Its daybreak.

Brothers Chen Yun and Chen Xiao have disappeared, but Chen's father and mother are still there.

Miss Su, we really don't know anything! Chen's mother said, wiping her tears, It's not easy to find Xiao'er. How come something happened again after just a few days of peace... God, we Chen What evil has this family done!

Su Liang looked calm and said, Chen Yun is not your son. You can't even tell the difference between a real son and a fake one.

Chen's father's expression visibly stiffened and he lowered his head without saying a word.

Chen's mother stopped crying for a moment, then continued to cry.

I know that you must have been coerced. At this point, you'd better think clearly. Chen Yun may be fine, but he may not care about Chen Xiao's life and death. Chen Xiao has not done anything wrong, right? Su Liang looked at Chen's father and Chen's mother and sighed.

They both nodded, and Chen's mother looked at Su Liang with tears in her eyes, Xiao'er is still a child. He has been separated from us for so many years and has only been back for less than a month. What can he do?

The classic “He’s still a kid.” Su Liang had not forgotten the tone in which Chen Xiao told Chen Yun last night that he had arrested Nian Jincheng first.

I want to help you. Su Liang looked extremely sincere, Now, if you don't explain, you will only end up harming your innocent son.

Chen's father raised his head and Chen's mother stopped crying. They looked at each other with hesitant expressions.

Chen Yun is not your biological son, but you are supposed to have two sons. If I guess correctly, your real eldest son is still controlled by others and cannot return home? Su Liang asked tentatively.

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen's mother burst into tears again.

Obviously, Su Liang guessed correctly.

Chen Yun has been exposed. His false identity has been destroyed. You two, your family, including your two sons, are of no use to him and the people behind him. Su Liang hummed, If If you think I am alarmist, then I have nothing to say.”

Chen's mother suddenly grabbed Chen's father's arm, her face flustered, We... what should we do?

Father Chen clenched his fist and unclenched it. After a moment of silence, he stared at Su Liang and said, You must first swear that you will do your best to save our two sons! And you will not hurt them!

Su Liang looked indifferent, You two, I'm not here to beg you. If you want to save your son, cooperation with me is the only way out. At this point, you are not qualified to make conditions with me.

Chen Xiao is not a kind person. Su Liang has no idea whether Chen Xiao's real eldest son is dead or alive or what kind of person he is.

Regarding Chen Yun's life experience, Su Liang and Gu Ling had already guessed something, and they just wanted to get confirmation from Chen's father and mother.

You are a good person. Even if our children do something wrong, they are forced to do nothing. I believe you will not embarrass them! Father Chen looked at Su Liang earnestly.

Su Liang looked calm and said, I will weigh it.

Yun'er... that child, he is the grandson of King Yue of Liang Kingdom. Chen's father spoke with some difficulty and revealed the Chen family's biggest secret.

Su Liang's eyes narrowed slightly, they guessed correctly.

He was sent here when he was a child, and our eldest son was taken away by the King of Yue. Xin𝟔𝟗书吧𝟨𝟫𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞 Father Chen said in a deep voice, I don't know where he is now.

Later, the King of Yue sent someone to take away our youngest son... Chen's mother said, wiping her tears, I just returned him, and something happened again.

Su Liang was puzzled, Why did Situ Xie choose your family? She felt there must be some reason.

Chen's father hesitated for a moment, sighed deeply, and said, My ancestors were originally from the Liang Kingdom, and my deceased father once worked for the King of Yue.

When Su Liang heard this, he understood that the entire Chen family had been the work of the Liang Kingdom for several generations. This was the reason why Situ Xie handed Chen Yun over to them.

We haven't done anything... You know, we used to do a small business in Xuanbei City, and we didn't have any skills. Chen's father wanted to explain, but the twinkling eyes showed his guilty conscience.

What is Chen Yun's real name? Su Liang asked.

His name is Situ Jing. Chen's mother replied.

Su Liang frowned. Jing? This word is familiar to her.

Has he known since he was a child that he is not your son? Su Liang asked.

Chen's mother shook her head and nodded, We didn't find out about him until a few years later when he came to our house.

