The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 128: Opportunity

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Guan Xuanzhi understood the basis of survival and the direction of struggle in the future. Although he had just suffered a little bit, he felt happy and even excited at this time. He wasn't afraid of Li Zhi's overbearing iron, as long as Li Zhi gave them directions, they knew what to do.

"The army that will receive the Ping An Beijing defense will soon arrive, accompanied by civilians who are in charge of civil affairs and responsible for the reconstruction of post-war order. Now you will call the officials of Ping An Beijing to prepare for their transfer."

Li Yan gave instructions, "You need to know that the war is over. What you want next is stability and unexplained people. In order to please your king, take advantage of the opportunity to search for civilian wealth and fish people, and cut!"

Guan Xuan looked for a moment, and quickly took his life.

Before he left, he suddenly thought of something, respectfully: "Your Majesty, are the people of the Fujiwara family going to hunt?"

Li Min glanced at him and said only four words, "One is not left."

"Let's take the lead!" Guan Xuanzhi's spirit was boosted, and hunting down the Fujiwara family will be their first battle for His Majesty the Emperor. It is related to his impression, status and future in His Majesty's mind. He is determined to make sure The nobles have done their best to do this perfectly!

Guan Xuanzhi bent his head to touch the ground, bowed down the steps, still refused to turn around, it seems that he intends to exit the palace door. Li Xuan frowned, and was unhappy with this humble to dusty gesture. The soldier he wanted needed to stand up straight and be imposing.

After thinking about it, Li Zheng still didn't say anything to correct it. These people's respectful and humble gestures are not completely unnecessary at the moment. It is precisely when they are required to fully surrender Datang. Keeping them in such an attitude will help them understand their own position.

If they can make enough contributions to Datang in the future, it will be time to give them the registration of Datang and give them their due dignity.

Thinking of this, Li Yan feels a lot more happy and relaxed a lot. He waved his hand, motioned for the **** who stood sideways, and passed on his order, so that the concubines and palace ladies who were still kneeling on the square were each in their place.

Whether it is Fujiwara Junko or Fujiwara Atsuko, they are indeed rare stunners in the world. The main reason why Li Yan did not look at them directly was not because he hated them, but for Guan Xuanzhi and others.

He wants to erect a lordly image in these people's minds, unmoved by foreign objects.

He is the emperor of Datang. Datang has just conquered this land. If at this time he is moved by beauty, and not to mention Guan Xuanzhi, would he belittle him for this, it will only bring The consequences are catastrophic.

Those who are very powerful might search for beauty in this way, continue to contribute to him, or even gather wealth, and use various treasures to impress him. In short, in order to get his favor, all kinds of means will be used in every possible way.

As a group of people who died in the country, there is nothing more important than to please the new owner. These people will never have a bottom line and can do everything. This is extremely detrimental to Datang's rapid restoration of the order of this land, to govern it, and to transform the power of this place into Datang's national strength.

That's why Li Xun told Guan Xuanzhi that the battle is the only thing that all the people of the Lao can use to impress him, to win for themselves the chance of survival and Tang status.

This is the first rule established by Li Wei for this land, and it is also the most important one at present. It is related to national affairs and the essence of the society.

"Being a wise emperor is really a bit tiring." Li Yan not laughed at himself.



After Tang Jun received Ping'an Jing, the first thing he did was to publish obituaries, ordering officers and nobles from various places to come to Ping Jing to meet the emperor.

Mo said that the entire Lao State and a large area of ​​the island of Honshu have not yet been captured by the Tang army. Now that the Lao State has been destroyed, of course, Li Ye must immediately change the banner of the city head.

As for those who did not comply with the order, of course, those from Ping An Jing, who had surrendered to the prominent nobles of Datang, led the Tang army and assisted the Tang army to attack. After the spirit stone from Silla arrives in place, such a battle will start thunder.

At this time, the monarchs, monks, and generals were even more impatient and aggressive than the Lingnan Marine Division. They went up to Guan Xuanzhi and down to ordinary soldiers. Immediately cut off the heads of the inferiors.

This makes Yang Xingmi and other Lingnan sailors generals stunned, feeling very incredible. From time to time, some people ask each other, why are these people so urgent to attack their former robes?

After hearing such words, Guan Xuanzhi and others justified their words and solemnly explained to Yang Xingmi and others that they are descendants of the Chinese ancestors and now are the minions of His Majesty the Emperor. Conquer those rebellious thieves and safeguard the inviolable supreme majesty of Huanghuang Tang!

As for those who do not follow His Majesty's order, it is not their robes, but a group of descendants of savages, stubborn and rude, they must be suppressed and cleaned with a knife and gun.

Such an answer made Yang Xingmi and others all look at each other, and for a while they didn't know what to say, but at the end they could only praise the other party for a good realization.

When they turned around and faced Li Li, they figured out that this was the reaction caused by His Majesty's rule. Their admiration for Li Li was just like Yang Xingmi's words.

