The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 79: Ansi duho

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Spring is blooming, and the eastern foot of the Andes, a plain in front of a snowy mountain, is now being built. The construction site along the river was so hot that thousands of busy indigenous people were shouting and crying from the monks, or carrying various stones, or beating the foundation, and the scene was orderly.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains in the clouds, Su Emei stood up against the wind and fluttered in her clothes. In her calm eyes, the gradually formed city is not the size of a chessboard, and the people running around are not much different from ants.

She was watching the city from planning to construction, and in the mouth of the indigenous monks, it was a gift to the gods. In their plan, there will be a magnificent temple in the center of the city.

Su Emei has seen the model they built. The whole temple will be built with white megaliths of more than 10,000 kilograms, and will not be mixed with any piece of gravel. .

There are ninety-one levels on each side of the shrine, plus a total of three hundred and thirty-five levels on the top level. There are fifty-two reliefs on all sides.

The whole building is quaint and grand. Although the structure is simple, it obviously coincides with some sort of machine. There will also be mysterious buildings on the top of the temple platform mountain. With Su Emei's knowledgeable knowledge, you can only see that it is some magical instruments, but I don't know what purpose it is.

"As a gift to you, this city will be named after you when it is completed. These people's worship and loyalty to you is really unimaginable, and I don't know what they think." Chu Nan Huai came to Su Emei and looked at the city under her feet with emotion.

He looks a little jealous.

Su E frowned, as if everything in front of her had nothing to do with her.

She was obviously not as optimistic as Chu Nanhuai, and said slowly: "The rules for these people to build the city are completely their own, and they have a secret relationship with the road, and I have not been fully aware of it for a long time. already confirmed."

Beifu Road turned to look at his disciples, but he actually saw some doorways.

Sure enough, Su Emei continued: "This temple is actually a magic circle, and it is a **** circle!"

The so-called inviting magic circle is naturally familiar to Chu Nanhuai. There are such magic circles in the gates of the Five Avenues of the Tang Dynasty, which are intended to borrow immortal power from Xianting through the secret law. In front of Fengqi Mountain that year, the Five Avenues Gate was used to deal with the Li Xian's large array of Lixian, which was this type.

Chu Nanhuai understood the subtext of Su Emei, "Although you are now considered by these monks to be their gods, we all know that this is wrong. When the construction of the temple is completed, they cannot communicate with their gods. If it is successful Communication makes it easy to spot your flaws. By then, we will be in a bad situation. "

Su Emei didn't answer.

Chu Nanhuai laughed and said, "But in my opinion, you are so worried. If they can communicate with their gods, why would they mistake your identity?"

I have been with these indigenous people for more than a year, they have learned the language here, and there is no obstacle to the communication with the local monks, so Chu Nanhuai has learned a lot about the indigenous people.

Unlike Datang, there is no unified country here. Each city is a city-state. Noble monks treat ordinary people extremely harshly. There is no civilian class here, only nobles and slaves.

The only thing that unites them is the consensus.

Now, their faith has been challenged because the gods have not responded to their prayers for many years. The power of monks is declining, both in realm and quantity. The power of the aristocracy weakened, the slaves were about to move, people panicked, and the society was uneasy.

In such cases, noble monks and slaves often clashed. In order to appease people, many monks and nobles said that other city-states blasphemed the gods and caused the gods to become angry, so they no longer responded to their prayers, so they arrogantly launched a war to divert people's hatred.

Their war does not aim at reunification, so there is no such thing as governance. Defeating a city state will kill all the so-called blasphemy inside, rob them of their wealth and burn the city.

When Su Emei and others came here, the war had been going on for decades, countless city-states had disappeared, the population was greatly reduced, and the small cities were no longer able to withstand the invasion of wild animals.

"The monks here are different from us in practice. We are based on the pursuit of the unity of heaven and man. We have learned about the heaven and earth Qi machine, absorbed the heaven and earth aura, and opened up our own small world. But the foundation of their cultivation is to get The power of the gods, use the power of the gods to open up the sea of ​​energy, and then absorb the heaven and earth.

Chu Nanhuai said thoughtfully, "Now the loss of divine protection, the divine power in the temple is weakening, and it is no longer enough to maintain the normal operation of the cultivation community. This is one of the reasons they launched the city-state war. Only plundering other city-states With the power of the gods in the temple, they can guarantee their temporary strength.

"But this is to quench thirst. The remaining divine power in the temple will be used up sooner or later. The disappearance of the self-cultivation world here is unavoidable. Those indigenous monks, when they feel the magic power of your body, will surrender so simply, I am afraid that they are not sick Meaning of rushing to the doctor. "

Su Emei still groaned.

Seeing her not answering for a long time, Chu Nanhuai said strangely, "You don't have any idea? Don't you really plan to do anything?"

Su Emei glanced at Master, "Why do I do this? What does the matter here have to do with us?"

Chu Nanhuai was speechless. He did have the merits of building a career, developing the forces of full truth, and adding ambitions to the Datang Society. The White Deer Cave was meant to stir the world.

However, his disciple was obviously not utilitarian. After finding potatoes and corn, and completing Li's task, she was aloof from everything, just like waiting for the official difference.

Chu Nanhuai naturally knew his disciples' nature very clearly, and knew that it was useless to tell Su Emei anything else, which directly explained the reason why she came to her now, "Your Majesty has an order, let us lead a local monk to fight , Open up a new world here! "

After saying this, Chu Nanhuai laughed for the old and disrespectful Hehe, and looked at Su Emei with a playful look, and made it clear that she would look at her joke.