Su Liang understood clearly. Situ Xie must have wanted Chen Yun to develop a relationship with Chen's father and Chen's mother first, so that he could control him.

Is it Situ Xie's intention that he was transferred to Kasyapa City last year? Su Liang asked.

Chen's mother nodded subconsciously, Yes... the lord told him to come to the south to do some work, and after the work is completed, Xiao'er will be returned.

Su Liang knew last night that her meeting with Chen Xiao on the way was not accidental, but a deliberate encounter created by someone who knew her and Gu Ling's whereabouts.

This made it even more difficult for her to doubt what Chen Yun said about her brother's disappearance.

After all, it would be weird if Chen Yun, who had been searching for so long but had no time to look for his younger brother, suddenly found Chen Xiao.

Is it Chen Yun's idea to take Lin Wei's family hostage? Su Liang asked again.

Father Chen's face turned ugly, He didn't want to do that either... It was Miss Lin who came to him that day and overheard some secret things. The people sent by the lord wanted to kill Miss Lin to silence her, so Yun'er... Young Master just suggested it. They took Lin’s family hostage to cover up.”

Sure enough, the problem was with Lin Shan, and Gu Ling had guessed it all. Her amnesia was not an accident, but man-made.

Does Chen Yun really like Lin Shan? Or is he afraid that she will regain her memory, so that's why he wants to marry her and keep her by his side? Su Liang asked coldly.

Chen's father and Chen's mother didn't answer, but looking at their faces, Su Liang already knew the answer.

Neither the young master nor we want to harm anyone, it's all because of the lord's force! Chen's mother said with red eyes, In fact, the young master is also in a difficult situation. If it wasn't for the lord to let our son go, he wouldn't have listened to the lord... ...Although I blame him in my heart for bringing trouble to our family, after all, he is a child who was raised by us. How could he not have any affection? Regarding the Lin family, if the young master is at fault, it is also to save them, otherwise the lord The people have already killed Miss Lin!

Su Liang was thinking that Situ Xie's man was probably Shi Lun, the military advisor who lurked around Fan Tong. Maybe he was the master Chen Xiao mentioned.

Who did Chen Yun learn his martial arts from? Su Liang asked. New 𝟨𝟫Book Bar→𝟨𝟫𝗌𝗁𝗎𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

Chen's father replied, It's the person arranged by the Lord.

But Su Liang suspected that Nangong Lin had been in contact with Chen Yun for a long time, otherwise the old man would not have appeared last night.

Chen Yun must be the son of Situ Han and Situ Xiang. And his swordsmanship is very powerful, maybe it was taught by Nangong Lin.

In other words, he is not only Gu Ling's cousin, he may even be his senior brother.

As for Nangong Qian, Su Liang now suspected that she was the daughter Situ Xiang gave birth to to Nangong Lin, and she was Chen Yun's half-sister.

Miss Su, the person Yun'er really likes in my heart is you! Chen's mother obviously had some true feelings for Chen Yun, and couldn't help but say more things that Su Liang didn't even ask.

But Chen's father remained calm and silent.

Su Liang frowned, How can you see it? Did he say it himself?

The child I raised, how can I know what he is thinking? Chen's mother sighed, He must have Miss Su in his heart, and there is no ill intention in marrying Miss Lin. It is a last resort. Otherwise, the master's people will not know how to do it. Let Miss Lin go. After the engagement, I saw him talking less and less, and he no longer smiled.

Su Liang was not surprised at this moment, because she didn't care whether Chen Yun liked her. But Chen's mother's words solved another doubt she had previously had: Why did Nangong Lin want to take Gu Ling back to fulfill Nangong Qian's obsession, but kindly let her go?

You know, that night at the Prince's Mansion in Xiangyue City, the old man had every chance to capture Gu Ling and kill Su Liang at the same time. But instead of doing that, Nangong Lin even deliberately designed a scene to confuse Su Liang and try to deceive him. She did everything because of Mu Ya.

Previously, Su Liang felt that Nangong Lin should be thinking about Nangong Qian's health, and felt that there would be times when she would be needed in the future.

