The Doctor’s Three-Time Marriage

The great god was frightened

Lao Mu made a bet with Su Liang that Lao Bai would be unable to resist drinking. New𝟔𝟗Book Bar𝟨𝟫𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕩.𝕔𝕠𝕞Google Search Reading

But in the blink of an eye, three days later, under Su Liang's careful care, Lao Bai's mental state improved significantly, and he didn't even mention the word wine.

Lao Mu simply suspected that the drunkard who had tormented him so much before was not the same person as the current Lao Bai.

Su Liang didn't go out for three days. Every night, Gu Ling would sleepwalk and come to find her. He would only talk for a while about what happened that day. Basically, he would listen to what she said.

Lao Bai liked to sit in the pavilion by the lake. He would sit there for a long time, quietly looking at the lake without saying anything.

And Lao Mu has lived a life of semi-seclusion and poverty, but now he has liberated his nature, not seeing anyone all day long, and going to wherever the excitement is, including teahouses, restaurants, gambling houses, and having a lot of fun.

In the evening that day, Su Liang accompanied Lao Bai to have dinner in the garden. Lanterns were hung at the four corners of the pavilion, and the hazy light made Su Liang's face softer, making Lao Bai feel a little lost again.

Master! Help! Qi Jun shouted, breaking the silence.

Su Liang looked over in response and saw Qi Jun running towards him, Lao Mu chasing after him, and Lonicera followed leisurely as if watching the excitement.

What's going on? Su Liang expressed confusion.

Both of them rushed into the pavilion. Lao Mu grabbed Qi Jun and took the lead, Disciple, do you want this kid to play with me and listen to me?

Su Liang nodded, I did.

Qi Jun frowned, Master, Senior Jin wants to visit a brothel. I won't go, and he insists on letting me go!

Su Liang:......

Lao Mu coughed lightly, What about visiting a brothel? I've never been there in my life, I just want to see the excitement! What are you afraid of, kid? Could someone eat you up?

Qi Jun couldn't help but shake his head, I won't go! Even if I kill you!

Master, if you want to go, just go and play by yourself. If you need money, just ask Liao Dong. Don't force Qi Jun, he is a good boy. Su Liang looked serious.

Qi Jun nodded in agreement, he is a good and innocent boy!

Lao Mu was unhappy, I just want to take a look, am I going to be broken?

Su Liang shook his head, That's not what I meant. Master, go if you want. If Qi Jun doesn't want to go, don't force it.

Then I'll go by myself. How embarrassing! Lao Mu held on to Qi Jun.

Lao Bai couldn't listen anymore, Lao Jin, it's not something to be ashamed of, so stop yelling.

Lao Mu instantly became angry, You actually called me shameless? Did you all hear it? He scolded me!

Lao Bai shook his head, I didn't scold you, I just told the truth.

Seeing that the two old men were about to fight if they disagreed, Qi Jun quickly hugged Lao Mu and said, Senior Jin, calm down.

Then you come and play with me! Lao Mu was still thinking about visiting the brothel.

Qi Jun's face froze, This is really bad! If his father knew, a beating would be inevitable. Besides, he didn't want to go to that place himself.

Lao Bai looked disgusted, Xiao Bai, please quickly ask Lao Jin to find his real apprentice. Don't stay in your house, knowing that squandering your money on eating, drinking, and having fun is useless.

Okay! Who brought you here? If it weren't for me, you would have been drunk to death! Burning bridges across the river! When Lao Mu heard that Lao Bai asked Su Liang to drive him away, he was really angry.

Qi Jun did not hold back, but Su Liang stood between the two old men in time, grabbed the hand that Lao Mu hit, and smiled sweetly, Master, I will go play with you.

Lao Mu's expression suddenly turned from gloomy to clear, and he laughed loudly, Good disciple! I don't care about Lao Bai. He is not your master, he is just a guest in our house!

The deliberately emphatic word our guest made Lao Bai's face darken suddenly, Lao Jin, you have a way of gesticulating, and whoever loses will go!

Lao Mu hummed, Who wants to fight with you? I want to go out and play with my good disciple! Hahahaha! My good disciple, let's go quickly!

Su Liang turned around and coaxed Lao Bai with a smile, We are just going to have a drink and watch the beautiful girls sing and dance.

You are a girl, what kind of girl do you want to see? Who can be more beautiful than you? Don't you like his apprentice? Lao Bai frowned.

It's a pity that they don't want to. Su Liang sighed.

Lao Bai snorted coldly, I'll go talk to him. He looked like he was going to beat Gu Ling to his will...

Su Liang finally comforted both of them and asked Lonicera to support Lao Bai and send him back to rest.

Then Su Liang changed into men's clothes without changing her appearance, and actually accompanied Lao Mu out of the house to visit a brothel.

