels of strength? Warhorse?

They were overtaken, stabbed by the Wolffang Army's standard instrument, and killed on the spot.

Like a hurricane and a dark cloud, the Langfang Army slid from the city head into the city, and from the city to the city head, the torrent rushed through and killed the entire city.

They did not stagnate in the slightest, did not delay half a bit, and did not even slow down at a slow pace. They rushed away and rushed to the hinterland of the Black Khan State.

They came fast and went fast. There was only a moment of incense for the entire battle.

So it's not fighting, it's just marching.

As for the weeds trampled and the dead ants during the march, how could the General of the Wolffang Army care?

After they left in the billowing smoke, the city of Dundo was already a **** hell. The city head, streets, courtyard walls and roofs were covered with broken limbs and dead corpses. The cakes scattered on the ground were still white hot, but they were stained with blood and could no longer be eaten.

No one eats them anymore.

After the storm, many cities, apart from the dead, have only scattered screams and sorrows of despair. Fortunately, the few soldiers who did not die were worse than those who died. The sight they faced was too **** and cruel, and many people went crazy on the spot.

The battlefield does not belong to them, and the war no longer belongs to them. In the face of the Wolffang Army, they are no longer soldiers.

This world does not need soldiers who cannot fight the enemy.

They were too weak, so just now they were facing a troop disaster.


There is a distance of about two hundred miles from Buda Ling to Barshan Khan.

For ordinary troops, this is a four or five-day march. But for the Langfang Army, two hundred miles is just a raid. So when Langfang marched outside of Barthi Khan, the other party had not received any news about the attack and fall of Dundo.

However, after all, Baersi Khan City is Baersi Khan City, a key town in the eastern part of the Black Khanate, to prepare for the forefront of Datang. In this situation, they have long received Saturk's order and entered a state of war preparations.

These days, Baer Sihan City opened the gates for a short time, only three hours around noon, and the other four doors were closed tightly.

At the same time, the monks scouts in the city are constantly roaming outside the city, while constantly communicating with other cities, to ensure that the city of Barshan will not be attacked.

For this reason, although Barthihan City did not receive any news about the fall of Dundo City, when the Langfang Army arrived in the city, the city gate had already been urgently closed, and the garrison in the city had been waiting for support from the city. The monks came out near the tower.

All kinds of defensive equipment have entered the combat state. The spiky slaps are raised high, the crossbow crosses the bow, the forks are lined up, the stone rolling is even piled up above the women's wall, and the pungent smell of hot metal septic Ten miles away.


Seeing the arrogant look of the city head guards and the monks, they knew that they felt that their city could only be described as solid gold. And absolutely do not think that the 30,000 Langfang Army has the ability to capture the city.

"When it comes to occupying the city, they don't even have the qualification to attack the city!" Said defender Jenkins. He is the uncle of Saturk and the younger brother of the Khan of the Black Khanate. He has extensive experience in the field.

"The Tang dynasty attacked us but only used such people. Did they come to make a joke?"

"I really don't know what is going on in Dundo City, even if they put Tang Jun over here."

"It can't be careless, this should only be the pioneer of Tang Jun. However, since it is a pioneer, that is to explore the way. It will not send the siege to death. The main force of Tang Jun should be behind."

"Kill out and give these Tang Army a lesson!"

"Yes! Do you still have to look at 30,000 people? Is it okay to show off your power in front of us? Kill them and let them know how powerful the Karahan fighters are!"

Chu Yan heard the voice of the city head. This is not that he used the power of cultivation, but that the voice of the other party is really loud, for fear that he may not hear.

Chu Yi expressionless.

He is actually not a person with a rich expression and a lot of words. While in Jincheng County, he often stood behind the steaming steam at the soup stall and was dazed. Only in the presence of extremely close people can he coyly look like a mother-in-law. This is probably a common problem for people like him.

Now, he had only one city to overcome, a group of enemies to defeat. So he didn't show any emotions, or he was interested in talking with each other.

As a leading general, what he had to do was simple.

Just fight.

"Whirlwind crossbow, get ready!" Before the battle, Chu Yan raised his arm.

He is also a warrior, and is already in the realm of generals, not too far from the realm of generals.

Thirty thousand Langfang Army officers took out the cyclone crossbow from the storage bag.

The Cyclone Crossbow is a heavy artillery crossbow developed by the craftsman for the use of Qi monks. Now that he has been in the military for three years, the soldiers have long been extremely skilled, such as arm commanders.

Thirty thousand cyclones cross coldly in the sun.

"Is Tang Jun really going to fight with us at this point?" Ji Jinsi saw the movement of the Langfang Army and hesitated.

"This is provocation!"

"This is death!"

"What do they want to do, shoot us with a crossbow? Haha, this is so funny ..."

Those who said that, soon couldn't laugh.

There was suddenly a very heavy buzzing sound outside the city, the sound was loud, like the snow mountain collapsed and the earth tossed. Immediately, thirty thousand generals of the Wolffang Army were hidden behind the glorious aura of the sea. It did n’t take long for Jenkins and others to see a bright hall. The sky suddenly burst into a dense meteor shower, and it fell instantly to the city!

The explosion sounded like a tsunami and thunder.

Waves of aura burst out.

The city head suddenly had a mist of blood like a waterfall, flying with broken limbs and clouds of dust.

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