Li Yan waved his hands, and he was indifferent to everything, and he did not want to exaggerate.

The words and deeds of Guan Xuanzhi and others are all expected by Li Zhi. These people do not yet have the status of Datang. They have the rules set by them. In order to survive and earn a foothold, let them go to fight with their former colleagues. The robe is really nothing.

What's more, Li Yan also gave them a reason to be self-convincing mentally. Facts have proved eloquently that mind control is far more effective than physical restraint at any time with anyone.

In order to establish Tang's ruling status in the Lao Kingdom, Li Zhi established the Zhendong Duhufu here, and Yang Xingmi temporarily took over the post of Duhu.

When Li Zheng gave orders in Ping'an, and instructed countless monks in the kingdom to fight for him, Fujiwara Shihei, with thousands of Fujiwara families, was sailing along the sea and heading north along the coastline of Honshu Island.

Their destination is Ezo Island in the north.

Ezo Island is also known as Ezo Island, which can be reflected from this name. Even the Lao people regard the inhabitants of the island as a group of wild shrimp catchers.

It can be seen that contempt between people is an eternal truth, and everyone will never lose the will to find a sense of superiority because of their low status.

Because of the narrow terrain of Honshu Island, starting from a bay about 150 miles southwest of Ping'an, to reach Ezo Island, you need to sail more than 2,000 miles on the sea. This is definitely not an easy journey.

"Ezo Island is vast, much larger than Tsukushi Island and Iyo Island. What is more difficult is that the population is sparse, and there are only a group of shrimp farmers on the island.

Yi, not very civilized, the monks are extremely weak, as long as we arrive at Ezo, we can take a sigh of relief first. "

On a tall battleship in the middle of the fleet, the hard-faced Fujiwara Shippei pointed at the vast sea in the north and said to Fujiwara Kiyoshi beside him.

After this period of sea voyage, their faces were covered with wind and frost, and many people were very sick with seasickness, and cries were heard from time to time in each cabin.

Souvenir Fujiwara sighed, worrying: "Ezo Island has a cold climate and is not very suitable for human habitation. We will only be able to establish a foundation here if we are there. If someone comes after us, we will not even be able to stand on Ezo Island. Where can I go? Further north, can the old, weak women and children of the clan survive? "

Fujiwara Shihei didn't like to hear these words. At this point, the Fujiwara family had no choice. If they wanted to survive, they could not wait to die in Heiankyo. Now that they are outside, no matter how hard it is, they must clen their teeth and survive. .

For the confidence of the people, Fujiwara Shiping still raised his eyebrows and said firmly: "Uncle rest assured that no one will kill us. The Tang army is unstoppable and will certainly occupy Ping An. They are not strong enough. In order to completely occupy this state, they will be bound to use soldiers, Fang is stationed, how can I take care of us?

"And under Tang ’s offensive, the country has no resistance. In the great calamity of the country, it was too late for everyone to flee, to survive and survive. Who has the heart and the power to pursue us? And the only one who has the strength to do so , It ’s just the emperor, but Tang Jun will not let them go. ”

Speaking of this, Fujiwara Shihira showed a heartfelt smile on her face, proud of her decisive strategy and wise move. "Uncle, please believe me, the people are safe! From the perspective of all aspects, Tang Jun completely occupied This state needs a lot of time, at which time they will also care for the people, restore order, and let the state rest and rest.

"Ezo is a remote and barren place. Tang Jun will not be interested for the time being. When they have the energy, we have already laid the foundation. At that time, we will use Ezo to explore and expand. The situation will definitely be much better!"

Fujiwara Kiyoshi nodded again and again and nodded comfortably, patted Fujiwara Shippei's shoulder, and said sincerely: "You are right, Fujiwara's family has you, it is a great blessing. If not, face this now The fate of Fujiwara's family really doesn't know where it will fall. "

Fujiwara Shihei spoke humblely in her mouth, but she felt that Fujiwara Kiyoshi was right, and she was indeed very wise.

At this moment, a real-life realm in charge of the queen suddenly hurriedly reported: "Homeowner, it's not good, someone has caught up with us!"

Fujiwara Shihei and Fujiwara Kiyomizu stunned at the same time. How could anyone chase them at this time? Who will chase them?

"How many boats does the other party have?" Fujiwara Shihei asked calmly.

"I haven't seen the ship yet, I only see a real monk flying in the forest on the coast!" The other responded.

"I'll go and see!" Fujiwara Shihei leapt from the deck, and the frightened Fujiwara Kiyomizu quickly followed.

Fujiwara Shihei came to the back of the fleet and stood in the air. Under the guidance of the monk behind the temple, he looked at the lush forest and quickly found that several monks were flying fast. Although the other side deliberately concealed his whereabouts, he failed Escape from Fujiwara Hiroshi's sight.

"Is it my own?" Fujiwara Shihei saw the other person's clothing, although he could not see his face, but he had already determined the other person's identity as a Tatar.

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