The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 124: Come to kill

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"Your Majesty, the hearts are scattered, Ping An Jing is not enough to hold on, escape, leave Ping Jing, and protect you to go abroad. Tang Junhai is in the northern seas, and we are walking from the southern seas. As long as Her Majesty is still, the blood of the Emperor is still, we There will always be a comeback! "

Sugawara Michi wiped away the tears on his face, and started to persuade him. He must guard him away. This is the only thing he can do now, keeping the blood of the Emperor. This is his only remaining goal.

When people are alive, they must find a goal for themselves, tell themselves that it means to live, and fight for it. Otherwise, how should a meaningless life continue? All that remains is the passing and the walking dead.

Sugawara can't let himself lose his goal in life, so he must guard him away. Although he knows that it is only a lingering resentment when he goes overseas, Dongshan's resurgence is just a hope, and he must also convince himself to believe.

In his later life, he will serve as a courtier as before, until he reaches the end of his life. This is his last insistence as Minister of State, he cannot betray the meaning of his life.

醍醐 looked at 菅原 道 真, his eyes were empty and there was no emotion, and at this moment he was like a person who gave up on himself, ready to sink into the abyss, and no more emotional waves, ", left the country , Left his own people, or the emperor? "

"Yes! It must be! The court will always serve His Majesty until his death! His Majesty, now that Tang Army is two days away from Ping'an, we have time to bring the royals and armors, as long as we have monk strength and fight Ability, when you go overseas, you can also lay a piece of territory! "

Hagiwara said more and more excited, and said more and more anxious. He was afraid that he would not agree to leave. If he gave up on himself and ended his life in Heianjing, how could he persist?

Korihara Michi bowed in front of the lame foot, tears streaming down, "Your Majesty, our ancestors walked blue lines, and after countless hardships, this opened up the foundation of eternal life. The ancestors can do it, and with His majesty and martial arts, we can certainly do it! But it was a change of place to continue the great cause. Your Majesty must not lose heart, otherwise how will you meet the ancestors in the future? "

There was emotion on his face, and his countenance changed, showing a hesitant mind.

Hagiwara-do really saw hope, and quickly hit the iron while hot: "Your Majesty, we had to leave because of the Tang Dynasty, but this is not because we are incompetent, but the Tang Dynasty is too powerful! In these years, how many countries have been destroyed by the Tang Dynasty Khitan and Silla have also been glorious, do n’t they say they are gone?

"His Majesty, the defeat of this war, the crime of non-war, as long as we go to a place without the Tang people, and with the excellence of the great people of Tianzhao, we can definitely dominate the industry again! One hundred years later, until the Tang Dynasty declines and falls, and we I have accumulated enough strength, and I have no chance to make a comeback, even revenge! "

Sugawara said these words, looked at him with a nervous look, looking forward to him, hoping that the other party would accept his speech.

If the dead body died, and the blood of the Emperor was extinct, he was the right minister and the main war minister, who was the historical sinner of the country's destruction, and could never stand up forever. As long as He walks with himself and establishes another foundation, he will still be a hero and will not be cast aside by future generations!

醍醐 Looking at 道 原 道 真, feeling the tension and expectation of each other, he found the value of self-existence in despair.

He also became excited, holding up Hagiwara Dozen with his own hands, tears in his eyes, and sighed with emotion: "The calamity is coming, only to know who is the humerus minister, and you have Ai Qing, it is a great blessing. Well, we leave Heianjing and go Establishing a foundation overseas! I don't believe that Tang Dynasty can continue to dominate, we will definitely have a chance to kill back! "

Although Hagiwara Michihiro had persuaded him to surrender before, making him very dissatisfied, Makihara Maki's struggle these days has at least shown that he has the character to live up to his ministerial duties.

Sugawara is so happy that people in the dark catch the last rays of light.

The two left Fujiwara's house. Along the way, Hagi and Hagiwara had already issued several orders, all of which were the mobilization of manpower to prepare supplies and sea boats.

Under the setting sun, Ping An's lights were dim, and there were few pedestrians in the square. In the bustling city of Ping'an, usually in such times, the city will be brightly lit, and the BMW carved cars will fill the road, but now, many restaurants and shops in the square are closed.

The sporadic pedestrians also looked hurriedly. In many homes, there were faint crying. Some adults were beating their children, some husbands were scolding their wives, and there were many homes. The servants were busy packing things. It seemed to follow the Lord. The family traveled far, and Wuhou, who was walking the street, saw the people appearing on the street.

The whole Beijing was shrouded in a panic-stricken atmosphere, and everyone's emotions became out of control and became irritable and sentimental. This is the unfavorable influence brought by the war. At this time, many people should know that the war in the country was unfavorable, and Tang Jun was about to hit Ping'an.

No one can foresee their own destiny. The vast majority of people are just duckweed. They have no ability to protect themselves in the torrent, and they cannot even control their own minds in the face of natural disasters and man-made disasters. They need a powerful king to protect them, to give them order, so that they can live safely.

