However, their efforts still failed to usher in good results.

An Lan lost!

After finally repelling the Eternal Lord and others, An Lan met Hong Chen.

At that time, An Lan was already injured, but she was still not weaker than Hong Chen, who was in the eight great avenues. Although she couldn't kill Hong Chen, it was no problem to protect herself.

But at this moment, Hong Chen took out her trump card. She revealed her true identity and relationship with Bai Lian in front of An Lan, and threatened An Lan. If An Lan did not hand over Bai Lian, she would announce the matter to the world. , so that Bai Lian could not escape the fate of being swallowed by others.

"Do you want to kill me before I announce it? You can try. I share the same origin with Bai Lian. If you kill me, Bai Lian will also be severely injured, and maybe even die. Do you want to bet? A handful?"

Hong Chen laughed.

An Lan was silent.

"Yes, my strength is not as good as yours, but it's not because of how strong you are, it's just because Bai Lian is by your side. If Bai Lian was with me, I would have brought her to become a fairy on the other side!"

Hong Chen's killing intent was undisguised.

She can let anyone who offends her, except An Lan.

An Lan is the culprit behind the current situation. Only by killing An Lan can things get back on track.

An Lan finally resigned.

"Although I know it doesn't make much sense to say this, I still hope that you can treat Bai Lian kindly. There is nothing between me and her, all she does is lead me on the path of cultivation."

Hong Chen, who took over Bai Lian, laughed and pierced An Lan's body.

Then, he used the Myriad Tribulations Refinement Technique and the Taiyi Divine Wheel to crush An Lan's soul in turn, so that any possibility of An Lan's resurrection must be eliminated.

In fact, Hong Chen almost succeeded.

If it was just An Lan, there would be no resistance at that time.

An Lan's divine soul was crushed into countless pieces, shattering into pieces, and after a few breaths, there was not much left.

But Hong Chen did not count the experience of Bai Lian before he left the Land of Immortals.

When Bai Lian "woke up", Dongshenzhou and Beiluzhou were suffering from floods, countless ferocious sea beasts were raging, and the human race's living space was getting smaller and smaller.

She doesn't understand this, she just floats aimlessly in the sky.

After floating for an unknown amount of time, she saw a young girl staggering forward by the river.

Of course Bai Lian didn't know that girl at that time, but now Bai Lian recognized it at a glance.

[Xia Qingqing! 】

At that time, Xia Qingqing lost both her parents. After being hit hard, she was trying to find a place where the river was rushing and throwing herself into the river.

She walked along the river, but inadvertently walked into the virtual world where Wakagi grew up.

Xia Qingqing stretched her feet down in the pattern of water flow and expenditure.

Just when she was hesitating whether to jump down, a hand suddenly stretched out from the dense fog behind her and grabbed the ankle of her foot that was about to slide down.

"follow me."

Bai Lian said so.

The ignorant Bai Lian didn't know what suicide was. She thought that Xia Qingqing came here to find the tree that towered into the clouds, so she led Xia Qingqing all the way forward, and finally came to Ruomu.

[Did Qing Emperor come like this? 】

After reading this past incident, Bai Lian was a little confused.

But it was such a coincidence that gave her the opportunity to struggle in front of the red dust.

After pacifying the chaos of the sea beasts, Emperor Qing built a great unified dynasty. When that dynasty got on the right track, Emperor Qing left quietly and threw himself into the mountains and rivers.

It was at that time that Emperor Qing found the sealed monument of the afterlife.

It was at that time that Emperor Qing met Bai Lian who was floating around again.

Because of the agreement with Ruomu, Emperor Qing knew that she would not live long, so when she parted with Bai Lian, she gave Bai Lian a tablet in the future.

Hongchen's journey through the world barrier caused him to become confused, but Bai Lian didn't, and he completely benefited from the protection of the afterlife monument.

At the critical moment, Bai Lian activated the power of the afterlife monument, and threw a piece of An Lan's soul fragment into the land of immortals.

The seeds of hope are sown here.

And Bai Lian stayed behind and fought against Hong Chen alone.

It is not right to say that it is confrontation. She just used the power of the afterlife monument to constantly deduce the future, trying to find the only way of life from countless dead ends, which is the so-called true ending.


Bai Lian took a deep breath.

She suddenly understood a lot of things.

One of the countless "futures" deduced from the world she is now in, as long as she dies in this "future", everything will return to its original point.

And at the origin, she was still under the control of the red dust.

Those dead words on her body are actually warnings of the afterlife monument.

Death corresponds to the calamity of death.

The greater the calamity, the more dead characters on her body, and vice versa.

These dead words not only reflect the death catastrophe she encountered in this "future", but also reflect the killing intent of the red dust on her at the origin.

[It seems that Hong Chen doesn't really want to kill me, otherwise the words of death on my body wouldn't be as thin as black silk now]

Bai Lian couldn't see the dead characters on her body, but Master could, so she also understood the general situation.

