The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 91: limit

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While staying at the Penglai Daomen, Li Yan often sat down with the young and old, and Zhang Penglai's outstanding disciple, Zhang Yunhe, and visited all the places where the gates were victorious. He wanted to understand the origins of the Daomen and get a glimpse of the world's initial appearance.

It is a pity that what Li Daomen can reach is what Li Zhi used to know. Although the details are abundant, they are not much different in essence, which makes Li Zhi quite disappointed.

Unable to understand in the world, Li Yan inquired with Feihong Holy Buddha, the master of the heaven, the demon king and other people in Xianyu.

"Pangu opened the sky, the son-in-law created human beings, Hongmen preached, and the emperor established the world. There was a soul and order between heaven and earth, and the impermanence of the Tao was transformed into a cultivation system with the common ways. It also allowed everyone to practice enlightenment. Master the power of heaven and earth and become the darling of heaven and earth.

"The practice of monks, from the development of the Qihai to the formation of the field, ultimately shaped the fairy garden, based on the understanding of the unity of heaven and man, using itself as a small world, to open up a small world, so as to reach the limitless and infinite realm, and continue to approach The root of the law of heaven and earth.

"It cannot be turned into law, so there is practice, which is the basis of the monk's emergence; the limitation is infinite, so it can peek into the root of the avenue. This is the ultimate goal pursued by the monk."

Feihong Holy Buddha looked peacefully, and marched. Among the monks, she is the highest being in the realm. Regarding the degree of understanding of the Taoism, Mo said that Li Zhi couldn't catch up, and the connection to the Heavenly Master was worse.

"When we have a glimpse into the origin of the avenue and truly master the laws of heaven and earth, the body is united with the universe, the mind and the universe are united, with the sky is the same light, and the earth is the same life. I am heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are me. "

In the end, Feihong Shengfo watched Li Yanru seriously.

If Li Yan realized it, he nodded slightly and fell into meditation.

The Master of the Heavens sighed, "The words of the Holy Buddha are indeed ethics.

"When the monk reaches the immortal realm, the monk can see for a long time. But this is not immortal, and not to mention below the golden fairyland, Shou Yuanben is just a thousand years, even if it is the big Luojin fairyland, once the spirits are destroyed in battle, Also turned into fly ash.

"However, I waited till I reached Da Luo Jin Wonderland. My understanding of the laws of heaven and earth in this world has reached the extreme. When I want to go higher, I obviously feel powerless. The root cause is that I cannot find the way forward or direction. It's like someone standing by the river, can't see the bridge, and can only sigh.

"IMHO, even if the Feihong Holy Buddha has the highest combat effectiveness, it is only brought by the qualifications of the practice, not the high level. Like ordinary people, most people can only carry heavy weights, and some people can carry Jiuding. But there is no fundamental difference between the two, they are both flesh and blood.

"The aura and the law of the avenue in this world only give us the possibility of achieving the Great Luo Jinxian, and we can only cultivate here. Just like ordinary men and women, then they are talented, and they are able to boil their bodies, and they can at most raise copper. Ding. We want to go higher, but we have to break the shackles of this world and go to a new world. "

Hearing this, Li Yan could not help but look at the leader of Tongtian.

Knowing this world and going to a new world, these are the two ultimate questions left by Li Xian before the immortal emperor died, and this is where Li Zhi's big confusion lies. The words of Master Tongtian coincide with these two issues.

It seems that Xiuwei has reached the Great Luojin Wonderland, and at the level of the Master of Heaven, he really realized that it is the world that realizes the monk's strength.

Li Yan looked up into the depths of the void, and never looked back.

Facing the sky and overlooking the earth, he remembered the history of human development.

In the original era, we lived by water and grass, fishing and hunting for survival, drinking hair and drinking blood, no different from wild animals; then we gradually explored and understood the world, mastered the seasons, learned farming methods, learned to domesticate wild animals, and civilization entered the farming era.

Later, as we deepened our understanding of the world, we discovered steam and dug

With the excavation of coal and the exploration of electricity, human civilization has entered a glorious industrial age.

The wheel of history rolls forward. When our study of the world enters a new level, human beings can already set foot in the universe.

In this process, we truly knew and understood a part of the world, mastered a part of the laws of the heavens and the earth, expanded the boundaries of ourselves, and obtained the possibility of going to the new sky to a certain extent.

But it is also because of the limitations of this world that we have never been able to truly travel the galaxy.

When we walk on two feet, our territory is only the range of the tribe. When we rush on the road with war horses, our territory can reach tens of thousands of miles; and when we rush on the road with machinery, the entire world has entered our eye.

There is no end to the road, there is ahead and ahead, we are always exploring and expanding.

If the end of the road, it must be because the power we have is not strong enough to drive us further-it may be that we are not enough to explore the world, or it may be that the world can only provide such power.

If you want to go further, you must gain new power farther away.

"Da Luo Jinxian is already the strongest in this world, but he can't set foot in the void. Is there a more powerful existence in the depths of the dark and starry vast Star River?" Li Yan asked himself.

For this question, the Feihong Holy Buddha and the God of Heaven may not have the answer. They can only know vaguely that there is a sky outside by their own understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. But Li Yan is extremely certain that this power must exist!

Because of the dragon spirit inside him.

It's also because of those heavenly qi.

Seeing the monks such as Feihong Holy Buddha and Master Tongtian also lost their thoughts, Li Zhi suddenly thought of Chu Nanhuai, who was far away from the other side of the ocean, the Maya who had lost his power, and the omnipresent deities in their description. Advent temple.