But at the moment, Su Liang had to suspect that it might have something to do with Chen Yun.

If Nangong Lin had known that Chen Yun liked her, he would have let her live in order to make her lose Gu Ling and then be with Chen Yun. This would be in line with Nangong Lin's perverted character and conceited behavior.

Who did Chen Yun kill in the two or three days after I arrived at Nanshan City last month? Su Liang asked coldly.

Chen's father and Chen's mother widened their eyes at the same time, looking at Su Liang in surprise, obviously not expecting that she would ask this. Chen's mother shook her head in denial, but her voice was uncertain.

I have already found out before I ask you. If you deny it again, I can only assume that you are also an accomplice. Su Liang said coldly.

Father Chen nodded immediately, He killed a servant. The servant overheard us talking and had no choice but to silence him.

He really has no choice. He never wants to hurt anyone... Chen's mother looked like No matter what my child did, he was forced to do nothing.

In comparison, Chen's father showed much colder feelings towards Chen Yun than Chen's mother.

For your safety, don't go out next time. I will arrange for someone to protect you. Su Liang said and stood up.

Chen's father dragged Chen's mother and knelt down to Su Liang and kowtowed, Please Miss Su, please save our child!

Su Liang ignored it, walked out, closed the door from the outside, and walked towards Gu Ling.

The two of them came together because Gu Ling was worried about Su Liang going anywhere alone. But for the interrogation of Chen's father and Chen's mother, Su Liang went in by herself. After all, they had known each other for a long time. She had also treated the two of them, so she could lower their guard.

Did you hear everything? Su Liang took Gu Ling's arm.

Gu Ling nodded. As Chen Yun's life experience was exposed, the doubts about what happened during this period became clear.

Situ Xie was so 'nice' to you before, just because you didn't pose a threat to him at that time. He still wanted to win over you and use him as a backup chess piece. Su Liang said coldly, Now, we have ruined his good deeds, and he Realizing that you are the biggest stumbling block on his way to achieving great things, he is going to kill you.

If the two of them return to Kasyapa City in the open, and Chen Yun wants to fulfill Situ Xie's order, and Nangong Lin and his master are with him, things will be very difficult.

Go back first. Gu Ling hugged Su Liang and walked out. It was approaching noon, and the two of them hadn't eaten or slept all day and night.

Next door is Lin's Mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Wei walking towards him.

How is Chen...? Did you ask me anything? Lin Wei looked tired.

Su Liang nodded, Talking as we walk.

After hearing the beginning and learning that Chen Yun was the grandson of Situ Xie, who had been sent to Xuanbei City since he was a child, and that the whole Chen family was a craftsman of the Liang Kingdom, Lin Yun's expression turned ugly, Has he always known his true identity? ?”

Su Liang sighed slightly, I've known it since I was a child.

Lin Wei thought about how he met Chen Yun and didn't believe it was Chen Yun deliberately approaching him, but now, that doesn't matter anymore. They are fundamentally opposed and cannot be friends.

When Lin Xie heard the whole story about Lin Shan's injury and amnesia, and the arrest of the leader of the whole family, he was shocked, It was him?! It was actually his idea?!

Su Liang patted Lin Shan on the shoulder, I know it's hard for you to accept, but he did it. The second elder of the Chen family said that Chen Yun was trying to save Lin Shan and asked your captors to ensure the safety of your whole family.

Lin Wei gritted his teeth, How can we ensure safety if we fall into the hands of the Yan people? Do I still need to thank him?

Su Liang nodded, It's good if you think so. What I want to tell you is that the fact that he was forced to do nothing is not the reason to betray you and put your whole family in danger. Although your family members survived, he indirectly killed General Yuan even killed a servant with his own hands to silence him.

If it hadn't been for the black mist that Gu Ling saw that day, they wouldn't have known about Chen Yun's murder and silence. And this is the key to letting Su Liang see Chen Yun's true face. Killing innocent people indiscriminately cannot be justified by any last resort.