In addition, Bai Lian also captured key information.

Every time she performs a deduction, she consumes a piece of herself. She divides herself into 500 million pieces. This number seems to be very large, but now she seems to have less than ten chances left.

Bai Lian opened her mouth slightly.

She suddenly felt a burst of despair.

The already dark night sky now seemed to have turned into countless twisted arms, making her breathless at all.

Nearly 500 million deductions have failed to find the "true ending". Can she really succeed this time?

And Hong Chen's words also made her very concerned—

"If you kill me, Bai Lian will also be severely injured, maybe even die."

Bai Lian gritted her teeth.

She grabbed another piece of the past.

By watching the past, she knew that what happened in "Clash of the Gods" had really happened.

Each line in the game corresponds to a deduction.

Because of countless failures, her spirit was on the verge of collapse at that time. In order to keep the game going, she had to seal her memory and start a new round of reincarnation.

But it doesn't help either. As the game progresses, she will still fall into the abyss of collapse.

In this way, not only could she not save herself, she could not save her master, but she also brought hardships to her younger sister.

Bai Lian had the intention of retreating.

Even if she kills Hongchen, she will die, not to mention that there is a high probability that she will not be able to kill Hongchen. Is what she is doing now worth it?

Just go back like this, and spend hundreds of years in peace with your master and sister, and wait for a new blank path to appear, and then die in peace, isn't it much better than going to die now?

The night was dark, and Bai Lian floated quietly in the air, motionless.

Chapter 9 Bai Lian, Red Dust and System 4K

It can't go on like this.

Adhering to the last bit of sobriety, Bai Lian decided to take a gamble after realizing that there were not many opportunities left for him to waste any more!

The reason why her spirit will collapse is because she has experienced repeated failures in the future of the afterlife monument, and after each failure, her power will be weakened by a point.

One or two failures naturally cannot affect her hard-hearted.

But when the number of times increased to hundreds of millions, she was eventually crushed.

From point to point, it was as terrifying as an avalanche in the end.

Although she tried her best to mend the cracks, she could only watch the cracks get bigger and bigger.

Mud-like darkness poured out from the crack, and under the shroud of darkness, she finally turned into a demon controlled by desire!

Bai Lian knew that if she didn't curb this change as soon as possible, she would soon lose herself completely.

At that time, even if she finds a way to save herself and her master, she will not be able to implement it any more. Even if she successfully implements the plan, it is very likely that she will not be able to go back.

A change must be made!

Considering that the root of all this is those painful memories, the best way to free yourself is to erase the relevant memories.

But then a new problem was born.

Losing her memory is equivalent to starting everything from scratch. She had used hundreds of millions of chances before and accumulated countless experiences without success.

Now that she has become Xiaobai again, can she really use the remaining hundreds of opportunities to find a way?


Bai Lian's consciousness has been blurred, but she still has a clear understanding of her own strength.

She is very good!

Don't look at her from the same origin as Hong Chen, she is much bigger than Hong Chen, but in a real fight, ten of her would not be able to shake Hong Chen even one cent.

I'm afraid she will be pressed to the ground by Hong Chen and rubbed in one encounter.

no way.

All of this is a huge gap drawn by the different experiences of the two.

When she was in Eastern Divine Continent, she spent most of her time under the protection of the Lord of Reincarnation and others.

Although the Lord of Reincarnation and others are not noble saints, they are at least flesh-and-blood people. They will do wrong, but they also have the courage to admit their mistakes. They have ideals, goals, and struggle for them.

Under the protection of such a group of people, Bai Lian rarely endured hardship, and even gradually developed a strong curiosity about the group of people.

After coming out of the seal, the first person she saw was the savior of the Eastern Divine Continent like Qingdi.

Over the years, she has seen all kinds of people, some good people, some bad people, some good and not bad, but these people's influence on her is still not as big as the Lord of Reincarnation and Xia Qingqing.

Until he met Daoist Ganlu, who had lost his mind on the snow, a new emotion suddenly appeared in Bai Lian's heart.

She accompanies Daoist Ganlu to walk aimlessly on the snow field for five years.

Before that, although she didn't have any goals, she never thought it was a problem, because she had absolutely no concept of life and time.

During this period of time, the confusion that Daoist Ganlu radiated all the time deeply affected her.

At first she was simply puzzled.

"Where does she want to go?"

"What does she want to do?"

"Who is she?"

"Where did she come from?"

Over time, Bai Lian also began to ask himself these questions.

She asked over and over again, and finally carved these questions into her body like a curse.

One day, she suddenly wanted to find out the answer, so she quietly left Daoist Ganlu without leaving a word of goodbye.

She still couldn't find the answer in the land of immortals, so she passed through the world barrier and flew towards other places with living beings.

After crossing two barriers, she broke into a world of immortal cultivation with little spiritual energy.

Under the moonlight.

Bai Lian was lying on the mouth of the well, quietly watching An Lan who had accidentally fallen into the well.

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