Duanmu Yi already knew that there were two old men in Su Liang's family. Ren Dong reported to him that they were Su Yuanzhou's friends and had helped Su Liang when she was in trouble.

Su Liang and Lao Mu were walking on the streets of Beijing at night. Many shops were not closed. Lao Mu looked at the dimly lit night scene and couldn't help but sigh, I used to be stupid. Life is short, so I should enjoy myself in time! I wasted most of my life in vain and ended up with nothing in the end!”

Su Liang chuckled, Let's not talk about the past, the present and the future are important.

Lao Mu nodded, You girl must have been sent by God to save me because of my loneliness, haha!

The master and apprentice took a leisurely walk and arrived outside the Xunhua Building, the largest brothel in the capital.

Two pretty girls at the door were looking for customers. When they saw Su Liang's face, they were stunned for a moment, and then they came up to them with a coquettish smile, Isn't this Mr. Su?

Su Liang raised his hands and feet, holding a handsome and handsome jade-faced young man.

Old Man Mu looked curiously into the Xunhua Building. He subconsciously grabbed Su Liang's sleeve with one hand and followed her step by step. Because he was too tall, he habitually hunched over when he was nervous, like a child.

Just when Su Liang smiled and greeted the girls and was about to step in with one foot, the sound of horse hooves came from behind, Xiao Liang!

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw Lin Bojun rushing over on horseback.

Who is it? Lao Mu scratched his head, feeling that his trip to the brothel might be ruined.

Second brother, what happened? Seeing Lin Bojun's anxious look, Su Liang ran over quickly.

Lin Bojun got off his horse and said, Sister-in-law is about to give birth!

Su Liang's expression was shocked. By the time Lao Mu reacted, she had already mounted Lin Bojun's horse and drove away.

Lin Bojun also left quickly without noticing Lao Mu at all.

The Madam of Xunhua House knew that Lao Mu was accompanied by Su Liang, so he thought he must be a big shot, so he swayed over to him, leaned against him, and held his arm, Master, come in quickly!

Lao Mu was originally depressed because he was let go by Su Liang. When he realized what he was doing, he was so frightened that he was approached by a woman for the first time in his life. He screamed, jumped up, and ran away without a trace...

That night, Gu Ling sleepwalked again and came to find Su Liang, and saw that Yuanming Pavilion was empty. He didn't know where Su Liang went, so he wandered around the house first to make sure that she was not at home. Thinking that Su Liang had mentioned last night that Lin Boyan's wife was going to give birth soon, he guessed that Xu was at the Lin family, so he went there secretly.

Until dawn, the Lin family heard the loud cry of the baby, indicating that the mother and child were safe.

Gu Ling, who had been listening to Su Liang deliver the baby at the foot of the back wall all night, then left silently.

Lin Boyan's son looks a lot like him, and Lin Shuzhi has already chosen a name, Lin Jingyun.

When Su Liang returned home, it was almost noon. When Qi Jun said that Lao Mu was in a bad mood, he remembered that they had all arrived at the brothel door last night and she had left Lao Mu alone.

When Su Liang found Lao Mu, he was sitting by the lake fishing.

From the back, he looked pretty, but when Su Liang got closer, he found that the fishhook had not been thrown into the water, but was still hanging on a dry aquatic plant...

Lao Bai was sitting in the pavilion in a daze again. Su Liang waved to him from a distance, then sat down next to Lao Mu, Master, I'm sorry, something happened suddenly last night. I went to deliver the baby to a friend.

Oh, it's okay. Lao Mu's voice was muffled.

Su Liang felt something was wrong, Master is not angry with me?

Why should I be angry when you go to do business? Am I so stingy in your eyes? Lao Mu asked back.

Su Liang shook his head quickly, Of course not. Then why is Master unhappy? Were you bullied at Xunhua Tower last night?

When Lao Mu heard this, he immediately denied it, Nonsense! It's nothing! I didn't even go in!

Master, don't get excited. Tell me, what's going on? Su Liang asked.

Lao Mu sighed, My dear disciple, am I sick? I thought that I had never touched a woman in my life, so I went over to watch the excitement, have a glass of wine, and listen to a little song. But the old madam in the building leaned against me. On my body, I will...

What's wrong? Su Liang looked confused.

Lao Mu looked embarrassed, I was scared away...

Su Liang: ...I want to laugh, but I can't, I have to hold it in... No, I really want to laugh, I can't hold it in anymore...

Lao Mu saw Su Liang couldn't help laughing, dropped the fishing rod, got up and left angrily.

Su Liang hurriedly chased after him, Master, don't be angry, I'm not laughing at you.

You're just laughing at me! Lao Mu said, glaring at Su Liang.

Su Liang swore that it wasn't true, she just thought Lao Mu was cute.

Then, Lao Mu expressed his worry. It's really not because of Su Liang, but because after he came back last night, he couldn't think of anything and ran to Lao Bai for comfort. After dawn, the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it...