It seems that Chen Yun cares about Lin Wei and his family, but this only reflects his selfishness in his heart. The life of the person he cares about is life, and no one else matters. The so-called forced helplessness, did he really have no other choice? If she had confessed to Su Liang earlier, she would definitely help him.

After finishing the matter, Lin Wei was about to leave to explain to his family. After taking a few steps, he turned around and asked Gu Ling with a frown, Since he is Situ Xie's grandson, why did you say he was the prince of Liang Kingdom before?

Gu Ling's expression was indifferent, Situ Han is Situ Xie's son. After saying this, he took Gu Ling into the yard where they lived before in the Lin family. The luggage from the small house has been brought over.

Lin Wei stood blankly for a moment, and after figuring out what was going on with Situ Xie and Situ Han, he cursed, They are all bitches!

The deeper the relationship used to be, the more Lin Wei hates Chen Yun now. Thinking of the murdered Yuan Ye, thinking of Lin Shan whose feelings were deceived, thinking of the experience of their whole family being arrested, and thinking that if Chen Yun succeeds, the Liang Kingdom will definitely join forces with the Yan Kingdom to devastate the lives of the Qian Kingdom, and Lin Wei can't wait to kill Chen Yun. !

Lin Wei calmed down and told his parents, Yuan Pei and Nian Jincheng the truth.

Lin's father and mother were both shocked and frightened. They are so close to the Chen family. If they are not careful, they will be in catastrophe!

Seeing Yuan Pei's silence, Lin Yi looked guilty, It's all my fault for luring the wolf into the house...

Yuan Pei shook his head, his eyes cold, Grandpa's death was the result of the joint efforts of Yan and Liang. It has nothing to do with you. But Chen Yun must die!

If Lin Shan hadn't overheard the secret, perhaps the hostage captured was Yuan Pei. The other party has been planning for a long time. No matter what, Yuan Ye will not escape death.

Nanshan City is across the river from Kasyapa City.

Nangong Lin looked at the untouched meal in front of Chen Yun and sighed, That's your grandfather. He hated what your biological father did to your mother, and he didn't even like you, so he never visited you before. . But you are grandparents, blood is thicker than water, and he still cares about you in his heart.

How do you know something will happen to me? Chen Yun asked coldly.

Nangong Lin said, Actually, it's just a coincidence. I didn't expect Gu Ling and Su Liang to suspect you. I lied to you about something, and now I have to tell you the truth. You and Qian'er are not twins. She is your half-sister, the biological daughter of me and your mother. Your mother did not die after giving birth to you, it was Situ Xie who snatched you away from her. I didn’t tell you this before, but I didn’t I hope you blame your mother for not protecting you. She loves you very much, but how can she defeat Situ Xie?

Chen Yun did not mention Situ Xiang following Nangong Lin's words, but asked Nangong Qian, How is my sister's health?

Nangong Lin sighed deeply, It's not good. After Su Liang treated her, something happened again and she was frightened.

What's the matter? Chen Yun frowned.

Nangong Lin then fell in love with Gu Ling and told Chen Yun what he had done to make their brother and sister happy.

Chen Yun frowned and looked at Nangong Lin, You actually did that to them? I thought you really cared about Gu Ling.

Nangong Lin shook his head, It was impulsive. Who made you brother and sister fall in love with the two of them? I feel sorry for Qian'er as my teacher, and I also feel sorry for you.

Master, what are your plans now? Do you want me to leave with you and live incognito? Chen Yun said coldly.

Nangong Lin looked at Chen Yun with deep eyes, Are you willing?

Chen Yun was silent for a moment and shook his head, I don't want to. I still have things to do.

In order to rescue the real Chen Yun from Situ Xie? Nangong Lin suddenly sneered, Jing'er, is this what you really want? Or is it because you want to get back everything that should belong to you, so you keep pretending not to be able to do it? Don't you want to, pretending to care about the Chen family, pretending to care about the Lin family, so that Situ Xie thinks you are kind-hearted and soft-hearted and easy to control? He thinks you are a chess piece, but in fact, you are using Situ Xie to his advantage, right?


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