The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 98: Battle of Pyongyang (3)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Fairy Magic!

By this time, less than half an hour had passed, the Lingshi Fireball had already attacked three times, for a total of nine rounds. Under its tremendous power, the city walls have been severely damaged.

This was the plan Li Li had planned in advance. If the Goguryeo garrison did not leave the city to face the battle, the army would use Pyongyang's city heads in turn to bombard Pyongyang's city with no other guards.

Until then, the powerful crossbow of the weapon occupied the commanding heights of the city wall, coordinated with the invasion of the army and the Goguryeo garrison, and suppressed the garrison in the city, making them unable to lift their heads.

The key to this battle is to rely on the absolute suppression effect of the power of the magic weapon. In a very short period of time, it will cause great damage to the Goguryeo defenders, and under the premise of weakening the opponent's combat power, it will maximize the destruction of the opponent's fighting spirit.

To put it simply, it is a quick move and a quick decision.

Although the previous battle was easy, the consumption of wealth resources was astronomical. War is about burning money. The better the armaments, the more money it burns. At present, the most powerful aura fireball in the army, one by one, consumes the wealth that ordinary people can't eat up in their lives.

Although the Tang army who fought in Goguryeo had only 100,000, it concentrated the best armaments of the dynasty. The combined power of various instruments was more than 100,000 soldiers and horses?

Goguryeo can't see this because they have insufficient levels. How can a frog at the bottom of the well imagine the scenery of the sea?

Seeing Pyongyang's city gate opening, Goguryeo cavalry rushed out, Li Zhi knew that Pei Xuanqing could not bear the pressure after all, and was about to come to a head-to-head battle with Wang Shi. This is a last resort and a wise choice.

Either continue to shrink in the city and be beaten to death passively, or abandon the tortoise shell that can not protect yourself, take the initiative to make use of the soldier's original strength, and fight with a knife.

Pei Xuanqing has only two ways to go, because Li Yan gave him no other choice.

However, looking at the aggressive and aggressive appearance of the Goguryeo cavalry, it seems that they are not fighting hard to maintain their dignity as soldiers with their lives, but are struggling to win the battle.

It seems that in their eyes, as long as they can avoid the Tang army weapon crossbow and rely on their strength advantage, they can still defeat Tang army without a doubt.

Pei Xuanqing, who was fighting in front of him, held a spear and shouted loudly: "Tang Jun's soldiers are small, our army is powerful. If you bravely kill the enemy, Tang Jun will lose, and his wife Yinzi will be here! "

Li Yan could not help laughing when he heard Pei Xuanqing's voice spreading with his aura. Zhao Polu sneered: "These people thought that the current war could be won by many people? It was stupid!"

The tone of his remarks was very high.

The infantry rushing to the moat to receive the city received an order to retreat when the city gate of Pyongyang opened. The new Horse Riders guarding their two wings are under the command of their generals to motivate the beasts and warhorses under their seats to meet the Goguryeo Cavalry out of town with extreme inferior strength.

The position of the array formed by Chu Yong was not far from where Pei Xuanqing rushed out. According to the arrangement of the army formation, they should go upstairs to protect their infantry formation.

Of course, from Chu's point of view, protecting the infantry is just a matter of hand. For Xinqi, when he entered the battlefield, there were either no opponents. Once the opponents appeared, they had only one purpose: to defeat all the enemies in front of them.

"The generals listened to the orders, and they would meet the enemy!" Chu Yi lifted a sigh, his voice was loud, and it sounded in the ears of each of his generals. At the same time, three thousand soldiers shouted in unison as a response. On the cavalry queue, the Mengmenhua of the soldiers' battle line lit up.

As a student from Chang'an Xiu Xing Academy, Chu Zheng naturally learned the way of soldiers. Now, as a general of 3,000 cavalry, he is also a soldier. At this moment, the power of the battlefield opened, and Pei Xuanqing was taken straight forward.

On the grassland, Chu Yan has followed Zhao Beihang to train the Langfang Army to ride a new horse for half a year. He has long thought of the results of the battlefield inspection.

Originally thinking that in the early part of the war, the cavalry would not be very useful. I did not expect that the weaponry in the infantry was so good that the Goguryeo army was untenable at the head of the city and could only fight out of town.