My dear disciple, can I kill Lao Bai and silence him? Otherwise, the old bastard will definitely laugh at me for the rest of his life. Lao Mu was a little crazy.

Su Liang patted Lao Mu on the shoulder, Master, relax, it's not a shameful thing. It shows that master is... pure.

Lao Mu cried sadly, I'm old now, and when your little girl praises me for my purity, it always sounds like she's scolding me... I won't say anything anymore, I'll go find a drink!

There are two old men with very different personalities in the Su Mansion, making it much more lively than before.

Su Liang, who had sworn to Lao Mu during the day that he would never tell anyone about his embarrassing story, saw Gu Ling again at night and couldn't help but share it with him.

Master, if you went to Xunhua Tower and were suddenly approached by a girl, would you have the same reaction as Lao Mu? Su Liang asked with a smile.

Gu Ling shook his head, I'm not afraid of women.

Are you sure? I don't believe it. Su Liang shook his head.

Aren't you a woman? Gu Ling asked.

I am, but not to you, so the contact between the two of us doesn't count. Su Liang said.

Gu Ling thought for a while and said, People's thoughts will change.

Su Liang nodded, Yes, Lao Mu didn't want to have a wife when he was young. Now I think he really wants to have a family. Unfortunately, he is too old, so he can only live with us.

Gu Ling: ...He is talking about himself, not Lao Mu!

Old Bai seems to be a love interest at first glance. He must have a story, but it's a pity that he doesn't want to say anything. Su Liang sighed, He is recovering well. I will start learning poison techniques from him in a few days. As for Lao Mu's teaching Let’s talk about your business after he’s had enough fun, it’s not very convenient for you.”

When Gu Ling was about to leave, Su Liang said seriously, Master, look at Lao Mu, I think you should also change your mind. Don't wait until you are old when you want to marry a wife.

Gu Ling's heart moved, and she nodded calmly, Thank you for your advice, I will think about it.

I wonder which fairy girl can catch your eye, the great god? Su Liang joked.

Gu Ling glanced at Su Liang and drifted away silently.

Liangguo Yaocheng.

Situ Xie and Situ Han have been in a bad mood recently.

They thought that after Su Liang and Gu Ling left, they would return secretly to steal the secret records, but as a result, they kept receiving news and paying attention to Su Liang's whereabouts. Until she left Liang Kingdom and returned to Qian Kingdom, the palace also There were no thieves or assassins, and it was calmer than before.

Now that Su Liang and Gu Ling have safely returned to the capital of Qian Kingdom, Situ Xie and Situ Han each hold half of an identical secret record. The more they think about it, the more they feel that something is wrong, very wrong!

The drawings in the secret records are all incomplete, and this matter was released by the Liang royal family. People who have never seen the secret records should suspect that they lied about not being usable.

But no matter what the Liang royal family thought, they couldn't figure out what was going on.

After the first month, Liang State sent a wedding team to Qian State to marry the princess of Qian State for Prince Situ Chao. The leader of the team was Situ Jing, the eldest grandson of Situ Xie.

When the princess of Qian Kingdom gets married, the bridegrooms from Qian Kingdom will go back to Liang Kingdom to marry Situ Yao for Duanmu Chen. This was decided last year.

Su Liang entered the palace again to return the books from the library that he had borrowed before. When he saw Duanmu Yi, he found that Prince Duanmu Chen, Duke Qin Kang, and Prime Minister Xiao were all there. The strangest thing was that Xing was also present. Old Taijun and Xing Yusheng.

Su Liang didn't know what happened, but judging from the battle, it must have something to do with the Zhongxin Hou Mansion, otherwise the Xing family's descendants would not be here.

I heard that you have recognized Marquis Zhongxin as your adoptive father? You are here just in time. Please listen to what happened today. Duanmu Yi pointed to the seat next to Mrs. Xing and asked Su Liang to sit down.

After Su Liang sat down, he quickly learned the whole story.

Last year, the sixth princess Duanmu Qianqian was chosen as her family member, but she was killed by Duanmu Che. There are no other adult princesses in the royal family, not even the princess.

Su Liang had thought about this before going to Liang Kingdom, and felt that Duanmu Yi would choose a lady from a well-known family as his adopted daughter to marry to Liang Kingdom.

But Su Liang didn't expect that the person chosen by Duanmu Yi was actually Xing Ji and Miao's daughter Xing Yuyan.

Today, the Xing family's ancestors and grandsons were informed of this grace when they entered the palace.

Mrs. Xing accepted the order and thanked her, without showing any reluctance. Xing Yusheng just stayed with Mrs. Xing the whole time and said nothing.