When Li Zhi wanted to come, if God really exists, then they must be powerful monks who have reached the level of "life with the sky and life with the earth, I am heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are me."

Higher monk than Da Luo Jinxian Realm.

"So in the end, the sage state above Da Luo Jinxian actually exists?" Li Min thought of this, "If the Maya gods really exist, what is their relationship with us? The appearance of the Native Americans The characteristics are almost the same as ours. Do we really come from the same ethnic group? "

Li Min gradually thought of the core issue he was concerned about: "There is a sky outside, there are people outside, if the dragon's energy in my body and the splendid splendid opportunities are really all they do, how can I ensure myself if I come across them in the future? Status? What can I rely on to confront them? "

Li Yan stood up and looked around.

He deeply understood that whether he was going to Xinghe or facing a strong enemy, what he could rely on, from beginning to end, was nothing but the land under his feet and the followers behind him.

This is the case with hostile battles, the defeat of other countries, and the same with setting foot in Xinghe.

"I have to master all the forces in this world, what has been discovered, and what has not yet been discovered ..." With this in mind, Li Yan's eyes are like a sword.

In any case, the battle of the Western Regions must be won.

He must conquer this world, own it, and master all the powers of this world.

Only then, no matter what the way ahead, he will not be afraid of any challenges.

Li Yan ended his trip to Penglai and returned to Chang'an with his orders. On the same day, Song Jiao and several ministers were summoned to discuss the matter. "In less than three years, the Western Regions will go to war. This campaign cannot be lost, and We must do our part in the battle, and we must not delay the war.

"During this period, we must try our best to increase the fighting force of the army and ensure that there are no shortage of resources during the war. I called you today. There are two decisions to be announced, saying

I'll discuss it with you and order it if you don't have an opinion. "

Song Jiao's eyes did not squint. He looked like a pair of ears, Li Zhen and Cui Keli looked at each other, guessing what important decisions Li Yangang had just returned from Pinglu.

Li Xuan stretched out a finger and looked at Song Jiao. "First, the Yimen in Tsing Yi sent a hundred monks to the other side of the sea from now on to support the conquest of the masters and apprentices of Chu Nanhuai and accept their command."

Song Jiao was slightly surprised, and Fengyan's eyes were a little hesitant. He hesitated and said, "The situation in the Western Regions is tense. It is the time of employment. At this time, it is necessary to mobilize a hundred monks to go overseas. Is it too weak for the Western Regions? It is necessary to use soldiers in Silla and Laos. It is precisely at the time of employment ... "

Most of the monks who rushed to the Western Regions did not sit in Anxi Duhufu, but penetrated into the black sweat, eaten the hinterland, and assumed various tasks such as infiltrating the political and religious forces and spying on the intelligence of all parties.

The use of soldiers for Silla and Laos also began this fall, and the dynasty has already begun preparations.

Li Min did not answer Song Jiao's question and continued: "The major monks sent to the other side of the sea must be proficient in array methods, be familiar with astronomy and geography, and carry instruments for surveying spiritual stone deposits and spiritual plant elixir without delay. "

After hearing what Li Yan said, Song Jiao knew that there was no room for discussion at all.

In the previous dynasty, there were more than 300 real monks. In the past two years, due to the success of the army, many people have broken through the realm, and the training of the Chang'an School of Repair has grown to more than 500 people.

Because of this, Li Zhi was able to send a hundred people to the Americas all at once.

Having said that, Li Zheng looked to Li Zhen and Cui Keli, "In the court, a new gate should be newly built, which will be responsible for the exploration and excavation of mountains and rivers, the Lingshi deposit, and the Lingzhi elixir. The core goal is to find more powerful cultivation resources. Whether it is used to make artifacts or to assist in cultivation.

"In addition, there is another cardanium, in-depth research on magic instruments and elixir, to improve quality. Whether it is to optimize the rune array or stimulate the original potential of the spirit stone elixir, we must keep improving. The two cardinals are the same grade as the six books!"

With this remark, both Li Zhen and Cui Keli were moved.

This is to dig deep into the material potential of the dynasty.

Nowadays, Datang has newly acquired Nanxun and Annan, and it has also begun to occupy the overseas islands in the south. It is about to start wars with Silla and Laos. It is conceivable that under such great resources, the dynasty's cultivation There will definitely be a significant increase in strength.

Fortunately, the Tang Dynasty has a deep foundation, and the various branches of Chang'an College of Repairs have trained monks in different categories, and the dynasty did not lack talents to perform various matters.

Many of Li's previous layouts are gradually revealing their influence.

"The minister waited for the order, and then went down to draft the plan." Cui Keli and Li Zhen quickly took the order.

Li Min nodded, not saying much about these two issues. What he did was to speed up and deepen his understanding of the world, but simply to use resources in a simple and rude way. After all, what Li Yan wants now is to quickly improve the strength of the dynasty and unify the realm of cultivation.

At that time, integrating the cognition of the world's practice systems from all parties, collating them to form a complete system, will certainly elevate the monks' understanding of the origin of the avenue. After many studies, it will cause a qualitative breakthrough in some aspects. impossible.

At the end, Li Min asked: "How are the war preparations for Silla and Laos now proceeding?"

"The expedition plan has been completed, and military strength and materials are being mobilized. If the semi-marine vessels of Haihe Yamen can be used, the army can be deployed in early July."

"Okay!" Li Yan stroked his hand and praised him, and immediately stared at the crowd. "The imperial dynasty is about to take off, all things are complicated, and I also ask all the public to do their best."

"I wait to obey!"

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