Chu Yan was full of warfare, so he naturally decided to be prestigious. Not to mention, Zhang Changan, a grain and grass transfer officer, is still in the camp, just to show him his majestic posture.

Pei Xuanqing led the troops out of the city gate, and immediately split into two shares, heading straight for the Tang Army infantry. After walking for two hundred steps, I saw a Tang army heading to kill himself. Pei Xuanqing's eyes were full of fire. To see if the other party was only about three thousand, he could not help but secretly taunt him and mocked the other party.

In Pyongyang, there were 100,000 cavalrymen. At this time, they were killed from three walls and six gates. Each of them had close to 20,000 riders. After he left the gate, although there was a part, the headquarters also had nearly 10,000 riders. .

The key is not the number advantage. Pei Xuanqing is the first general of Goguryeo. His Majesty and His Department are naturally fierce. Every soldier is unrivaled, and the percentage of monks has reached an amazing 20%. There is no opponent.

Not only that, because Goguryeo has learned much from Central Plains, he has also been involved in the way of soldiers. Pei Xuanqing himself is also a soldier in the army, and his level is not low.

At the moment, when he saw the 3000 cavalry of the Tang Army, he dared to rush forward towards himself. Although he understood the other party's intention to protect the infantry formation, Pei Xuanqing still showed his eyes on the dead, "I don't know if I live or die!"

The two armies approached quickly, and just before the battle, Chu Chu sketched a cruel smile, and suddenly yelled, "Rush!"

In a hurry, the three thousand monks practicing Qi no longer concealed their strength, and the power of the Xiu burst out suddenly. With the buzz of thunderous landslides, the light of the battle array shone more than a few times, dazzling like the noon sun!

Pei Xuanqing was shocked when he saw this. He thought that the other party was using some weird tricks. However, the huge pressure coming from him was just like Mount Tai and the tsunami craze. It reminded him clearly that they are not much different from the ants.

"What's going on ?!" Pei Xuanqing was terrified. He is also a soldier general. He knows that even if he is a famous warrior, his monk strength is only 20%, and he cannot be so magnificent!

But he had no time to think about it, the two armies had already collided!

For a while, as the chief of the overall air maintenance team, Pei Xuanqing felt as if he was hit by a mountain range and smashed by a huge wave. His eyes fluttered, his mind was blank, and his heart felt like he was about to spit out all the internal organs.

A spit of blood spewed, and Pei Xuanqing, who was instantly pale in appearance, immediately recovered his senses.

He immediately noticed that he was about to fall from the horse's back, his heart moved, and he tried his best to stabilize his body, grasped the reins and sat down again. He was already in a stormy sea: "Who is the opponent's master? Shangguan allure? "

But before he saw the score, the three thousand riding battle generals are just a young man with a weak crown, and they are men. It is absolutely impossible to be a famous soldier in the world!

Could it be said that the Tang Dynasty had another famous soldier?

Still so young?

This simply makes no sense!

These thoughts flashed through Pei Xuanqing's mind. He didn't have time to think about it. After the collision of the forces of the two sides, the cavalry had begun to stagger.

He has lost the battle. He doesn't need to look back. Pei Xuanqing knows that his song must have been hit. Many popular players are unstable and their strength has been compromised.

As a general, Pei Xuanqing always remembers his responsibilities, exhales, raises the spear in his hand, tries his best to repair the body, and stabs at the general Tang Jun in front!

He has the cultivation of the real world of Yangshen, and on the battlefield of self-confidence, very few people can stop himself.

The spear intersects with the elder, and Pei Xuanqing is pleased that his opponent's cultivation is not as good as himself. But then his heart was shocked again, because the spear in his hand was broken directly by the opponent's long head!

In the case of obvious gaps in repair, this can only explain one problem. The elder sister's hand is not a common law instrument, and the grade is higher than myself!

"How can this be?" Pei Xuanqing stumbled endlessly, but his spear is a rare high-order instrument in Goguryeo Kingdom! It's been cut as wood now?