It is a pity that the monarchs of Laos are not capable of this.

Standing at a high place, he saw this scene of Ping An Jing, his eyes narrowed, and he was secretly hurt.

Hagiwara saw his look wrong, and quickly relieved: "His Majesty is still young, and the road ahead is long. What is lost today may not be recaptured in the future. The most important thing right now is to save strength and save hope! Your Majesty, let's go Don't hesitate, we don't have much time. "

I nodded and cleared my mood. I also felt that when the wind and rain were shaking, as a king, I should give my followers confidence.

He corrected his face, cleared his throat, and impassionedly exclaimed: "Today ’s defeat was all because the Fujiwara family betrayed the country and secretly communicated with the Tang dynasty, which caused the country to become chaotic and unable to resist foreign enemies! 立 today vowed that the lifetime of the Fujiwara family I will take you back to Ping An Jing and set up a great cause! "

Since we still have to go forward, in order to keep our people from losing confidence, we must find a reason for the previous failure. The Fujiwara family is undoubtedly the best target.

Many people who are behind Hagi and Hagiwara Michizumi have heard this expression, and many people have revealed the color of enlightenment. It turned out that the country was defeated by the Tang army, and Heian Jing could not be held so fast because of the betrayal of the Fujiwara family. That ’s right, the Fujiwara family is extremely powerful. If they communicate with each other and the country has no defense, it is really difficult to avoid falling into the dead.

With this in mind, many people look resentful, and there is an urge to kill everyone in the Fujiwara family.

This anger gave them the courage to continue the battle.

Hagiwara Michi really heard what he said, his heart was agitated. His Majesty is still a British master after all. The temporary setbacks are nothing. This is fine. The road in the future will be much better. He just wanted to say some consonant words, and once again Boosting morale, but suddenly heard nine days away, a majestic thunder sound came down.

"Killing Ping An to set up a great cause again? You don't have this opportunity!"

The crowd suddenly felt a very strong aura of breath, pressing down from the top of their heads to themselves in a hurry, the monks felt the breath was not smooth, and their chests were like big stones, as if they had fallen into the abyss. They looked up suddenly, and then saw in horror that the original night sky with the moon hanging high and starry sky was completely covered by dark clouds!

Shino fell into absolute darkness, and the dimly lit Ping An Jing completely reduced to an isolated island.

醍醐 and 菅原 道 face each other, both seeing the fear in the other's eyes, which shows that both thought of the identity of the person at the same time-it seems that it is not difficult, at this moment, driving in Heianjing suddenly, and possessing such power, only possible is that person.

Sure enough, there was a rolling black cloud in the center, directly above Ping An Jing, and suddenly a few beams of blue light broke through the clouds and illuminated the Quartet. In the cyan light curtain, a figure like a **** descended slowly, the majestic and overbearing indescribable, like the master of this world.

At this time, the talents such as Yun and Sugawara saw clearly that under the blue light, there were already one or two hundred monks standing in untidy clothes, drenched in robes, dusty fairy spirit, and full of powerful killings.

The eminent officials and ordinary people in Ping'an Jing were all shocked when the thunderous voice sounded before. Many people ran out the door and looked up at the night sky. When they saw the glorious appearance of the gods in the blue clouds, all Staring in awe.

He clenched his fists and tried his best not to tremble his body because he was afraid. He looked up and stared at the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, who knew what he had to say at this time. He was the emperor of Laos, and he must not be the emperor of another country. Lost face and majesty.

He bit his teeth and said, "You are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li You ?! You ..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a sudden glimmer of sword light flying in the air.

Quiet like a moon, Jinghong glanced.

My uncle's head flew up into the air, and blood spewed from the neck.

He widened his eyes, and as his field of vision flipped up and down, he saw the corpse falling to his face, his eyes full of horror and unbelievable color.

Are you in a different place?

I am an emperor, is this dead? !!

When the sword came to his face, he wanted to dodge and resist. His cultivation was obvious, but he didn't have the slightest chance to shoot, and his vision floated, not even feeling any pain.

At this time, He's consciousness had not been completely lost. The last sentence he heard in his life was: "He is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, what's wrong?"

What's wrong ... how can i ...

Sugawara Michiru was there, looking at the corpse lying in a pool of blood, his eyes were about to stare out. It seemed that he couldn't believe that his Majesty had died.

My only hope is gone, and my only meaning in life is gone!

He looked up at Li Yan, not knowing his expression, "Why? Why is this? Why did you start when you came, what can't you say well?"

Li Min glanced at Yuanyuan Dazhen, disdain his question, "Hey, it's a murder, can't I talk to you?"

Hearing this, Sugawara didn't get up in one breath, his eyes rolled, and his breath fell to the ground.

"My son!"

With a terrible scream, a figure flew from the distance like an arrow, a young man. He picked up the crippled headless body, knelt on the ground, crying and grabbing the ground, hissing exhausted, "It's all my father, it's too late for my father!"

Li Xuan looked at this middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous monk robe, crying to death and living, with a few words in his eyes: "Yudu?"

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