Su Liang could only listen. She knew that Xing Ji would not want his daughter to get married, and Mrs. Xing would not want her granddaughter to marry far away. It's not that she doesn't want to help. Firstly, she can't help with this kind of thing. Secondly, if she really finds a way to push away Xing Yuyan's marriage, another young lady will marry her far away.

And even if Xing Ji was present, he couldn't refuse. Duanmu Yi was willing to let his daughter marry to the Liang Kingdom. As a minister, why wouldn't Xing Ji not want to? Originally, if Duanmu Qianqian had not died, this matter would not have been anyone else's turn.

When leaving the palace, Su Liang supported Mrs. Xing, and Xing Yusheng followed behind.

After walking out of the palace, Mrs. Xing patted Su Liang's hand and said, Don't worry, I'm fine. This is her fate, the fate she was born in the Xing family.

Mrs. Xing was born into a high-ranking noble family in the capital, but now there are not many people in her natal family. She married the old King of Beijing, and later her son inherited the throne. Last year, the Prince of Beijing was almost eliminated during the turmoil of vassal reduction, and it was not easy for him to live a stable life now. She is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. She does not need anyone's comfort, and she has never thought about putting down her granddaughter's marriage. The reason is simple: the overall situation is the most important thing, and the family is the most important thing.

When they were separated, Mrs. Xing said to Su Liang sincerely, Girl Liang, no matter how capable you are, you will get married sooner or later. Now that the emperor values ​​you so much, you can still speak for yourself. If you really like Marquis Changxin so much, let him marry you as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams. Who knows what will happen from now on.

After Su Liang returned home, he saw Lao Mu and Lao Bai sitting in Yuanming Pavilion.

Xiao Bai, I will teach you poison techniques from tomorrow. Lao Bai said.

Lao Mu hummed, Good disciple, I will teach your senior brother from tomorrow on.

Su Liang chuckled, That's great. But what do you need to prepare?

Lao Bai gave Su Liang a piece of paper and said, Send someone to find something in this place.

Su Liang's eyes lit up, Are your collections of treasures there?

Lao Bai nodded, Yeah. If the crazy woman doesn't find it and take it away.

Su Liang: ...So it’s possible to find a place where everything is gone? Fine……

Lao Mu complained to Lao Bai, I don't think much of my own things! Hua Luo took out a book from his arms and threw it to Su Liang casually, Take it!

Su Liang took it and took a look. Isn't it the secret record of the mechanism that the royal family of the Three Kingdoms dreamed of? complete!

Su Liang smiled happily and said, Thank you, Master. I will give it to my senior brother.

Lao Bai frowned when Su Liang mentioned Gu Ling, What's going on with that boy? Is he unable to do it or does he want to become a monk? Let him give you an accurate answer, otherwise he will obey you earlier!

Su Liang chuckled, Well, I'll ask him.

That night, Gu Ling showed up at Yuanming Pavilion on time. Su Liang handed him the secret record of the agency, Master gave it to me, so you won't be bored anymore.

Gu Ling took it and opened it to take a look.

Su Liang looked at Gu Ling and remembered what Mrs. Xing said during the day. She didn't take Lao Bai's venomous tongue to heart.

More than a year has passed, and now, most of the women Su Liang knows are married. Su Liang does not agree with the idea that women must marry. This was possible in her previous life. Here, it is not impossible, but it is difficult. Especially when she is very close to the vortex of power struggle, it is not easy to escape, and it is even more impossible to stay out of it.

Moreover, Su Liang knew that Duanmu Yi had obtained a huge stone related to her. Although he has not done anything extraordinary now, there is no guarantee that he will not do anything in the future.

Previously, Lin Xueqing was almost offered a marriage to Duanmu Chen. If Qin Yujin had not made an engagement with Lin Bojun first, she would have been the candidate for the crown princess that Duanmu Chen was eyeing.

Today, Xing Ji's daughter was suddenly arranged to become a marriage princess and was about to marry away to Liang Kingdom as the crown princess. Su Liang once again realized that when dealing with the royal family, she had to be careful and not be overconfident.

What if it was herself who was arranged to be kissed today... Su Liang was thinking. Of course she could say that she liked Gu Ling and was unwilling to marry anyone else, but Duanmu Yi would definitely say that Gu Ling did not accept her. As a minister of the Qian Kingdom, she had to put the overall situation first, and to refuse would be to resist the decree.

Although Su Liang thought that she would not get married because she was a talent in Duanmu Yi's eyes. But that doesn't mean it won't be arranged.

After thinking about it, Su Liang felt that her marriage would become a hidden danger sooner or later and should not be taken lightly.

So, Su Liang looked at Gu Ling and said, Master, how about we get married!

The secret record of the organization fell to the ground in Gu Ling's hand. He lowered his head to pick it up, closed it, and put it on the table. Then he looked up at Su Liang with a calm expression, What did you just say?


Asking for a monthly ticket (*^▽^*)


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