Pei Xuanqing decisively abandoned the spear and pulled out the long sword at the waist like lightning. Although the spear was broken by others, he still had a long sword, and the opponent did not take advantage of this attack. One more shot between the electric light flint, the other party can absolutely not resist!

He is the real world of Yangshen. He has the confidence to go out with this knife. The other party absolutely fails to respond and cannot resist it!

As long as you don't touch the opponent's long aunt, your long knife will not break, and the other party will surely die!

Between the flashes of light and lightning, in a split second, Pei Xuanqing's long knife had not been cut off, and suddenly felt a shock from the horse, and then the entire body lost balance and fell to the ground!

Looking down, Pei Xuanqing's soul smashed. Where can there be any war horses, only a burst of flesh and blood!

How could a warhorse that has been fighting for many years suddenly become like this? I just saw the score, the opponent ’s master will be raised backwards by his one-shot counter-arm, it is impossible to threaten his steed!

In the corner of his eyes, Yu Guang glimpsed Chu Yan's war horse, and Pei Xuanqing's pupils suddenly shrank. From the war horse, he felt the aura of three layers of qi training!

"How could a horse have aura ?!" Pei Xuanqing couldn't believe what he saw, but the blood-stained horseshoe of the war horse showed that it had indeed just struck one of his war horses and gave them directly. In a cloud of blood!

Pei Xuanqing, who lost the war horse, did not fall. He landed steadily and lost the opportunity to make another shot at Chu Yi. His long sword swept forward in succession, and the Tang army cavalry and the horse in front of him were shattered!

The sword fell, but his heart burst.

Although he is a monk in the real world of Yangshen, he is in the battlefield and on the battlefield. In order to avoid the lack of succession, the aura must be saved. Under normal circumstances, he should not attack the ordinary soldiers, and even the cultivation period is not needed. Use.

However, the situation is different at the moment, and the subsequent changes make Pei Xuanqing unable to save too much aura. Considering that the opponent's guards around him must not be lowered, and there is the protection of the battle forces, these swords are cut out. In order to quickly clear up a blank area in front of him, he utterly used the power of Lingchi's real people to repair!

The next scene made Pei Xuanqing almost lose her sword and sit on the ground shouting that this battle could not be fought, and I quit.

Dozens of swords were cut out one after another, and the subsequent Tang Jun cavalry exploded in the ensuing body. It only circulated in the surroundings of the opponent's body. Aura did not kill any of the cavalry, even shot down the opponent Do it!

This shows that the cultivation of these people is at least nine levels of qi training! Only in this way can we rely on the strength of the battle line and resist ourselves to the equivalent of a real pool in Lingchi!

Pei Xuanqing felt dizzy for a while and felt that she was having nightmares! Everything encountered in today's battle is so unrealistic and unreasonable, it should never appear!

Even though he thought so, Pei Xuanqing couldn't stop and kept running forward and waving his sword. He is the general, and even if he loses the war horse, he must take the battle line forward.

Afterwards, the strength of General Tang Jun gradually returned to normal ... No, not normal! With more than half of the 3,000 Tang cavalry array, Pei Xuanqing still found in horror that the training of the other cavalry was the lowest one!

He felt left and right, not even a monk in the realm of Wu Zong could be found!

"This is impossible!" Pei Xuanqing hissed.

An army composed entirely of monks who are above the training period ... How can there be such an army in this world? !!

Although the monks in their own team accounted for 20%, that included Wu Zong and the warrior. If this Tang army elite rider was a monk who was above the training period ...

Pei Xuanqing heard the screams that followed one after another.

He originally thought that there were shouts from General Tang Jun.

But now it seems that he is wrong.

Pei Xuanqing turned back abruptly, and it was not unexpected to find that there were almost no Tang generals getting off the horse, only his own song, either the war horse collapsed or the cavalry was killed directly!

The strong **** smell went straight into the nostrils.

Pei Xuanqing just thought his head was going to explode!

There is no doubt that although his strength is three times that of Chu Yan, one person will be killed and wounded under one charge! The strength of the two sides is too disparate, this is not a fight ...

This is slaughter!

Tang Jun, why is it ... so strong? !!

Pei Xuanqing desperately desperate, and the old blood with sorrow and indignation couldn't bear it anymore, when the air burst out.

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