Su Emei was still in her heart, and she was not moved by foreign objects. With a slight hum, she turned and left.

Chu Nanhuai wondered: "Where are you going?" Seeing Su Emei's appearance, is it that she intends not to obey Li Yan's orders?

Su Emei turned her head and looked at Master strangely.

Chu Nanhuai was so speechless that he saw that Su Emei had already flown down the snow-capped mountains and could only use her body skills to keep up.

After summoning a good monk, Su Emei only spoke a word, and ordered the scout to explore the way first, lock the target, and the team followed up.

She said: "From now on, the war will no longer be aimed at killing, but will be conquered."

What Su Emei could not know at this time was that her word changed the fate of a race's self-destruction.

What she didn't even know was that in the vast world outside the sky, a pair of eyes were staring here.


In the autumn, Changan leaves flutter.

Li Gao received the latest report from the Western Regions. Zhang Huai-Shen and Gui Ning Army and Yu Lin Army led by Nangong No. 1 had already captured Xizhou after several victories. Yaoluo Luolu took Xizhou back to the remnants and fled westward.

Tang Jun chased along the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountain, passing by the crickets and turtles, and encountered a black cavalry in Shule East. The opponent was quite intrepid. After a long battle, Yaoluo Luoluo took tens of thousands of remnants out of the pursuit of Guiyi Army.

The Guiyi Army has now found out that the black cavalry is the Black Khanate (Kazakhstan

Lahan dynasty), they assembled heavy troops in Shule, most of them were fighting the Tang army.

Zhang Huai Shen asked whether he wanted to gather all military forces and attack Shu Le.

Li Ye ’s reply to Zhang Huaishen was to suspend the resumption of Shule, and first set up military towns in Qiang and Guizi to sweep the vast area controlled by the Huixi in the plains of the plain. He only needed to monitor and prepare for the Black Khanate.

"Xizhou Uighurs controls the vast areas of the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. There are many rich places in the area, but because of the desert and the isolation of the region, it is not easy to completely capture and manage."

Cui Keli stroked his beard and said, "Gu Yiyi and Yulin fought for several months in a difficult place. Now they have defeated Yao Luoluo. The soldiers are already blunt, and they really are not suitable for fighting the Black Khanate. Rebuild the puppets and turtles first. It is indeed a good policy for the two towns to stabilize the place, build up their strengths, hoard their military resources, and plan for the future. "

Li Zhen was indignant: "The Uighurs to the west of the Onion Ridge are just a group of bereavement dogs. Now they dare to associate with the Huizhou Uighurs, and they are in direct conflict with the dynasty master. It is really looking for death!"

Compared with the steady Cui Keli, the young Li Zhen is more vigorous. He has such an attitude, and it is not surprising that Li Yan is half-pointed. In fact, many national policies of Datang were finalized in the argument between the two.

Cui Keli just wanted to say something. Li Xie waved his hand to signal that they didn't have to fight. He said, "In the Western Regions, there are now tripartite forces. The north and south of the Tianshan Mountains are controlled by the Xizhou Uighurs. Now they are in our pockets; It is the grand family of Yu Lao Guo, although it is slightly weaker than Xizhou Uighur, but it can also be regarded as a vassal of one side;

"Yu Yiguo has sent envoys to the east. Now they are on the road. It is very likely that they will surrender to the dynasty with their customary national policies. To the west of Shule, it is a place where the black sweat is entrenched. In terms of area, he is the largest. For now, we know the least about them.

"Right now, the Black Khan army is occupying Shule, and the last piece of land has been reserved for the medicine Ge Luluo. In fact, it has started a war with Datang. When the construction of the Western Regions has achieved initial results, it is natural to use them."

Heihan will rescue medicine Luoluo Lu, which is actually expected by Li Zhi.

In the Western Regions, he didn't plan to do his job, which is not realistic. The Guiyi Army and Yulin Army were able to defeat the Xizhou Uighurs and open up the situation in the Western Regions.

The topography of the western region is three mountains and two basins. The foothills are rich land, the rivers are densely populated, and the people live in compact communities. The center of the basin is deserted and deserted. The four towns of Anxi are all built near the foothills and rivers.

The first four towns of Anxi, Xi, Qiuzi, Shule, and Yuzhang, except Yuzhang, were under the control of Xizhou Uyghur recently. Later, the Tang army expanded to the west, and the four towns of Anxi changed, and Xun was removed. A town of broken leaves was established on the banks of the broken leaves.

The town of Suye is now in the territory of Heihan, and is still a country of Heihan.

As a matter of fact, most of the territory of the Black Khanate is the jurisdiction of the Anfu and Beiting prefectures in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Zhi's dispatch to the Western Regions, restoring the entire territory of the four towns of Anxi, and the reappearance of the Great Tang Dynasty's territory is obvious. Not only will Ye Yecheng capture it, but also a large area of ​​Hei Khanate will be withdrawn. At this point, it is difficult for the other party not to join him.

"In the next two years, the focus of the Western Region will be on rebuilding the Anxi Metropolitan Government to ensure absolute control of the jurisdiction. At the same time, building an army fortress and hoarding supplies from Changan until the armament is sufficient is the time for Datang to use its troops westward again! Li Zhe has set the general direction for the affairs of the Western Regions, which is also a strategy in line with the general trend in other countries.

These three or five years are a crucial period for Li Zhi to completely level down Fanzhen and enhance the power of the Tang Dynasty.

When the Great Tang monk army takes shape and the Western Region warfare begins again, even if he hits Ruos directly, and confronts the big cannibalism and crescent religion, Li Wei is also mentally prepared.

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